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    Commodity Segment Activation

    Is there any physical documentation required for enabling Commodity segment?

    Commodity segment activation process is completely online. No physical documentation is required.

    How to activate Commodity Derivatives segment on ICICI Direct?

    By following the below mentioned steps you can easily activate Commodity Derivatives segment on ICICI Direct;


    Step 1:

    Log in to ICICIdirect.com and click on Commodity tab. You can also use below URL to visit the page directly:


    Or, you can login from ICICI Direct Mobile App.




    Step 2:

    Accept Commodity Terms & Conditions which appears after you log-in and click on “Commodity” Tab from Website or click on Order Placement page on ICICI Direct Mobile App. You can also accept T&C from "Terms & Conditions" tab placed in “Setting” menu. 

    Commodity Terms & Conditions Page:


    Step 3:

    Accept “Declaration for Commodity Derivatives” Trading and update “Mandatory Communication Details” which appears after accepting Commodity Terms & Conditions. Commodity segment will be activated within two working days, if your free Demat holding is worth Rs. 10000 or above, or your linked ICICI Bank account is more than 6 months old. If not, follow the step 4.

    Declaration for Commodity Derivatives page:

    Mandatory Communication Details Page:



    Step 4: After completing step 3, you will get below page.



    There are 2 ways user can use to activate Commodity segment:

    I. By giving Consent to fetch 6 months old bank statement. Visit tab Commodity by logging in or directly access https://secure.icicidirect.com/content/accountaggregator


    • Clicking on Consent and Activate
    • User will have to enter Phone Number linked to ICICI Direct
    • Select bank account from list which is 6 months older and linked to phone number entered
    • Enter OTP and give consent
    • On completing the journey below screen should appear. Post this, Commodity segment will be activated within 2 working days (Post validation from MCX).


    II. User can also Buy Stock worth more than Rs. 10,000 and create a demat holding of minimum Rs 10,000 to activate Commodity segment. It takes T+1 days for stocks to get added to Demat.


    Post stocks being credited to Demat, you can visit Commodity tab on ICICI Direct website or Mobile App, accept Declarations for Commodity trading and segment will be activated within 2 working days (Post validation from MCX).

    Is there any account opening charges for enabling Commodity segment?

    There is no charge for enabling the Commodity Segment

    How much time will be required for enabling Commodity segment?

    The segment will be activated in one working day.