ICICIdirect e-invest Account
What is unique about ICICIdirect e-invest account?
Your ICICIdirect e-Invest account is more than a brokerage account. It offers
you a unique 3-in-1 feature, which integrates your Brokerage, Bank and one or more
Demat accounts. This means that you can buy and sell shares and forget about the
hassles of settlements. Transfers of shares from/to your Demat account and transfer
of money from/to your Bank account take place automatically with no paperwork. Online
investing is just a click away and settlements is no longer a problem.
What is the 3-IN-1 concept?
ICICIdirect e-Invest account allows you to integrate your ICICIdirect Brokerage
Account, your Bank account and one or more Demat accounts. Currently the Demat Account
has to be opened with ICICI Bank Ltd as the Depository Participant (DP) and the
Bank Account has to be opened with ICICI Bank Ltd. as the Banker. You can choose
the branch closest to you to open your bank account.
Can I have multiple Demat Accounts linked to e-invest account?
Yes, you can link multiple Demat accounts to your e-Invest accounts with a maximum
of 4 accounts.
Can I have multiple Bank accounts linked to my e-invest account?
No, as of now you can only link one Bank account to your e-Invest account.
If I already have a Demat/Bank account with other Bank or Depository?
To avail of the advantage offered by the integration of the brokerage, Bank and
the Demat account, all the three accounts will have to be opened with ICICI group.
Becoming A Customer
Who is eligible for this service?
All resident Indians and non residents (NRI) residing in Gulf Co-operation Council
(GCC) countries of United Arab Emirates,Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman and
Qatar are eligible to avail of this service.
How do I become an ICICIdirect customer?
You can open an ICICIdirect e-Invest account by filling a single application form.
This form will help you open an ICICIdirect Brokerage Account along with a Bank
Account and one or more Demat accounts as required.
How do I request a form?
You can request our representative to visit you
(Select Cities Only) by registering online through our website. You could
also visit any of the
following ICICI Bank Branches / Centres,where our trained personnel help
you in becoming ICICIdirect e-Invest customer. Alternatively you can request us
for a form by sending us an e-mail at
and our CSE will contact you to complete the initial account opening formalities.
I have sent in my application, what happens next?
Your application will be processed and you will be informed once your application
is accepted and all the required accounts are set up. In case your application is
not processed because of lack of some details, you will be contacted by our representative
or by mail.
How do I know my application has been accepted?
"You can check your account opening status on www.icicidirect.com on the customer service page under the
"Know your account status" section. We shall also inform you by e-mail in
case your application has been accepted."
Do I have to maintain any minimum balance in my Bank Account?
All the new bank accounts opened will have to maintain minimum Monthly Average Balance
(MAB) of
What all documents will I receive once my ICICIdirect Account is opened ?
Once your ICICIdirect Account is opened you will get the following documents at
your mailing address:
1. Pin-mailer containing the User Id and password for your ICICIdirect Account
will be send by ICICI Securities Limited.
2. ICICI Bank Limited will dispatch the Cheque Book and ATM cum Debit Card
in case a new saving account is opened.
3. Membership Guide and Internet Banking User ID and password for Demat Account
will be dispatched by ICICI Bank Demat Services.
Please note: Transfer Instruction For Delivery (TIFD) Booklet for newly opened
demat account with ICICI Bank will not be dispatched. To request for the same, please
download the
REQUISITION SLIP and submit the same at any of the nearest ICICI Bank Branch offering
demat services. You can also contact our
Customer Care Numbers for placing the request over the phone.
When is a trading account termed as 'Inactive / Dormant' ?
A trading account in which no trades are done across any segment of any Exchange
for six months would be termed as "Inactive" or "Dormant" trading account. I- Sec
does not freeze any "Inactive" or "Dormant" trading account. However any trade emanating
from such trading accounts pursuant to the same being classified as "Inactive" or
"Dormant" trading account would be subject to necessary due diligences and confirmations
as I-Sec may deem fit.
Existing ICICI Customers
If I already have a ICICI Bank account and a ICICI Demat account, can I use these
accounts for online investing?
Yes, you just need to tell us the account details and we shall link up your existing
accounts with ICICIdirect e-Invest account for online investing. You can link up
only an existing Bank account or only one or more Demat account(s) or both the existing
Bank account and Demat Account(s). However, at present, your ICICI Bank account
on which you have opted for Quantum Optima cannot be linked. Anyway, you can always
opt to open a new Demat and Bank account with your ICICIdirect e-Invest account.
Bank Account/Demat Account
What type of Bank Account can I use with my e-invest account?
You will need an ordinary savings account with ICICI Bank Ltd for your e-Invest
account. You can specify the account in the form and it will be linked with your
e-Invest account. In case you do not have a ICICI Bank account, an online banking
savings account can be opened with an e-Invest account.
How frequently will I be able to know the status of my accounts?
The information of your Bank, Demat and e-Invest account shall be available to you
completely online 24 hours a day through the Internet. You will be able to access
all details regarding your orders and trades on the website. You will be able to
see the results of your trade reflected in your Bank and Demat account on the trading
+1 working day and trading +2 working days of the settlement, without waiting for
the statements from the DP and the Bank.
What is a ICICI Bank Online Banking account?
ICICI Bank's Online banking service is known as Infinity. The Bank account opened
with your e-Invest account is an Infinity Bank account. Infinity service can be
accessed on the website www.icicibank.com
with a secure Logon Id and Password. Apart from allowing you to access your transaction
history and current balance, Infinity allows you to transfer money from one account
to another and also make online bill payments in Mumbai.
If you have opted for a new online bank account of have opted to link up your existing
saving account (which was not registered with Infinity), your Logon ID and Password
will be mailed to you separately. However, this does not stop you from trading on
New ICICIdirect e-invest Customers
I am a new customer and have just been informed that my ICICIdirect e-invest account
has been set up. How do I make my first trade?
