


Scheme Type


Exit Load (%)

Min Inv


Incremental Inv


Open Date

Sep 13, 2024

Close Date

Sep 23, 2024

Nav Calculation



Income Funds

Risk Level


Fund Manager

Aditya Pagaria


Fund Objective

The investment objective of the scheme is to provide investment returns before fees and expenses that closely corresponds to the total returns of the securities as represented by the CRISIL-IBX AAA NBFC Index - Jun 2027, subject to tracking errors. There is no assurance that the investment objective of the Scheme will be achieved.


The Scheme follows a passive investment strategy Axis CRISIL-IBX AAA NBFC Index - Jun 2027 Fund is a passively managed index fund which will employ an investment approach designed to track the performance of CRISIL-IBX AAA NBFC Index - Jun 2027. The Scheme will follow Buy and Hold investment strategy in which debt instruments by NBFCs will be held till maturity unless sold for meeting redemptions/rebalancing. The Scheme shall replicate the index. In case the Scheme is not able to replicate the index the Fund Manager may invest in other issuances within the limits specified and subject to conditions laid down by Para 3.5 of Master Circular for Mutual Funds as amended from time to time. During normal circumstances, the Scheme`s exposure to money market instruments will be in line with the asset allocation table. However, in case of maturity of instruments in the scheme portfolio, the reinvestment will be in line with the index methodology. Pursuant to Para 3.5 of SEBI Master Circular for Mutual Funds, as amended by SEBI from time to time the scheme shall be considered to be replicating the underlying index, provided In case of Target Maturity Index Funds, the following norms for permissible deviation in duration shall apply: a) For portfolio with residual maturity of greater than 5 years: Either +/- 6 months or +/- 10% of duration, whichever is higher. b) For a portfolio with residual maturity of up to 5 years: Either +/- 3 months or +/- 10% of duration, whichever is higher. c) However, at no point of time, the residual maturity of any security forming part of the portfolio shall be beyond the target maturity date of the Index Fund.