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    One Click Equity

    What is One Click Equity?

    One Click Equity allows customers to invest in theme based baskets of stocks/ETFs at a click. One can invest, monitor and exit the portfolios any time one wants at a click. One Click Equity can be broadly classified into two categories – Research Recommended Portfolios and Custom Portfolios.
    One can either invest lump sum or invest in a staggered manner by using SIP option, or through MTF (in select portfolios). One can choose the frequency of SIP as monthly/quarterly or yearly as per one’s preference.
    Custom Portfolios give you the option to create your own portfolios by adding your favourite stocks in desired quantities. There is no minimum investment amount for Custom Portfolios. Using Custom One Click, up to 50 stocks can be added in one portfolio. Many such portfolios can be created.
    A client can choose whether they want to make their investment through SIP, One Time or MTF (Pay Later). However, One Time and SIP are applicable for Cash product only.

    How to access One Click Equity page?

    To access One Click Equity:

    1. Go to “Stocks” page after logging in to ICICIDirect.com

    2. Click on Smart Tools

    3. Select “One Click Equity” from the list.

    What are Research Recommended Portfolios?

    Research Recommended Portfolios are the portfolios that have been recommended by our research team after extensive analysis on quantitative and qualitative parameters.

    While investing in research recommended portfolios, you need to buy shares in the same ratio as suggested by our research and invest atleast the minimum amount. The minimum amount is unique for each portfolio. 

    How can the portfolios be monitored?

    The performance of portfolios can be monitored under “My One Click” section in iDirect One Click. This section shows the net invested amount, the current value as well as the overall gain/loss %. 
    The rationale for investments in a portfolio is shared with customers. The factsheet for each portfolio with details like Portfolio Theme, Investment Profile, Rationale, Market Cap, and Distribution is uploaded on the website. 

    Can further investments be done in portfolios after investments are done once?

    Yes, investments can be done multiple times in the same portfolio by using “Lumpsum Invest” option under “My One Click” Tab. Portfolios can be exited by clicking on “Exit Portfolio” under the same Tab.
    Portfolios can be created from scratch using Custom One Click. You need to enter details such as portfolio name, description and the weighting scheme (Equi Weighted/Custom Weighted). Stocks can be added in desired quantities. Both lump sum and SIP mode of investments are allowed.

    How does One Click Equity stocks bought with MTF work?

    Stocks bought with Pay later (MTF) can be held for 365 calendar days. Clients will need to Pledge their shares to hold positions in Margin Funding beyond T+1 days. In case they do not confirm the pledge then their positions will be squared off on T+2nd day.
    Interest will be charged on the outstanding amount funded by ICICIdirect. The applicable interest rate will be based on your pricing plan. Maintain minimum margin for your position to avoid square off due to margin shortfall.

    What should I do in case of profit booking?

    In case of profit booking calls given by Research, SIP requests can be manually cancelled through "View Request Book" section. Portfolios can be exited through "My One Click" section.

    Why were only some of my stocks purchased under One Click SIP?

    At the time of order placement, in case the value of the SIP portfolio exceeds the minimum investment value, then it is possible that some of the stocks may not be purchased, and hence the total value of the purchase shall be less than or equal to the minimum investment value as defined in the portfolio.
    Also, where SIP is placed on weights, in case of change in CMP of any stock, the number of shares will be calculated on the original weights as defined. If the number of shares is less than 1, then order for that stock will not be placed. To ensure successful order placement of SIPs, a buffer of 10% above minimum investment amount needs to be allocated to one’s Bank account/Equity section of Trading account.
    In cases other than SIP, to ensure successful order placement in case of One Time, a buffer of 2.5% above the investment amount needs to be allocated to one’s Bank account/equity section of Trading account. In case of insufficient funds, an allocation pop up shall be displayed with the required amount.

    Where can I see the One Click Baskets that I have added to watchlist?

    Simply follow this path : Login > Stocks > Smart Tools > One Click Equity > Watchlist

    Can I change the number or weight of securities in pre made baskets?

    Yes, a client can change the number or the weight of securities in a basket simply by clicking “modify one click equity”.

    Select “custom weightage” in case of weightage based and “quantity” in case of quantity based.

    How to cancel One Click Equity?

    In case of one time buy, the trade will not be repeated.

    In case of SIP follow the following path:
    Login Stocks > Smart Tools > Stock SIP > Existing > Stock SIP > Cancel

    In case of MTF the same steps as regular MTF can be followed.

    Do I need to allocate funds for placing a SIP Request / One time / Pay Later (MTF) order in One Click Equity?

    No, SIP Request is merely an authorization given to I-Sec to place order in your account as per your instructions via SIP Request.

    Hence, funds are not required or used when you place SIP Requests. Your funds would however be required and used at the time of placing the SIP orders. It is advised to keep a buffer of 10% over and above the portfolio value either in allocation or sufficient bank balance so that the order doesn’t get rejected due to any minor price rise as the SIP orders are placed at the prevailing market price at the time of SIP triggering. For successful placement of One time orders, a buffer of 2.5% of the investment amount needs to be allocated to Equity Limits of Trading account. For successful placement of Pay Later (MTF) orders, a buffer of 2.5% of the margin amount needs to be allocated to Equity Limits of Trading account. You can refer the margin percentage for Pay Later (MTF) product on the Stock List option in Equity section of the Trading page or on the Basket Order Page while placing the One Click Portfolio order through Pay Later (MTF) mode.

    How do I exit a particular One Click Equity basket I have invested in?

    Yes, using the “Exit One Click Equity” option available on your subscribed basket, you may exit the entire One Click Equity basket.

