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    Family Portfolio

    How many family members can I link?

    You can link up to 10 family members.

    What is family portfolio?

    Family Portfolio is a feature offered by ICICI Direct that provides you a combined view of the portfolios of the family members you have added. It saves you from the hassle of logging into different accounts or collecting multiple spreadsheets to monitor portfolios. It helps you track the equity investments of your family and friends.

    What are the benefits of Family Portfolio?

    Some of the ways a customer is benefitted are:

    • Easy monitoring of portfolios – Allows you to track the investments of your family members by providing information of your Net Worth, sector-wise asset allocation and exposures.
    • Consolidated view – Provides a consolidated view of the portfolios of your family members, without the hassle of monitoring several spreadsheets.
    • Better financial planning – Helps in better financial planning and risk management of your family’s investments.
    Can I place orders on behalf of a family member through Family Portfolio?

    No, you cannot place orders on behalf of your family member. You can only view their holdings.

    Where can I access family portfolio?

    You can access family portfolio on ICICI Direct website using the path below:

    Login on ICICI Direct -> Stocks -> Portfolio -> Family

    How to link a family account?

    Visit ‘https://secure.icicidirect.com/trading/equity/home’ and click on Stocks

    1. Under Portfolio tab, go to Family and click on Link Family Account.
    2. Click on Link a Family Account button.
    3. Enter the required details of the family member and click on Fetch.


    Can you delete a family member from linked accounts? How?

    Yes, our platform allows both the requestor and the requestee to delete a family account from Added Portfolios and Requested Portfolios. The steps to be followed are:

    1. Visit ‘https://secure.icicidirect.com/trading/equity/home’ and click on Portfolio
    2. Under Portfolio, click on Family -> Link Family Account.
    3. Under the Requested Portfolio/Added Portfolio tab, click on the Bin icon  next to the family member whose account you want to delete.
    How to view portfolios of select family members?

    You can view portfolios of select family members by following the steps below:

    1. Click on Stocks -> Portfolio
    2. Under Family, click on Accounts
    3. Check the tick boxes of the accounts whose portfolios you want to view