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    Pre Defined Strategies

    How can I trade F&O readymade strategies?

    You can trade frequently used readymade F&O strategies by following below steps:

    1. Go to F&O>Smart Tools>Predefined Strategies

    2. Select Underlying > View > Choose from pre-defined Strategy

    3. Selected Strategy details alongwith, Margin required, Payoff graph will be displayed

    4. You can modify the Strike, Qty and Expiry as per your requirement (payoff graph will be updated accordingly) and click on done.

    5. You will be asked to save a name for the strategy 6. Once strategy is selected all the strike will be auto populated. You can modify Strike, Qty and Expiry. Your strategy will be populated with Saved name> continue your Basket journey and place your order in a single click.

    How to access Predefined Strategies?

    You can trade frequently used readymade F&O strategies, Go to F&O>Smart Tools>predefined Strategies

    What is Pre Defined Strategies?

    Pre Defined strategies is a functionality which will help you trade popular Options strategies with ease. Option strategies are populated in pre-defined template for quick execution.