

One Click Equity gives you the convenience of investing, monitoring and exiting equity portfolios at a click. You can diversify your investments in theme based baskets of stocks and ETFs handpicked by our research. The portfolios have been curated after extensive analysis on both qualitative as well as quantitative parameters.


Now, never let lack of fund be a reason to miss a good investment opportunity!

With Buy Now, Pay Later(MTF), invest in your favourite theme-based baskets of stocks by just paying an initial margin amount. The remaining amount shall be funded by us!

Here’s what you get with Buy Now, Pay Later in One Click Equity:

  • Skip the hassle of arranging additional funds for your investment needs
  • Option to hold the portfolio for up to 365 days
  • Add stocks to build your own Custom Portfolio and invest easily with Buy Now, Pay Later(MTF)
  • Interest rates as low as 9.69% p.a. on funded amount

Salient Features

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Invest lump sum or invest in a staggered manner through SIP mode as per your preference

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Create your own portfolios by adding your favourite stocks in desired quantities through Custom One Click

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Stay invested as per research recommendation or as per your preference

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More than 40 theme based portfolios are available ranging from Rs. 550 to Rs. 27,000


Newly Launched Portfolios

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Market Strategy 2025

Fundamentally, we are positive on Indian markets and see healthy double-digit upside in CY25. Our stock picks are reflective of key preferred themes

Min. Amount17,727

Yearly Technical Picks CY25

We have run a rigorous technical scans based on traditional Technical and Statistical Models

Min. Amount27,648

Diwali Muhurat 2024

Indian equity, have faced some jitters in last 1 month, amid the heavy FII selling of close to Rs 1 lakh crore amid escalated geopolitical tensions

Min. Amount18,661

Riding the Infra and Housing wave

Cement demand expected to remain healthy in the longer term

Min. Amount11,980

Best Performing Portfolios

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Government of India aims to reduce the countrys dependence on imports of defence equipment and have a more self-reliant defence sector

Min. Amount57,672

Nano Basket: Capital Goods Sector

A revival in the capex cycle is expected to drive an increase in order inflows for capital goods companies.

Min. Amount6,445

Best Under 200 Portfolio

Best Under 200 portfolio provides investors with an opportunity to invest in companies having strong fundamentals with a reasonable investment amount.

Min. Amount31,343

Travel India Portfolio

The Travel India portfolio is aimed at focusing on companies with strong brand and balance sheet

Min. Amount40,989

Most Popular Portfolios

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Mangal Arambh

For an Auspicious start to your invesment journey, the portfolio provides exposure to top notch companies and Gold at the same time.

Min. Amount856

Best Under 100

The theme encapsulates stocks that are priced below Rs 100 but command robust fundamentals and are available at reasonable valuations.

Min. Amount2,874

Atmanirbhar Bhavishya

The Equity ETF basket, both Largecaps and Midcaps, aims to provide full market participation with no active stock management risk

Min. Amount1,076


Government of India aims to reduce the countrys dependence on imports of defence equipment and have a more self-reliant defence sector

Min. Amount57,672

One Click Equity on Mobile App

One Click Equity are now available on our Mobile App. You can now invest in theme based portfolios of stocks and ETFs on the go. It will not only help you invest in portfolios with ease but also help you create, track, exit portfolios in a jiffy.


Pay less buy more


Portfolios have been classified into categories like Most Popular, Best Performing and Newly Launched to help you chose the right portfolio

Cashless trading

Performance Monitoring

Compare your portfolios’ performance against benchmarks on a real time basis

Convert to delivery


You can now share your favourite portfolios with friends and family

Convert to delivery

Ease Of Reinvestment/exit

You can further invest in the same portfolio or exit the portfolio with ease


Best Performing Portfolios in One Click Equity
Best Performing Portfolios in One Click Equity by Ms. Sanchita Bohra, Product Manager, One Click Equity

There lies an intrinsic desire within each one of us to become the best version of ourselves. We try to do it by employing various method... Read more

The Unconventional Way of Equity Investments
One Click Equity ? The Unconventional Way of Equity Investments

If I say that you are missing out an incredible opportunity to create wealth – what will be your reaction? If I further add this we... Read more

One Click Equity -  A Game Changer for ICICIdirect
One Click Equity - A Game Changer for ICICIdirect

One Click Equity is a unique offering of ICICIdirect which allows customers to invest in theme based portfolios with a single click. Thes... Read more


One Click Equity

One Click Equity

One Click Equity


Sound Cloud Sample

PLI Beneficiaries (Specialty Steel) Portfolio – Explainer by Mr. Dewang Sanghavi, Lead Analyst – ICICIdirect.

High Conviction Breakouts Portfolio – An Overview



“I have been investing in One Click Equity since its inception and I have seen it getting better with time. I really like the feature of comparing the returns of my portfolio with the benchmarks and the key ratios that are shown for each portfolio. These tools have helped me in the decision making process.”

– Sachin Parab

“One Click Equity is a wonderful product. The ease with which one can invest, monitor and exit portfolios is simply unmatched. The platform is also quite user friendly.”

– Raja Tehrani


One Click Equity allows customers to invest in theme based baskets of stocks/ETFs at a click. One can invest, monitor and exit the portfolios any time one wants at a click. One Click Equity can be broadly classified into two categories – Research Recommended Portfolios and Custom Portfolios.
Research Recommended Portfolios are the portfolios that have been recommended by our research after extensive analysis on quantitative and qualitative parameters. While investing in research recommended portfolios, you need to buy shares in the same ratio as suggested by our research and need to invest the minimum amount as specified by research. The minimum amount differs from Portfolio to Portfolio.
Custom Portfolios give you the option to create your own portfolios by adding your favourite stocks in desired quantities. There is no minimum investment amount for Custom Portfolios.
Using Custom One Click, up to 50 stocks can be added in one portfolio. Many such portfolios can be created.
One can either invest lump sum or invest in a staggered manner by using SIP option. One can choose the frequency of SIP as monthly/quarterly or yearly as per one’s preference.
Yes, the rationale for investments in a portfolio is shared with customers. The factsheet for each portfolio with details like Portfolio Theme, Investment Profile, Rationale, Market Cap Distribution is uploaded on the website
One Click FAQ 7
Yes, the performance of portfolios can be compared against indices like Nifty, Sensex, Nifty 200, Nifty 500 on a real time basis.
One Click FAQ 7
The performance of portfolios can be monitored under “My One Click” section in iDirect One Click. The net invested amount, the current value as well as the overall gain/loss % are shown in this section.
One Click FAQ 7
Yes, investments can be done multiple times in the same portfolio by using “Lumpsum Invest” option under “My One Click” Tab. Portfolios can be exited by clicking on “Exit Portfolio” under the same Tab.
One Click FAQ 7
Portfolios can be created from scratch using Custom One Click. Portfolio details need to be entered such as portfolio name, description and the weighting scheme (Equi Weighted/Custom Weighted). Stocks can be added in desired quantities. Both lump sum and SIP mode of investments are allowed.
One Click FAQ 7