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National Pension System

Types of NPS Account

Tier I – Tax Saving Account

  • Tier-I account mandatory to join NPS

  • Investment is locked-in until the age of 60

  • Withdrawals are conditional

  • Tax benefits can be claimed

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Tier II – Any time Withdraw

  • Only Tier-I account holders can open it

  • No Lock-in period on investment

  • Flexible Withdrawal & Exit Rules

  • No Tax Exemptions on Contributions

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What is National Pension System?

A government sponsored retirement savings scheme

Regulated by Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA)

Allows regular contribution to a pension fund during working life

Subscribers choose from Equity and Fixed Income funds to grow savings

On retirement, a part of the corpus can be withdrawn in lump sum

Remaining corpus is invested in an annuity plan to secure regular income

How it works?


National Pension System Features

Quick Account Opening

Open your NPS Account digitally in less than 10 minutes


Start with just 1,000 per annum through Lumpsum or SIP


Seamlessly transfer pension account across jobs and location

Low Cost

Annual Fund Management fees on investment less than 0.09%

Better Returns

Combination of Equity and Debt offers higher return than traditional retirement schemes

Power of Compounding

Lock-in till the age of 60 years enusres subscribers remain invested for a long period of time

Tax Benefits

Category IT Section Investment Limit in Old Regime Investment Limit in New Regime
Self-Contribution 80 CCD (1) 1,50,000 Not Applicable
Self-Contribution 80 CCD (1B) 50,000 Not Applicable
Employer Contribution 80 CCD (2) 10% of Basic Salary* 14% of Basic Salary*

*Employer Contribution to NPS account qualifies for deduction u/s 80 CCD (2). Permissible limit is 10% of basic salary for employees in old regime and 14% of basic salary for employees in new regime. Please note that employer’s contribution to NPS, EPF and/or Superannuation Upto Rs. ₹7.5 Lakhs P.A are eligible for deduction; excess amount will be taxed as perquisite in the hands of the employee

Investment Options under NPS

Fund Options Risk Profiling Exposure Limit
Government Securities Low Upto 100%
Corporate Bonds Moderate Upto 100%
Equities High Upto 75%
Alternate Investment Very High Upto 5%

Active Choice

Set your Asset Allocation

Under Active Choice, subscribers get the flexibility to decide allocation mix across 4 asset classes

Stocks (max. 75%)
We recommend 50% allocation in equity for medium risk
Coporate Debt (max. 100%)
Government Bonds (max. 100%)
Alternate Investment Funds (max. 5%)
Total Allocation 100%
*Total Allocation Should be 100%
* Expected Maturity Amount for an investment of 10,000 per month for 25 years
fd graph

High Risk

10.89%-12.05% p.a.

51.90 L - 60.20L

Auto Choice


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Exit & Withdraw

Exit at Maturity (60 years)

  • Up to 60% of corpus can be withdrawn Tax-Free
  • Minimum 40% to be invested in annuity for monthly pension
  • If corpus ≤ to Rs. 5 lakhs, withdrawal of full amount is permitted

Exit on Death

  • On death 100% of the pension wealth amount will be payable to the nominee/ legal heir of the subscriber.
  • There would not be any purchase of annuity/monthly pension.

Pre-mature exit

  • Permitted only after 5 years of participation
  • Up to 20% of corpus can be withdrawn Tax-Free
  • Minimum 80% to be invested in annuity for monthly pension
  • If corpus ≤Rs. 2.5 lakhs, withdrawal of full amount is permitted

Partial Withdrawal

  • Up to 25% of the contributions deposited can be withdrawn
  • In the entire life span, up to 3 withdrawals can be made
  • 1st withdrawal can be exercised 3 yrs after a/c opening
  • 2nd & 3rd withdrawal can be exercised anytime after previous one


Point of Presence (PoP) charges

Charge Head Charges
Account Opening 200
Contribution Processing 0.50% subiect to min & 30 and max 25,000
Non-Financial Transaction Processing 30
Persistency Charges Transaction Value
₹ 50 per annum 1,000 - 2,999
75 per annum 3,000 - 6,000
100 per annum above 6,000
Applicable for subscribers (except corporate NPS) active for more than 6months with a POP.

Pension Fund Manager (PFM) Charges

AUM Slab (in Cr) PFM charges % for the Slab
Upto 10,000 0.09%
10,001 to 50,000 0.06%
50,001 to 1,50,000 0.05%
1,50,001 and Above 0.03%
* UTI Retirement Solutions Ltd charges a fee of 0.07% under this slab.

Central Record Keeping Agency (CRA) Charges

Charge Head Kfintech NSDL
PRAN Generation 39.36 40.00
Annual Maintenance 57.63 69.00
Financial Transaction processing 3.36 3.75

Other Intermediaries Charges

Intermediary Charge Head Charges (Annual)
Custodian Custodian Fee 0.0032% p.a
NPS Trust Reimbursement of Expenses 0.005% p.a

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