What You Need to Know About One-Click Mutual Fund Portfolio

Diversification is the first important tenet of investment. When you invest in a well-diversified portfolio, your chances of returns are high, and your risks are minimized. Even if you invest in mutual funds, you should always invest in different funds with different exposures to ensure the best returns.
If you don’t have the time to do your own research and invest in a basket of funds, then ICICIdirect’s One-Click Mutual Fund Portfolio is a product worth considering. One-stop destination which offers thematic & individual financial goal based portfolios.
What is the One-Click Mutual Fund Portfolio?
ICICIdirect’s One-Click Mutual Fund Portfolio is a basket of four to five mutual funds that are carefully selected to meet a certain objective. Each basket is well-diversified, efficient, stable and has low volatility. The portfolio aims to provide investors exposure to the best funds in the respective category they have chosen.
The funds are selected based on several factors such as the consistency in historical returns, detailed individual portfolio analysis, fund manager’s background, the fund's investment philosophy, and the fund house and in-house ranking. The funds follow diversification in terms of different AMCs and different investment styles such as growth investment style or value investment style.
The One-Click Mutual Fund Portfolio gives investors access to a diversified basket of funds regarding sectoral exposure, AMCs and investment styles.
Additional Read: Difference between large cap, mid cap and multi cap mutual funds
The Types of One-Click Mutual Fund Portfolios
ICICI Direct has tried to provide One-Click Mutual Fund Portfolios in all major categories.
If you are looking for stability and visibility, the Bluechip Wealth Creators portfolio is an option to consider. It consists of four large-cap funds that are well-diversified.
Midcap For All Seasons portfolio offers access to four midcap funds with exposure to some of the best midcap companies in the market.
The Emerging Smallcaps One-Click Mutual Fund Portfolio will give you exposure to four smallcap funds, diversified according to their different investment styles.
ICICIdirect's flagship portfolio of Best Performing Funds is a basket of funds that invests in the best of largecap, multi-cap, midcap and smallcap funds each to give you full diversification benefits.
If you are looking for debt fund exposure, you can choose between the Stable Debt Funds or the Beat Savings Account portfolios. If you are looking for debt fund exposure, then you can choose between the Stable Debt Funds or the Beat Savings Account portolfios.
These are just some examples of the different portfolios you can choose from.
Additional Read: Reasons to invest in Mutual Funds
Investment Requirement
Each basket has a different minimum investment requirement. Investments in SIP starts with just Rs.400 & for Lumpsum minimum investment starts with Rs.10,000. There is no cap on the amount that you can invest.
Mode of Investment
You can choose between lumpsum and SIP modes of investment into any One-Click Mutual Fund Portfolio.
Why Should You Invest in the One-Click Mutual Fund Portfolio?
- The basket approach reduces the risk of fund selection. Even if one or two funds underperform, as a basket, the One-Click Mutual Fund Portfolio aims to outperform the category benchmark.
- You don't have to worry about diversification or stability. This is in-built into the portfolio. Funds are selected based on detailed in-house individual stock analysis.
- If any funds are underperforming or likely to underperform, or there is a change in the fund manager, the portfolios are reviewed and rebalanced to give you the best returns.
- If any funds are underperforming or likely to underperform, or there is a change in the fund manager, the portfolios are reviewed and rebalanced to give you the best returns.
Additional Read: Tax saving mutual funds
The One-Click Mutual Fund Portfolio aims to provide maximum diversification and ease of investing. You can invest through a SIP or a lump sum mode. You can also shift between baskets if you desire to do so. This product eliminates the need to diversify your own portfolio by giving you the benefits of diversification in itself.
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