    The path is as follows:

    One Click Equity > Portfolio > Select the Portfolio > Exit One Click Equity

    What is meant by "Frequency" in One Click Equity SIPs?

    “Frequency” means the time interval, after the start date, with which you wish your One Click Equity SIP orders to be placed in your account. Depending on the frequency selected by you, I-Sec will place SIP orders at the defined intervals after the start date for the total period specified by you.

    You can choose the frequency as Monthly, Weekly, or Fortnightly.

    Can I place One Click Equity SIP Request at any time during the day?

    Yes, you may place SIP Request at any time during the day (even post market hours).

    Where can I view orders placed under One Click Equity?

    You can view all orders placed under One Click Equity > Orders.

    What is Create Basket feature in One Click Equity?

    Create Basket gives you the option to create your own portfolio by adding your favorite stocks in desired quantities. There is no minimum investment amount for custom made portfolios. You can add stocks in your created portfolio based on either Quantity or Weightage.

    How can I create my own customized portfolio?

    You can create your own One Click Portfolio through Create Basket feature.

    The path is as follows:

    Log into ICICIDirect.com > Stocks > One Click Equity > Create

    Where can I see a list of all my One Click Equity subscribed portfolios?

    You can check all the subscribed portfolios by clicking One Click Equity > Portfolio.

    Here, you can see both Live Portfolios and Exited Portfolios.

    Are exit calls given on One Click Equity baskets/portfolios?

    Yes, exit calls are given by Research Team on One Click Equity baskets. The same is communicated to you through email. Once the exit calls are given, one needs to manually exit the stock basket.

    For One time & Pay Later (MTF) orders the path is as follows:

    One Click Equity > Portfolio > Select Portfolio > Click on Exit One Click Equity

    If you have an SIP in a Basket, then you need to cancel SIP request manually. For SIP orders the path is as follows:

    One Click Equity > Orders > Request Book > Select Cancel in actions tab.

    Can I sell the shares bought through One Click Equity using Cash Sell/ eATM?

    Please note that it is not advisable to sell stocks bought through One Click Portfolio using cash sell or eATM or any other mode of selling. In case it is done, the values for these portfolios will stop getting updated in Portfolio section and the dashboard of One Click Equity.

    It is advisable to exit One Click Equity from the following path:

    One Click Equity > Portfolio > Select Portfolio > Click on Exit One Click Equity

    Can I Cancel my existing SIP in One Click Equity?

    Yes, you can Cancel your SIP in One Click Equity from the following path:

    One Click Equity > Orders > Request Book > Select Cancel in actions tab.

    Can I Pause my existing SIP in One Click Equity?

    Yes, you can Pause your SIP in One Click Equity from the following path:

    One Click Equity > Orders > Request Book > Select Pause in actions tab.

    You can also resume your SIP from the same path by selecting Resume in actions tab.

    Can I Restart my expired or cancelled One Click Equity SIP?

    Yes, you can Restart your expired or cancelled SIP in One Click Equity from the following path:

    One Click Equity > Orders > Request Book > Select Restart in actions tab.

    Note: By default, Start date  is displayed as next day immediately after the current system date i.e. T+1 day. If required you may also set any future date as per your choice.

    What is the minimum and maximum number of stocks that can be added in a custom One Click Equity basket?

    You can add a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 50 stocks in a Custom One Click Equity basket.

    What are the modes for investing in One Click Equity?

    There are 3 modes for investing in One Click Equity:

    a. SIP – Using SIP, you can buy One Click portfolios at regular intervals over a period of time as selected by you.

    b. One Time – With this option,stock basket will be bought in lumpsum. Full amount of order value will get blocked instantly on order placement.

    c. Pay Later(MTF) – With the MTF option, you can buy One Click Portfolios by paying a fraction of the amount. The rest of the outstanding amount is funded by ICICI Securities.

    Is there a restriction on the number of times I can modify the One Click Equity SIP’s placed?

    There is no such restriction. You can modify a single SIP multiple times in a day. Also there is no restriction on the number of SIP’s that a client can modify on any given day. However, the SIP’s shall be triggered only once in a day and the next trigger date shall be reflected against each SIP’s under One Click Equity > Orders > Request Book.

    Can NRIs invest in One Click Equity?

    Yes, NRIs can invest in One Click Equity w.e.f August 02, 2021. Investment in all portfolios can be done through PINS Account, except the portfolios comprising of ETFs – Mangal Arambh, Best of Both the Worlds, Atmanirbhar Bhavishya. Investment in these portfolios can be done through Non-PINS account.

    Can I customize i.e. add or delete a particular stock from One Click Equity baskets?

    Currently, no changes are being allowed in the Research Recommended One Click Equity baskets. However, you can create your own baskets using Create feature in One Click Equity. The path is:

    One Click Equity > Create

    Can I modify my existing One Click Equity SIP?

    Yes, you can modify your existing One Click Equity SIP from the following path:

    One Click Equity > Orders -> Request Book > Select Modify in Actions Tab.

    While investing in One Click Equity, is the brokerage charged on the total transaction amount or is it charged per scrip?

    While investing in One Click Equity, brokerage is charged on per scrip basis rather than on the total transaction amount. For e.g. if a Portfolio consists of 5 stocks, brokerage will be charged on each stock separately rather than on the entire transaction amount.

    Are there any additional charges levied for investing in One Click Equity?

    No extra charges are levied for investing in One Click Equity. Brokerage and other statutory charges will be applicable as per your brokerage plan.

    What is the difference between Order Book and Request Book in My One Click section?

    In the Order Book, the scrip wise details are shown whereas in the Request Book, the portfolio wise details are shown. The details related to date and time of order placement, stock code, order status, quantity, product type etc. are shown in these books.