Please check our comprehensive section on Trading Guide
I want to buy some shares . I do not have any money in my Bank Account. What do I
Please deposit a cheque/cash in your Bank Account by filling the pay-in slip. In
case of a cheque, the money should come into your Bank account as soon as the cheque
is cleared. Once you have funds in your bank account, you need to allocate the required
amount for trading. Alternatively you can sell some shares from your Demat Account
in the Cash Segment and use the money to purchase the shares you want to buy. The
amount of money required before placing a buy order or a margin sell order would
depend on the value of the order.
I have deposited a cheque but I am still not able to place a purchase order:
There could be two reasons for this either the cheque is not cleared or you do not
have adequate Trading Limit.
Please check your Bank balance to find if you have adequate money in your Bank account.
It is possible that there could be some delays in clearance of the cheque. Please
contact your ICICI Bank Branch to find the reason.
Even if you have adequate money in your Bank account you will get limit only after
you allocate some money for trading or investment.
Can I withdraw the amount allocated for trading?
The way you can allocate funds for trading, you can always reduce the amount allocated
by you for trading to the extent that the amount allocated has not been blocked
on account of orders placed by you. Once any amount is deallocated, it can be withdrawn
from the bank.
Can I borrow or get a line of credit against my Demat Account?
Currently, we are not offering this service. But, we are evaluating ways to add
to our product range. We would appreciate if you could give us feedback on the facility
you want.
Online Investing
On which exchanges will I be able to buy and sell shares?
ICICIdirect offers its customers execution capability on the National Stock Exchange
of India Ltd. (NSE) and Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE).
What kind of orders can I place?
You can place both market and limit orders.
Limit Order is an order to buy or sell securities in which you specify the maximum
price per unit in case of a Buy order and the minimum price per unit in case of
a Sell order. The actual transaction can be at a price more favourable than the
price specified.
Market Orders have different interpretations for both NSE and BSE.
Market Orders in NSE : This is an order to buy or sell securities at the best price
obtainable in the market at the time it is matched by the exchange. Therefore, chances
of its getting executed are better. In case of market orders for NSE, all market
orders placed which are not executed become limit orders at the last traded price.
Where a market order is not executed fully, it becomes a limit order for the balance
quantity at the last traded price.
Market Orders in BSE : Explanation
Market orders can be placed only during market hours (i.e. when the Exchange is
open for trading)
Which shares will I be able to buy and sell?
You will be able to buy and sell shares in the Cash Segment that are traded in the
compulsory dematerialised form on the exchanges. As of date, you may trade in more
than 1100 scripts in NSE and more than 3000 scripts in BSE through ICICIdirect.com.
More and more shares are being added to this category every month by the regulatory
authorities. Of these shares, you may place orders for select shares in the Margin
Do I get online confirmation of orders and trades?
Yes, you get online confirmation of orders and trades - the status of any order
is updated on real-time basis in the Order Book. As soon as you place your order
they are validated by the system and sent to the exchange for execution. The entire
process is fully automatic and there are no manual interventions. You will also
receive an e-mail confirming the orders placed by you at the end of the trading
day. Digitally signed contract notes will also be sent via e-mail for the orders
executed during the trading day. The digitally signed contract notes are also available
on the Customer Service page on the site.
Is it possible that an order is accepted by the exchange but a trade does not take
place against it? Is an order always executed for the full quantity? Is it always
executed at one price?
Very much. In case of a limit order, it might remain totally unexecuted if there
are no matching orders. For example, if you place a sell order for 100 shares @
100 per share. It might remain totally unexecuted
if there are no buy orders for the share for a price of
100 or more. Further, an order can get executed
for any quantity less than or equal to the order quantity. On part execution, the
original order is converted into an order for the balance quantity against which
another trade can happen. Since these are different trades, it is possible that
the trades are executed at different price.
In case of market orders placed on NSE, even a market order might remain unexecuted
if there are no matching orders. In such cases, the unexecuted portion of the market
order is converted into a limit order at the last traded price for the balance quantity.
For example, when the last traded price of a share was
100, if a market order is placed to sell 100
shares, the sell order will be matched against all limit orders for buying the shares.
In case there are no or insufficient orders for buying 100 shares, the unexecuted
market order is converted automatically into a limit order to buy sell 100 shares
at a price of
100 (the last traded price). In case the order
was partly executed and the last execution took place at
95, the price of the limit order for the balance
quantity would be
In case of market orders placed on BSE, all buy market orders go to the Exchange
with the price of the best offer and all sell market orders go to the exchange with
the price of the best bid offer. In case at that point of time it is found that
that particular bid or offer is no longer present in the exchange this market order
gets cancelled by the exchange. In case of part execution of market order, the remainder
order gets converted into a limit order at the last executed price.
Can I modify my order?
Yes, you can modify an order any time before execution. You can do this by accessing
the Order Book page and clicking on the hyperlink for 'Modify' against the order
which you wish to modify. However, you cannot modify your order while it is queued
with the exchange, i.e., confirmation is awaited from the exchange for the acceptance
of the placement of any order or any modification/cancellation request. In case
the order is already partly executed, only the unexecuted portion of the order can
be modified.
Can I cancel my order into the system?
Yes, you can cancel an order any time before execution. You can do this by accessing
the Order Book page and clicking on the hyperlink for 'Cancel against the order
which you wish to cancel. In case the order is already partly executed, only the
unexecuted portion of the order can be cancelled.
Can I enter orders after the trading hours? What happens to such orders?
Yes, you can enter limit orders after trading hours. Orders placed after trading
hours are queued in the system and are send to the exchange whenever the exchange
next opens for trading in the pre-open session / normal. In the Order Book, the
status of such orders is shown as 'Requested'.
Do I need to have money before buying of shares?
Yes, you need to have money in your Bank account before placing an order. Alternatively
if you have sold some shares, the sale proceeds can be used to buy the shares you
Can I go short?
Yes, you can go short in the 'Margin Segment'However, such Sell positions need to
be closed out before the specified time before the end of the settlement. You cannot
go short in the Cash Segment'. Here, you can sell only those shares which are there
in your demat account.
