Share Market Investment strategy
Markets are always safe to invest in. Don't wait for them to be safe. Market waves and cycles can be scary to new investors. But let's admit it nothing, absolutely nothing in this world comes without a risk. From driving a car to the very basic act of ordering food online, you can always go wrong with things. But does your approach make the act of driving or ordering food wrong? No, right? The same applies to your investment too. If you fail to have a well-thought-out strategy in place before you put your money in the market, you run a high chance of going wrong, and it won't be fair to blame the markets for it.
Talking about safety, it always comes with a set of guidelines, and the more you stick with them, the lesser are the chances of getting messed up. In the case of markets, a principle or guideline that's widely tried and tested is the long-term investment strategy. If stats are to be believed, the markets have always given better returns to long-term investors. By taking a long hold in the market, you not only secure your wealth from the bumps of short-term volatility, but also allows it to grow through the power of compound returns. Moreover, it also helps you to get over your temptations of pulling stakes out when you are committed and confident of returns.
Therefore, to conclude, it's not the market, but the strategy that makes it safe or unsafe.
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