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    Easy Options

    Where can I access Easy Options facility?

    This facility can easily be accessed. Head to F&O page, here click on smart tools. The option “Easy Options” should be listed here.

    Why should you trade using Easy Options?

    The Easy Options trading feature is simple & quick way to trade in Nifty and Bank Nifty options with limited loss and unlimited profit potential.

    What is Easy Options?

    Easy options is a trading product which allows F&O traders to trade Nifty and Bank Nifty Options in just a few clicks. You can buy Calls or Puts of highly liquid options of Nifty and Bank Nifty with Limited Risk as the loss is limited to the premium paid. Traders will be able to select strikes from recommended ATM, Near OTM and Far OTM strikes.

    How to trade in Easy Options?

    Step 1: Choose View using slider

    Step 2: Select the Expiry Week

    Step 3: Trade from recommended strikes of Call or Puts

    Who can Trade using Easy Options?

    It is available for all F&O traders.

    Is Easy options available on mobile app?

    Easy options is available on ICICIdirect Markets App under tools.

    Are there any charges for Easy Options?

    There are no additional charges for Easy Options. It is available for free.

    What strikes are recommended?

    Choose strikes from recommended ATM, Near OTM and Far OTM strikes.

    How can I benefit from Easy Options?

    Clients can seamlessly buy Calls or Puts in Nifty & Bank Nifty options from the recommended ATM, Near OTM and Far OTM strikes. Buying Options has limited risk where the maximum loss is limited & if the position turns in your favour then the potential for profit is significantly high.

    What are the underlying & expiry dates available for trading in Easy Options?

    You can choose Nifty or Banknifty with expiry dates from This Week, Next Week, This Month/Next month. "This Week” expiry stands for the current weekly expiry "Next Week” stands for the week after the present week expiry "This Month” expiry stands for the present monthly expiry "Next Month” expiry stands for the next monthly expiry