How will I be informed of my trade execution?
The trade executions are confirmed online and the trading history is updated immediately.
In the Order Book, the status of each order is updated on a real-time basis. On
execution, the status changes to 'Executed' or 'Part Executed'. You can view details
of the trade executed by clicking on the link. In the Trade Book you will be able
to see all the trades that have taken place. On clicking the link of Order Ref.
No. you will be able to see details of the trade execution. In addition, you will
receive e-mail confirmations. You can choose to receive the e-mail confirmation
either for each trade when it is executed or a single one for all trades at the
end of the day. The contract note will be send to you by mail at the end of the
What is a contract note?
Contract note is a statement of confirmation of trade(s) done on a particular day
for and on behalf of a client. A contract note is issued in the prescribed format
and manner, establishing a legally enforceable relationship between the member and
client in respect to the trades stated in that contract note. Contract notes are
made in duplicate, where the member and client both keep one copy each.
Can I trade on margin?
You can trade on margin on select stocks.
What are GTC, GTD and IOC orders ?
A Good Till Cancelled (GTC) order remains in the system until the trading member
cancels it. However, the system cancels this order if it is not traded within a
number of days parameterised by the Exchange. A Good Till Days/Date (GTD) order
allows the user to specify the number of days/date till which the order should stay
in the system if not executed. The maximum number of days for which the GTC/GTD
order can remain in the system is notified by the Exchange from time to time after
which the order is automatically cancelled by the system. The days counted are inclusive
of the day/date on which the order is placed and inclusive of holidays. An Immediate
or Cancel (IOC) order allows the user to buy or sell a security as soon as the order
is released into the system, failing which the order is cancelled from the system.
Partial match is possible for the order and the unmatched portion of the order is
cancelled immediately.
At ICICIdirect.com, all orders accepted are valid for "Day"( One trading day only)
or can be IOC as currently permitted by exchange . Any unexecuted order pending
at the end of the trading session for the day gets expired.Kindly note that Valid
Till Cancel (VTC) is an additional facility in the nature of a new order type offered
by ICICIdirect.com to its customers and is not a product provided by Exchanges.To
know more about VTC kindly click here or your may refer FAQs on "Valid Till Cancel(VTC)"
under the FAQs section.
What is a Disclose Quantity (DQ) order?
Normally, the order quantity is disclosed in full to the market. An order with a
Disclosed Quantity (DQ) condition/attribute allows the Trading Member to disclose
only a part of the order quantity to the market. For example, an order of 1000 with
a disclosed quantity condition of 200 will mean that 200 is displayed to the market
at a time. After this is traded, another 200 is automatically released and so on
till the full order is executed. In NSE, the DQ (Disclosed Quantity) should not
be less that 10% of the Order Quantity and at the same time should not be greater
than or equal to the Order Quantity. In BSE, the DQ (Disclosed Quantity) should
not be less than either 10% of the Order Quantity or 1000 whichever is lower and
at the same time should not be greater than or equal to the Order Quantity.
What is a Stop Loss order ?
A Stop loss order allows the client to place an order which gets activated only
when the market price of the relevant security reaches or crosses a threshold price
specified by the investor in the form of 'Stop Loss Trigger Price'. When a stop
loss trigger price (SLTP) is specified in a limit order, the order becomes one which
is conditional on the market price of the stock crossing the specified SLTP. The
order remains passive (i.e. not eligible for execution) till the condition is satisfied.
Once the last traded price of the stock reaches or surpasses the SLTP, the order
becomes activated (i.e. eligible for execution by being taken up in the matching
process of the exchange) and then on behaves like a normal limit order. It is used
as a tool to limit the maximum loss on a position.
Examples :
Stop Loss Buy Order
'A' short sells Reliance shares at
325 in expectation that the price will fall.
However, in the event the price rises above his buy price 'A' would like to limit
his losses. 'A' may place a limit buy order specifying a Stop loss trigger price
345 and a limit price of
350. The stop loss trigger price (SLTP) has
to be between the last traded price and the buy limit price. Once the market price
of Reliance breaches the SLTP i.e.
345, the order gets converted to a limit buy
order at
Stop Loss Sell Order
'A' buys Reliance at
325 in expectation that the price will rise.
However, in the event the price falls, 'A' would like to limit his his losses. 'A'
may place a limit sell order specifying a Stop loss trigger price of
305 and a limit price of
300. The stop loss trigger price has to be between
the limit price and the last traded price at the time of placing the stop loss order.
Once the last traded price touches or crosses
305, the order gets converted into a limit sell
order at
Please note that in a buy order the SLTP cannot be less than the last traded price.
This is treated as a normal order because the condition that the last traded price
should exceed the stop loss trigger price for a buy order is already satisfied.
Similary, in case of a stop loss sell order the SLTP should not be greater than
the last traded price for the same reason.
What are price bands?
The exchanges have fixed price bands for all t securities within which they can
move within a day i.e +-20%. In case of scrips on which derivatives products are
available there is a price freeze of +/-20%.Orders outside the minimum and the maximum
of the range are not allowed to be entered into the system. However in case of few
specific scrips, from time to time the exchange has fixed price band of less than
+/-20%.The previous day's closing price is taken as the base price for calculating
the price bands.
In case a member wants to execute a trade beyond +/-20% freeze (derivative scrips)
then he will have to request the exchange to relax the price freeze for his particular
Advanced Order
Price Improvement Order in Cash
What is Price Improvement order in Cash?
Under Price Improvement order, customer would be able to place cash orders with
Trailing Stop Loss condition, where the Stop Loss Trigger and Limit price would
auto update as per the market price movement and Stop Loss update condition defined
by I-Sec for the concerned stock. Trailed SLTP and Limit Price (auto updated) will
be better than the SLTP and Limit Price entered by the customer hence this will
improve the order price.
Stop Loss update condition for stocks can be seen from the 'Stock Lists'.
