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    Strategy Builder

    Is it available on mobile App?

    Right now it is only available on ICICIdirect website. It will be made available on Mobile App soon.

    How can I download the strategy table?

    • Decide on a stock to build a strategy

    • Pick an expiration date

    • Buy or sell a particular strike to build your strategy directly from option chain

    • Analyse Greeks, Pay-off

    • Click on Download to Excel


    What is Strategy Builder?

    Strategy Builder is a trading tool which allows options traders to build any strategy, analyse it, and trade it in simple steps. The Strategy Builder lets you create options strategies and demonstrate the potential outcomes using not payoff table and charts, but also through greeks.

    Why should I trade using Strategy Builder?

    The Strategy Builder trading tool is available to customer who like to BUY/SELL Call or Buy/SELL Put Option with limited risk. These traders are called loss averse or risk averse customers. With the help of the Strategy Builder, you can design your own multi-leg strategies directly from option chain and then analyse using pay-off tables and charts as well as detailed Greek analysis at strategy level. Once satisfied with the analysis you can place order on ICICIdirect platform

    Can I save the strategy created using strategy builder?

    Yes, you can save and access the strategy created under Saved Strategy.

    How to trade using Strategy Builder?

    Go to the F&O section >Smart Tools> select Strategy Builder.

    How can I square off my open position from Strategy Builder?

    You can square off your position from F&O open position page

    How can I edit my strategy from my strategy table?

    • Decide on a stock to build a strategy

    • Pick an expiration date

    • Buy or sell a particular strike to build your strategy directly from option chain

    • Click on Pencil button on the right side of the strategy table to edit your strategy.