The investment objective of the scheme is to track the CRISIL-IBX Financial Services 3-6 Months Debt Index, subject to tracking errors. However, there can be no assurance or guarantee that the investment objective of the Scheme will be achieved and the scheme does not assure or guarantee any returns.
The Scheme is a Debt Index Scheme. The Scheme is passively managed which will employ an investment approach designed to track the performance of CRISIL-IBX Financial Services 3-6 Months Debt Index subject to tracking errors. The Scheme shall follow a passive investment strategy. The schemes follows perpetual structure, wherein the scheme would be rebalanced as per set frequency and remain in line with maturity profile. The portfolio of eligible securities invested by the Scheme is expected to have, in aggregate, fundamental characteristics such as modified duration, weighted average maturity, aggregate credit ratings, aggregate Yield-to-Maturity (YTM) etc. along with other liquidity parameters in line with CRISIL-IBX Financial Services 3-6 Months Debt Index. The Issuer weight of the Scheme will be broadly in line with the Issuer weights in the Index subject to suitability and availability of securities.
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