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    Breeze Api

    What is Trading APIs? Why use Trading APIs? What is Breeze API? What are the benefits of Breeze API for me? What is the rate limit for Breeze API? How many SDKs does Breeze API have? Can you use Options Chain on Breeze API platform? What is the cost or fees for using Breeze API? How can I use the API credentials and keys generated with Breeze API? Which segments can I use Breeze API for? What kind of orders be placed? What is the rate limit on order placements? Is Breeze API available for all customer segments? What kind of an API is Breeze and what languages does it support? Is there availability of F&O historical data with Breeze API? Can we use live streaming of prices with Breeze API? Is an SDK available for Breeze API? Do I need to learn programming/coding to use Breeze API? How do I connect my trading platform to the live prices Breeze? How does Breeze API keep my personal data secure? What is the process to use to the live streaming OHLC with Breeze API? Can you provide a step-by-step process to create and connect an App? What is a session key and why is it important? Do I have to generate a session key everyday? How can I create and deploy strategies with Breeze API? Can we use existing positions through Breeze API? How can I get access to Breeze API? What are the steps involved? Does Breeze API allows fetching of 1sec data? Is TOTP option available in ICICI Direct API? Is there any way to automate Session key generation? Is there any go-to document to find python codes for beginners for Breeze API? How to fetch Option chain of any stock code using Breeze API? Are there any charges for accessing historical data and using other features of Breeze API? What is best way to call breeze.unsubscribe_feeds() function? How to get quotes of mentioned stock-code? How to get trade list of your account? How to use web sockets for fetching live data? How to modify an order using Breeze API? How to square off an order? How can we allocate funds and know about the status while trading via Breeze API?