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    What will happen to open/existing positions in my trading account post blocking online access?

    Open/Existing positions would remain unaffected. However, I-Sec will have the right to square-off any open positions under the Risk Management measures. Within 1 hour of blocking, you’ll receive an email on your registered email id containing details of your open positions.

    What is “Block Online Access” feature?

    Block Online Access is a security feature which will enable you to voluntarily block online access of ICICI Direct trading account when you observe any suspicious/unauthorized activity in your trading account or if you suspect that the credentials of your account have been compromised.

    What will happen to my Trading Account post blocking online access?

    Online access of your Trading Account would be revoked i.e. you won’t be able to login to your trading account through any front end(app/website/traderacer). Post Blocking you will receive an acknowledgement on your registered mobile number and registered email id.

    What will happen to funds & securities in my Trading Account post blocking online access?

    Your Funds & Securities would remain safe & untouched.

    Will I be able to change my password post blocking online access?

    No, you’ll not be able to change your trading account’s password until online access is unblocked.

    How can I Block Online Access?

    A. Through Website:
    1. Log in to account
    2. Click on Settings
    3. Under My Account click on Block My Account
    4. Cancel pending/open orders/requests if any
    5. Proceed with Block Online Access

    B. Through Customer Care:
    1. Call 040-33751200/ 040-46892200 from Registered Mobile Number
    2. Request for Blocking Online Access of trading account

    How can I unblock online access to my trading account?

    A. Through Customer Care:
    1. Call 040-33751200/ 04064892200 from Registered Mobile Number.
    2. Request for Unblocking Online Access of trading account.

    B. Through Physical Branch Visit:

    1. Visit any ICICI direct select branch

    2. Fill Form for Unfreezing / unblocking the online access of ICICI Direct Trading Account

    3. Provide OVD proof (Aadhar/Passport/Driving licence/Voters id/NREGA Job card/National population register)

    4. Account will be activated post verification of submitted documents