Dear Customer |
Thank you for opening ICICIdirect account through online process. |
Sorry to inform you that we are unable to fetch the KYC (Know Your Customer) documents like PAN, address proof from respective KRA (KYC Registration Agency). |
You can complete your KYC process in less than 2 minutes by following the simple steps given below: |
Please login to www.icicidirect.com. Go to Portfolio, click on Equity - a pop will appear, click on "Proceed" and further follow the steps to complete the process. The popup will be disabled once the process is completed. |
For easy reference, request you to check the help video clip on "Update Address/KYC in Trading Account Video", this video link is available in Customer service >Service @Fingertips section > Place Service Request. Alternatively click on this link https://youtu.be/NmzpXgVZw48 to view the process. |
Please note that if KYC process is not completed within 30 days of this communication then your trading account will be closed. |
ICICIdirect.com |