Types Of Foreign Exchange Market

The foreign exchange market, also known as the forex market, is a global marketplace for trading in currencies. It is a decentralised market that allows you to buy and sell foreign exchange. The market is an over-the-counter market and the foreign exchange rates will be dictated by it. It involves the buying, selling and exchanging of currencies at the market rate. With regard to trade rate, forex is the largest in the world. Let us take a look at different types of foreign exchange markets.
1. The Spot Market
In the spot market, transactions involving currency pairs take place. It happens seamlessly and quickly. The transactions require instant payment at the prevailing exchange rate which is also known as the spot rate. The traders in the spot market are not exposed to the uncertainty of the market, which can lead to an increase or decline in the price between the agreement and trade.
2. Futures Market
The transactions in the futures market require future payment and distribution at a previously agreed upon exchange rate which is known as the future rate. The transaction or agreement is more formal in nature which ensures that the terms of the transaction are set in stone and cannot be altered. Traders who conduct the majority of the transactions enjoy a consistent return on the assets. Regular traders prefer a future market transaction.
3. Forward Market
The third type of foreign exchange market is the forward market where deals are similar to future market transactions. In this case, the parties will negotiate the terms of the transactions and the terms agreed-upon can be negotiated and altered as per the needs of the concerned parties. The forward market has higher flexibility as compared to the futures market.
4. Swap Market
When there is a simultaneous borrowing and lending of two types of currencies between two investors, it is known as a swap transaction. Here, one investor borrows a currency and in turn, pays in the form of a second currency to the second investor. The transaction is done to pay off their obligations without having to deal with a foreign exchange risk.
5. Option Market
In the options market, the currency of exchange from one denomination to the other is agreed upon by the investor at a specific rate and on a specific date. The investor has a right to convert the currency on a future date but there is no obligation to do so.
These are the five types of foreign exchange markets that exist in the country. In short, the market enables easy and quick conversion of currency from one denomination to another. If you want to start forex trading, simply open a demat trading account and start investing. The transactions can be done in all conversions of currencies. Globalisation has led to a surge in the number of foreign exchange transactions that are carried out in the year.
Foreign exchange transactions also include the conversion of currencies done at the airport kiosks or the payments made by government and financial institutions.
Disclaimer : Investors should consult their financial advisers whether the product is suitable for them before taking any decision. The contents herein mentioned are solely for informational and educational purpose.