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    F&O Activation

    How to activate F&O / Derivatives segment on ICICI Direct?
    Following the below mentioned steps activate your F&O segment easily on ICICI Direct

    Step 1:

    Log in to ICICIdirect.com and click on F&O tab. You can also use this to visit the page directly: https://secure.icicidirect.com/trading/fno/home

    Step 2:

    Accept F&O Terms & Condition which appears after you log in and click on F&O Tab.  

    You can also accept T&C from "Terms & Conditions" tab in Settings. 

    Click on “I Accept”


    Step 3:

    Accept F&O product Declaration which appears after you log in and click on F&O Tab.  

    Click on “I Accept”


    Step 4:

    After accepting T&C and Product Declaration , below page will appear.



    There are 2 ways user can use to activate F&O:

    I. By Giving Consent to Fetch 6 months old bank statement. (Visit F&O Tab by logging in or directly access https://secure.icicidirect.com/content/accountaggregator)
    • Clicking on Consent and Activate
    • User will have to enter Phone Number linked to ICICI Direct
    • Select bank account which is 6 month older and linked to phone number entered
    • Enter OTP and give consent
    • On completing the journey below screen should appear.  Post this, you can just place order from F&O place order page by visiting www. icicidirect.com.
    II. User can also Buy Stock worth more than Rs. 10,000 and create a demat holding of Rs 10,000 to activate F&O. It takes T+1 days for stocks to get added to Demat.
    Post stocks being credited to Demat, you can visit F&O tab on ICICI Direct website and place order.