
How to open demat account for NRIs

1 Min 07 Feb 2021 0 COMMENT

What is Portfolio Investment Scheme?

Under RBI’s PIS, NRIs can open a 3-in-1 account to invest in Indian stocks which integrate your banking, broking and demat accounts.

NRIs need to maintain two types of demat accounts, repatriable and non-repatriable.

Repatriable Demat Account

Non-repatriable Demat Account

Repatriable funds should be parked in an NRE account.

Non-repatriable funds should be kept in an NRO account.

Proceeds from sale can be taken abroad.

Proceeds cannot be taken abroad. Note: NRI cannot invest in secondary market through this route.

Based on the type of account you need, fill up the application and submit your KYC documents.

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