Can I place Price Improvement order in NSE and BSE?
Yes, you can place Price Improvement order for trading in both NSE and BSE.
Can I place Price Improvement order at any time during the day?
You can place Price Improvement order any time during normal session of market hours.
Please note you cannot place orders in this product before or after market hours.
Can I place market or only limit price order in Price Improvement order?
No, only SLTP orders are allowed under Price Improvement order. However you can
modify already placed Price Improvement order to normal cash order as a limit or
market order.
Can I place Price Improvement order in all stocks?
Only selected stocks have been enabled for trading under Price Improvement Order
in Cash. Only those stocks, which meet the criteria on liquidity and volume have
been enabled for trading under this product. I-Sec reserves the right to select
the stocks for Price Improvement Order product and may, at its sole discretion,
include or exclude any stock for trading in this product without any prior intimation.
From where do I place Price Improvement order in Cash?
You can place Price Improvement order by visiting the new 'Advanced Order' under
the Equity trading section."
What is Stop Loss Update condition?
It is the price interval on the basis of which value of ?LTP at next SLTP update?
is calculated. Once the LTP of the stock reaches or breaches this value then the
Price Improvement order will trail with the updated SLTP and Limit price.
For example, say LTP of Sintex Industries (SININD) is 100 and SLTP Update condition
is 2. For a sell order, this implies that if LTP moves to 102 only then order will
trail by modifying the SLTP and limit price and if the LTP remains below 102 then
SLTP will remain unchanged.
What is Market Before Close (MBC)?
Market Before Close (MBC) is a feature where all pending Price Improvement orders
with MBC selected will be modified to market at a pre-defined time. This feature
will increase the probability of orders getting executed.
Which order details can I modify in a pending Price Improvement order?
You can modify quantity, order validity, order type, SLTP, limit price, trailing
Stop Loss and MBC condition.
Can I modify Price Improvement order to normal cash order and vice versa?
While order modification you can modify Price Improvement order to a normal cash
order by unchecking the trailing stop loss checkbox but modification of a normal
cash order to Price Improvement order is not allowed.
How many times an order can be modified?
An order can be modified to a maximum of 96 times. Price Improvement order will
not trail if this no. of modifications have already been done.
What is Trailing amount? Is there any minimum trailing amount which must be maintained
for Price Improvement order?
Trailing amount is the absolute price difference between LTP and SLTP for a Price
Improvement order. You cannot keep this difference less than the minimum trailing
amount defined for a stock.
Minimum trailing amount for a stock can be seen from the 'Stock lists'.
How the Price Improvement order will trail?
You can refer to the below example to have a better understanding of the Price Improvement
Assume LTP of Sintex Industries (SININD) is 100 and SLTP Update condition is 1.
For a sell Price Improvement order you enter SLTP as 98 and Limit Price as 96. Now
if LTP moves to 101 then order will trail with SLTP as 99 and limit price as 97.
But if the LTP moves down to 100 then SLTP will remain unchanged. If SLTP does not
get triggered during the day and you have MBC selected then this order will be modified
to market at a pre-defined time.
What will happen to my pending Price Improvement order if the SLTP Update condition
is changed during the day?
If the SLTP update condition is changed during the day then the next trail (not
immediate trail) of your pending Price Improvement order will happen according to
the changed SLTP update condition.
What will happen if my Price Improvement order gets triggered and remains pending?
Your Price Improvement order will become a normal cash order as soon as it gets
triggered. This means it will no longer have the trailing stop loss feature and
will not trail. This pending normal cash order will also not be modified to market
in the MBC process since it is not a Price Improvement order.
Will my part executed Price Improvement order trail for the remaining open quantity?
No, as explained above once your order gets triggered it will become a normal cash
order which will not have the trailing stop loss feature and hence won?t trail.
What if my Price Improvement order does not get execution during the day?
If your Price Improvement order does not get execution then this order will get
expired post market hours. You can place a fresh Price Improvement order for the
next trading day.
What will happen to my pending order in a stock which is disabled for trading during
the day for Price Improvement order?
Your pending improvement order will not have any impact even if the stock is disabled
for trading under the product. However no new Price Improvement orders will be allowed
in that stock.
Can I select Market Before Close for a Price Improvement order after the MBC process
is run?
No, you cannot select Market Before Close for a Price Improvement order after the
MBC process is run.
What will happen to the orders which remain unexecuted even after the MBC process
is run?
Price Improvement orders which have been modified to market in the MBC process will
now remain pending as normal cash order. You should refer to the status of the order
and act accordingly.
How the funds will be blocked under Price Improvement order?
Funds will be blocked as existing like Cash, which is 100 percent of the order value
in case of cash buy based on your order limit price. In case of auto (system) modification
of Price Improvement order, funds which were blocked on order placement or customer
modification, will be released but will be blocked till the total order value.
Will my Price Improvement order trail when the price feeds for a stock are not received?
Your Price Improvement order will not trail for a stock whose price feeds are not
Will my Price Improvement order trail for the price feeds received when the order
acknowledgement process is underway?
Your Price Improvement order will not trail for the price feeds received between
the time when order modification is sent to the exchange and its acknowledgement
is received.
Is there any difference in cash and security settlement for a Price Improvement order
and cash?
Since Price Improvement order is a cash order so there is no difference in the settlement
part for Price Improvement order from normal cash order.
Multi Price Order in Cash
What is Multi Price Order in Cash ?
Multi price Order are orders wherein you can place order with two prices, first
being the normal Limit Price and second price will be based on "Second Order type".
Second order type can either be a Limit order or a Market order, as per your choice.
In case you choose to place Multi Price order with "Second order type" as 'Limit'
then you will be required to enter the Second Limit Price at which your order will
be modified by I-Sec at a pre-defined time near market close.
Can I place Multi Price order in NSE & BSE ?
Yes, you can place Multi Price Order for trading on NSE and BSE.
Can I place Multi Price order in all products under Equity?
