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    Are there any charges for My Watchlist?

    There are no additional charges for My Watchlist. It is available to you for free.

    Why should I trade using My Watchlist?

    My Watchlist allows you to trade in all asset classes on a single screen. Now you don’t have to navigate through different screens. My Watchlist comes with power packed features like build watchlist, use advance charting, monitor open positions, Order Book, Portfolio, and allocate funds. A convenient way to trade from a single platform.

    Where can I see order details?

    You can view the order, position, portfolio, and allocate funds options at the bottom of the screen. Click on any of these tabs to enlarge. Click on arrows and full screen to enlarge and collapse the page as per your requirement.

    How can I get access to old watchlist?

    Simply click on Old Watchlist link at the top of watchlist to open in a new window.

    What is My Watchlist?

    My Watchlist is a trading product which allows ICICIdirect traders or investors to trade in Equity, Futures & Options, Currency and Commodity from a single window. My Watchlist helps you trade directly from watchlist and chart by providing you with endless features.

    Who can Trade using My Watchlist?

    All ICICIdirect Customers can trade on Watchlist

    How to trade using My Watchlist?

    Go to the Stocks, or F&O, or Currency, or Commodity section and select My Watchlist

    How can I order directly from Charts?

    Select the chart of the stock you want to trade by clicking chart symbol, On chart left there are Red and Blue tab displaying BID & Offer prices, Click on Red for Sell and Blue for Buy

    How can I sort My Watchlist?

    Click on three lines filter icon next search bar. Then sort either by Name, Price or %Change by clicking on desired sorting value.

    How can I compare or view multiple charts?

    To compare different stocks on single chart: Click on (+) button on the top of the chart and add the stock of your choice to compare. You can add multiple stock on a single chart. To compare different stocks on multiple chart layout: Click on “Select Layout” tab on the top right corner and add multiple charts as per your requirement.

    How can I download or share chart in My Watchlist?

    Click on the camera icon on the top right corner of the chart. There you can see multiple options to save or share the chart image.

    How do I add indicators and save it?

    You can add indicators by clicking on the indicator template. You can either save the new template created or load the earlier one saved.

    How do I see orders from the past?

    Click on Orders>Filters and then select your desired date and then click view. You will be able to see all orders within that date range. You can also search by product or search by contract to view only the required items.

    How can I see my complete holdings or portfolio of stocks, F&O, Currency & Commodity?

    Simply click on Portfolio tabs to view your list of stocks, F&O, Currency and Commodity portfolio.

    How can I see Transaction History of a particular stock in my portfolio?

    Click on Portfolio> Select Segment > Click on three dots to Buy, Sell or view transaction history.

    How can I see details like stock settlement type, order placement time, exchange time, exchange reference no of a particular stock in my portfolio?

    Click on three dots in the action column to view details of your desired stocks