
Equity Products & Services

A Sneak-peek of What You Get

Benefits of investing in Equities:

Pay less buy more

Potentially high returns to grow wealth

Cashless trading

Can help beat inflation

Convert to delivery

Regular income through dividends

Convert to delivery

Easy tracking of your portfolio

Convert to delivery

Shares can be sold and therefore, are easy to liquidate.

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Your Money is in Safe Hands


Fingerprint Authentication based App Login

Just Login once, enable fingerprint scanner on your device and you are done! No more entering login details on every login. For users having IPhone X and models thereafter, you can also use Facial Recognition for authentication

Rich App Experience

As against previous version, the new app is much more responsive, quick and easy to use

Enhanced Watchlist

Save your favorite watchlists, create one watchlist for both Equity and F&O, get live quotes and so on

Inclusion of Currency Segment

The entire Currency Segment is now available on Mobile App, which means, more investment options at the reach of your hand