You can place Multi Price orders in Cash (Buy/Sell), Flexi Cash (Buy/sell) and Spot
products (only Sell).
Can I place Multi Price order at any time during the day ?
You can place Multi Price order during the day as per existing timings allowed for
normal order placement for above mentioned Equity Products.
From where do I place Multi Price order in Cash?
You can place Multi Price order by visiting the new 'Advanced Cash Order' under
the Equity trading section. You can also place Multi Price Order from Place Order
page where 'Place Multi Price Order' link is available.
What is cut off time?
A Cut off time is a time which is pre-defined by I-Sec which will be near to market
close time.
What is "Modify order at Cut Off time"?
In case of orders under Multi Price product if your order remains pending at the
end of day then at pre-defined Cut Off time by I-Sec, your pending Limit Price order(s)
will be modified from Limit Price to Second Limit price or from Limit to Market
Price as per the Second order type and price chosen by you at the time of order
Can I place market or only limit price order in Multi Price order?
Multi price order is order with two prices among which first price by default has
to be a Limit Price only and second Price will be based on Second order type chosen
by you as Limit or Market price at which I-Sec will modify your order.
Which order details can I modify in a pending Multi Price order?
You can modify fresh Limit Price, Quantity, Cut off Price i.e from Limit to market
or vice versa or to a revised Limit Price.
What if my Multi Price order does not get execution during the day?
Multi Price order being Day order, if the order does not get execution then such
order(s) will get expired post market hours. You can place a fresh Multi Price order
for the next trading day.
What will happen to my pending order in a stock which is disabled for trading during
the day for Multi Price order?
Your pending Multi Price order will not have any impact even if the stock is disabled
for trading under the product. However no new Multi Price orders will be allowed
in that stock.
How will the limits/funds be blocked for orders placed under Multi Price feature?
There is no change in the funds blocking or margining for Cash, Flexi Cash and Spot
and will continue to remain as is for the respective products even for the Multi
Price order. On placement of Multi Price order/modification by you the funds/limits
will be blocked considering the first Limit Price at which order is placed/modified
by you and sent to exchange. In case of modification of order at cut off time by
I-Sec the funds/limits blocking will be done considering the Second order type price
at the time of modification.
What If Sufficient Limit/funds are not available while System Order modification
at Cut Off time?
If sufficient Limit/funds are not available at Cut off time while System Order modification
then system will not modify order with Cut off time price and normal limit price
Order will remain in the system as it is.
Is there any difference in cash and security settlement for a Multi Price order?
Please note there is no change in Cash/fund settlement or security settlement for
Multi Price orders and will continue to remain same as existing products settlements.
Is there any additional charge or brokerage with regards to Multi Price?
There is no additional charge for Multi Price orders and existing brokerage and
statutory charges and levies as applicable for Equity products would apply to Multi
Price orders.
Why am I not able to place certain orders and conduct certain actions in this product?
As per Regulatory requirements regarding securities settlement, netting off of customer's
trades has become mandatory. In order to comply with these regulatory norms, we
have restricted certain orders and actions for the customers. In order to view the
full list of restrictions please click here..
Buy Today Sell Tomorrow® (BTST®)
What is Buy Today Sell Tomorrow® (BTST®) ?
Buy Today Sell Tomorrow® (BTST®) is a facility offered by ICICIDirect wherein
the customer will be able to sell the shares that he has purchased even before he
receives the delivery of the shares from the Exchange. He will not have to wait
till the time he receives the delivery from the Exchange thus increasing his liquidity.
Customer can place BTST order in any exchange irrespective of the exchange in which
respective position has been taken.
How does the customer place an order in BTST® ?
The customer can place an order in BTST® by going to the Security Projections
page and clicking on the BTST® Sell Hyperlink. The rest of the details which
are required to be filled up are similar to that of a normal sell order.
Can BTST order be placed through normal Cash Sell order entry page?
Yes, BTST order can be placed through Cash Sell order entry page but while placing
order system will check whether your order placement quantity is greater than the
below, if yes then system will trigger multiple orders as explained in the below
1. Total Net Buy execution of the day
2. Demat Allocation Qty
Example: If day buy qty for ACC is 10, Demat Allocation qty for ACC is 20 and BTST
Qty is 30 then-
Case 1:
If you are trying to place Cash Sell order in NSE for 45 qty then system will place
multiple orders as mentioned below:
a. 30 Qty in NSE (Day Buy Qty + Demat Allocation Qty)
b. 15 Qty in NSE (BTST Qty)
Case 2:
If you are trying to place Cash Sell order in BSE for 45 qty then system will place
multiple orders as mentioned below:
a. 30 Qty in BSE (Day Buy Qty + Demat Allocation Qty)
b. 15 Qty in BSE (BTST Qty)
What are the maximum number of shares that the customer can sell under BTST®
You can see the maximum number of shares which can be sold under BTST® under
the column Maximum Quantity Permitted against the corresponding settlement number.
This is being calculated by ICICIDirect after considering your buy position in the
corresponding settlement and also on ICICIDirect's internal risk profile of that
particular stock.
On the placement of a BTST® order, the order quantity is added to the existing
blocked quantity, if any, and is shown as the blocked quantity in the security projections.
The Available quantity now gets reduced by the blocked quantity. The customer can
then place further BTST® order/normal sell order for the available quantity.
Why is quantity sold under BTST being displayed in both Blocked Quantity and also
adjusted in current day quantity?
As per security settlement changes, quantity sold under BTST will also be netted
off against same day transactions and this will be done in end of the day(EOD) processes.
So, if customer sell under BTST then during the day that quantity will be displayed
as blocked quantity for BTST and also displayed as same day transaction (adjusted
along with other same day transactions if any). However, after EOD processes are
completed for the day, quantity will get displayed according to netting off. Please
note during the day although BTST quantity will get displayed reduced from net buy
quantity of the day, you will still be able to place cash sell order up to net bought
quantity of that stock.
Can BTST® facility be used even when the current settlement is going on ?
BTST® facility can be used only in case the settlement in which the shares have
been purchased is over.
How many scrips are available for BTST® ?
Currently, BTST® is allowed for all NSE listed scrips however as per internal
criteria for some scrips which have lower liquidity, scrips which are part of exchange
GSM list and Fake SMS scrips etc., BTST® is not allowed. ICICIdirect can at
its sole discretion add scrips or delete scrips to this existing list of scrips
for which BTST® would be permitted.
What will happen in case the delivery for shares sold by the customer is not received
from the exchange ?
BTST® is a facility whereby the customers are being allowed to sell their shares
against their receivable position in the same shares from the same Exchange. However,
in case there is a short delivery from the Exchange for the earlier buy transaction,
then the BTST® customers will also be giving short delivery for their sell transaction.
The Exchange would either give delivery of shares bought earlier through market
auction or shall closeout the buy transactions as per the Exchange Regulations.
However, this would not help the customer in meeting his sale delivery obligations
already committed by him as even if he receives the shares bought earlier through
auction settlement, by that time the securities pay-in date for his sell transaction
would be over. In such case, the customer will have to face auction proceedings
against his sale transaction and will have to bear the auction losses, auction penalties
and any other incidental charges etc.
Exchange does not net off subsequent sell transaction against the previous buy transaction
across the settlements and all the settlement obligations are settled settlement
All cost and consequences of any auction arising out of such BTST® sell transactions
shall be fully borne by the Customer and ICICIdirect would not be held responsible
for any such short delivery received by the customer and the consequential impact
In case of short delivery, ICICIDirect will reduce the limits of the customer to
the extent of the likely auction amount. On receiving the actual auction amount
from the Exchange the limits will be adjusted to reflect the same and the auction
amount will be recovered from the customer.
What will happen in case for securities bought under Delivery product by the customer is not received from the clearing corporation?
After Direct Payout Implementation the securities will be directly credited to demat account. Non-receipt of securities in your demat account is either may be due to shortage of securities received from clearing corporation or mapped demat account is invalid/dormant state.
E.g. Customer has bought 100 qty in Delivery product on Monday. And shortage is being marked on the settlement date (Tuesday) for full 100 qty. On the next date of the settlement date (Wednesday) auction payout of securities of 40 qty is received and shall be available in Demat Holdings and for remaining 60 qty funds closeout shall be credited once received from the Clearing Corporation.
What will happen in case for securities bought under Delivery product by the customer is not received from the Clearing Corporation while the securities are sold by the customer in the interim?
During T+1 EoD processing once the shortage of securities is identified, cash limits equal to ’shortage qty on T+1 day sell trade value + 20% mark-up’ shall be blocked irrespective of availability of such limits. On T+2 day either securities shall be received via auction or funds closeout shall be received or combination of both.
E.g. Customer has bought 100 qty of GAIL at Rs. 100 under Delivery (Cash) and sold full 100 qty at Rs. 105 as BTST. During T+1 EOD processing shortage of full securities is identified. Cash limit of Rs. 12,600 (105*100+20%) will be blocked. On T+2 day auction payout of securities of 40 qty is received, such securities shall be blocked and funds closeout of 60 qty (say 107*60 = 6420) will be credited once received from the Clearing Corporation.
What will happen in case for securities bought under Delivery product by the customer is not received from the Clearing Corporation while the securities are sold by the customer in the interim and customer has existing holding of the same scrip?
During T+1 EoD processing once the shortage of securities payin is identified. On T+2 day either securities shall be received via auction or the same shall be handled by adjusting the BTST qty with existing holdings. Closeout of shortage qty shall be credited once received from the Clearing Corporation. Securities received in auction shall be adjusted with BTST quantity and for the remaining qty (if any), the same shall be reduced from the existing holdings. And funds closeout of shortage qty shall be credited once received from the Clearing Corporation.
E.g. You have bought 100 qty of GAIL at Rs. 100 under Delivery product and sold full qty at Rs. 105 as BTST and you have existing demat holdings of 1000 qty of GAIL. Now on T+2 day auction payout of securities of 40 qty is received, such securities shall be adjusted with BTST sell qty and for the remaining 60 qty shall be reduced from the existing holdings of 1000 qty. Funds closeout of 60 qty will be credited once received from the Clearing Corporation. Existing demat holdings qty shall be reduced to 940 qty i.e. 1000 qty – 60qty = 940 qty.
Can Non Resident Indians (NRIs) opt for BTST®?
No. NRIs are not permitted to opt for BTST®.
What would be the brokerage applicable ?
The brokerage rates will be the same as that are applicable for cash trades.
Whether the shares will get credited in my demat account?
Under the Direct Payout of Securities Mechanism, the securities will be directly credited to Client demat account tagged as primary/default, In case the customer sells shares under BTST® facility, the securities bought by the customer are allowed to sell to the extent of securities bought in previous days settlement.
What happens if I have shares deallocated. How can I allocate the shares if I have previous days Cash Buy? After allocation will I be able to place BTST/Cash sell order from Place order page?
You can allocate shares from Allocate page available on Demat holdings page. You need to enter total demat balance qty as pre-populated, the difference between the unallocated/free quantity and previous day net buy quantity will be allocated in demat holdings. Since the stock is enabled for BTST, shares bought on the previous day can be sold as existing.
If you want to place Cash Sell order. You can place the same from Place order/Demat Holdings page.
If you want to place BTST order. You can place the same from Securities Projection (BTST) page.
For e.g. Customer has an existing free 100Q, and cash buy has been done of 40Q done on previous day then on the next trade day if the securities are not auto allocated then customer will be able to allocate 60 Q in Demat Holdings for Cash Sell and 40Q can be sold via BTST as existing.
What happens if shares have been auto allocated and want to place BTST/Cash sell order?
In case if you want to place BTST/Cash sell order and auto allocation is successful then you will be able to do BTST/Cash sell as existing.
For e.g. Customer has bought cash buy 100Q, on the next trade day 40 Q cash buy in the same stock has been done. And on T+2 trading day auto allocation of 100 Q is successful then customer will be able to do cash sell of 100Q and 40Q can be sold via BTST as existing.
Settlement Of Trades
What is a Settlement cycle?
Please refer Learning Centre.
If I have purchased a share, do I have to take delivery?
Rolling Segment : You can choose to sell the share before the end of settlement cycle. However once the settlement cycle is over
you have to take delivery by paying for it.
TT Segment : Settlement of securities will be done without any netting off of positions.
If you have purchased shares, you will have to mandatorily take delivery. You will
not be permitted to sell the same in the same settlement.
The Segment to which the stock belongs can be seen from the 'Stock List'.
If I have sold some shares, can I use the cash projections therefrom to buy other
Settlement of funds is done on net basis for each segment. Therefore, Cash projections
against sale of some TT Segment stock will be available for purchase of the same
or another TT Segment Stock. Similarly, Cash projections against sale of some Rolling
Segment stock will be available for purchase of the same or another Rolling Segment
However, there is no netting off between various Segments. Therefore, Net Cash projections
against sale of one or more of TT Segment stocks will not be available for purchase
of Rolling Segment Stocks in the same settlement. Similarly, Net Cash projections
against sale of one or more of Rolling Segment stocks will not be available for
purchase of TT Segment Stocks in the same settlement.
However, Net Cash projections of one segment will be available for purchases in
another segment on the next trading day onwards since the cash pay-out day of the
earlier settlement falls on or earlier than the cash pay-in day of settlement in
which the purchase is sought.
The Segment to which the stock belongs can be seen from the 'Stock List'.
Why is a part of my sell trade value for Cash product transactions being withheld
for the day?
As per regulatory requirement, the sell value of securities (where there would be
early pay in) as reduced by the value of 20% upfront margin required shall be made
available for taking other positions. Accordingly, to comply with this requirement
20% sell value of your Cash Sell transaction will be withheld and remaining will
be given as limits during the day for taking further exposure. This 20% withheld
value will be released in limits for the next trade date post market hours. In case
any Cash sell trade is executed subsequent to a buy trade in the same stock for
the same quantity in the same exchange then, such Cash Sell transaction becomes
intraday and there is no margin required for such transaction (excluding BTST and
CTD sell transactions) In the above scenario, if Sell trade was done first then
the buy trade then, 20% Sell value will be withheld as the Sell trade will be treated
as delivery transaction and will call for 20% margin.
For BTST transactions done on T+1 day in T+2 settled stocks, 40% sell value of your
BTST transaction (for meeting margin requirements) will be withheld on T+1 day and
remaining will be given as limits during the day for taking further exposure. 50%
of this withheld value will be released in limits for the next trade date post market
hours and the remaining 50% of this withheld value will be released in limits post
market hours on T+2 day.
For BTST transactions done on T+2 day in T+2 settled stocks and on T+1 day in T+1
settled stocks, 20% sell value of your BTST transaction will be withheld and remaining
will be given as limits during the day for taking further exposure. This 20% withheld
value will be released in limits for the next trade date post market hours similar
to cash sell transactions.
Eg. On 21st Sept BTST done against Buy of 20th Sept, BTST trade value is say Rs.100
then Rs.40 will be withheld & Rs.60 will be released in the limits instantly. Out
of Rs.40 withheld, Rs.20 (half of withheld) will be released at EOD for trade date
22nd Sept & remaining Rs.20 will be released in limits for trade date of 23rd Sept.
You may please visit the online Trade Book under Equity section or "Converted to
Delivery" link under Margin page to view the withheld amount for the respective
If I have sold, do I have to give delivery of shares?
Rolling Segment : You can choose to buy the share before the end of settlement cycle. However once the settlement cycle is over
you have to give the delivery of shares from your Demat account.
TT Segment : Settlement of securities will be done without any netting off of positions.
If you have sold shares so notified, you will have to mandatorily give delivery.
Any purchases have to be separately paid for and delivery taken. Therefore, even
after any subsequent purchase in the same settlement, the blocks on your DP balances
will remain till settlement.
The Segment to which the stock belongs can be seen from the 'Stock List'.
I buy a share, how will the payment be made and how will I get the shares?
The payment will be made on the Pay-In day which depends on the settlement cycle and the exchange. The shares received from
the exchange will be automatically transferred to your Demat Account. The money
required for purchase will be transferred from your Bank account. A similar process
takes place when you sell the share.
I have bought some shares but some amount has not been deducted from my Bank Account?
The amount will be deducted from your linked ICICI Bank account on the Trade Day
itself. The date on which amount is to be deducted from your account can be checked
from the 'Cash Projection' page.
I have bought some shares but shares have not come into my demat account?
The shares will come into your demat account at the time of
settlement. Hence you can expect the shares to come into your Demat account
on Pay-Out of securities (i.e. T+2). The date on which the shares are to be credited to your Demat Account
is indicated on the Order verification screen which comes up on submitting a Buy
order. Alternatively, it is possible that the shares may not have come from the
exchange because of short delivery by the counter party (selling broker).. In this
case, the exchange conducts an auction to buy the shares (to the extent delivered
short by any broker) from the open market and the shares may be received a few days
later. If the shares are not received in an auction also, the exchange suitably
charges penalty from the person liable to deliver the shares. You are suitably compensated
and the consideration is remitted to you as soon as it is received from the exchange.
I have sold some shares but the payment has not come into my bank account?
The amount will be come into your bank account at the time of settlement. Hence, generally you can expect the amount to
get credited to your bank account on T+1.
What is a short delivery?
Short delivery refers to a situation where a client, who has sold certain shares
during a settlement cycle fails to deliver the shares to the member either fully
or partly. Details of short delivery, if any, for orders placed by you is posted
in the My Messages link on the Equity page.
What is an auction?
An auction is a mechanism utilised by the exchange to fulfil its obligation towards
the buying trading members. Thus, in case for a settlement, the selling trading
members have delivered short, their deliveries are bad or they have not rectified
the company objection reported against them, the exchange purchases the requisite
quantity from the market and gives them to the original buying member. Auctions
are generally held on Friday.
What factors give rise to an auction ?
There are three factors, which primarily give rise to an auction:
1. Short deliveries
What happens if the shares are not bought in the auction?
If the shares could not be bought in the auction i.e. if the shares were not offered
for sale in the auction, the Exchange squares up the transaction as per SEBI guidelines.
The guideline in force stipulates that the transaction is squared up at the highest
price from the relevant trading period till the auction day or at 20%
above the last available closing price on the auction day, whichever
is higher. The pay-in and pay-out of funds for auction square up is held along with
the pay-out for the relevant auction.
What if there is an internal Shortage within ICICI Securities, i.e., the Buyer and
Seller are both ICICI Securities Clients and the Seller defaults in Securities Delivery
due to which the Buyer may not receive the Shares?
Within ICICI Securities it could be possible that within the Member's Clients, there
could be positions of a client in the same scrip where counter party client is also
of ICICI Securities, which then necessitates internal adjustment / netting.
If the securities are not received on or before settlement date or due to any other reason
whatsoever, Client/s are not able to deliver securities, the counter-party client may not receive shares on T+1 (Settlement Date).
The client may not receive shares on T+1 (Settlement Date), in case there is an Internal
Shortage within ICICI Securities, i.e., the Buyer and Seller are both ICICI Securities
Clients and the Seller defaults in Securities Delivery due to which the Buyer may
not receive the Shares.
Pursuant to Circular No. SEBI/HO/MIRSD/MIRSD-PoD1/P/CIR/2024/75 dated June 05, 2024 and NCL/CMPT/66688 dated
February 14, 2025 effective from February 25, 2025, the securities payout shall be credited directly to the
respective client’s active demat account by the clearing corporation & Depositories (NSDL/CDSL) and for any
security shortage (including internal shortage) it is mandatory for all brokers to use auction mechanism of
clearing corporation.
The policy for settling internal shortages will be as prescribed by the clearing corporation from time to time. Clearing
Corporation has prescribed that mandatory auction to be conducted in internal shortages in capital market segment, physical
settlement of equity derivatives
A. In Case of Sell trade internal shortage:
1. Internal shortages will be reported to Clearing corporation and auction shall be conducted Effective from 07-March-2025, CC will identify the customer wise short delivery quantity to settle through auction settlement.
2. Settlement number wise Internal shortage for short delivery of securities occurred from any of the product i.e. Cash Sell, eATM, BTST, MTF sell/ BTST, SPOT sell etc. will be reported to Clearing Corporation on Settlement day. as per the process specified by CC from time to time.
3. CC will conduct the Auction of such trades and debit from the ICICI Securities’ settlement account valuation* amount for such internal shortage as prescribed by CC from time to time towards auction which in turn will be blocked from funds/ securities available with the sell shortage client.
4. For cases where shares were not received in auction due to any reason like valuation amount not paid, corporate action, unsuccessful auction or member not reported or short reported of self-auction quantity etc.), of such positions will be settled through financial close-out at auction rate and in the absence of auction rate, close-out rate will be considered as per CC declared rate. In case auction rate and close out rate both are not available due to any reason, then the same shall be handled as per internal shortage close out rate i.e. highest price of the securities from
5. Trade Day to settlement day.
6. In case of securities short delivered in pay-in obligation to CC, then CC will debit the Auction/close out charges. The same amount will be recovered from seller short client.
7. The Auction amount will be debited on Auction settlement day or within one working day of Auction Settlement Day.
B. In case of Buy trade Internal shortage:
1. In case buy client not received the securities on settlement day CC will conduct auction process and shares will be credited on auction settlement day.
2. In case of failure to deliver securities from Auction settlement, such positions will be settled through financial close-out at the close-out rate given by CC. In case close out rate is also not available due to any reason, then the same shall be handled as per internal shortage close out rate i.e. highest price of the scrip from Trade Day to Settlement Day.
3. The Auction amount will be credited on Auction settlement day or within one working day of Auction Settlement Day.
*Valuation Amount: The valuation amount for internal shortages shall be arrived basis the settlement price of the scrip and additional 20% markup or as specified by CC from time to time.
Shortage (Exchange & Internal) handling for MTF product customers having buy position:
Where MTF buy position is marked for payout shortage, then entire MTF position will continue till
Auction settlement day. If securities pay-out is received for the entire quantity under Auction settlement
and marked under MTF pledge. the entire quantity of the MTF position will be continued as it is. If the
securities are not marked under MTF Pledge by CC/Depository due to any reason, the entire MTF position will be squared off.
Further, on auction settlement day, if CC does the financial close out full or partial quantity, then such MTF positions,
to the extent of closed out quantity, will be closed through “Convert to Delivery” (CTD) process mode. Financial close out
amount will be transferred to client, if any. In case client squares off the MTF position before Auction settlement day, then such
short delivery of securities will be considered as sell shortage and will be settled as per the above-mentioned process
What will happen in case the delivery for MTF securities bought by the customer is not received from the clearing corporation?
On T+2 day either securities shall be received via auction or funds closeout shall be received or combination of both if the securities are received partially, if Securities received in auction, such securities shall be MTF auto pledged and shall be available for the customers. And if funds closeout is received, in such case MTF positions (old or latest) exists in such short-delivered stock(s) then I-Sec will close the MTF open position (on the best-efforts basis) using CTD feature, CTD obligation to the extent of position value will be created as such funded position is already settled by I-Sec and against such position closeout proceeds shall be credited once received from the Clearing corporation.
E.g. Customer has bought MTF position of 100 qty on Monday. And shortage is being marked on the settlement date (Tuesday) for full 100 qty. On the next date of the settlement date (Wednesday) auction payout of securities of 40 qty is received which shall be auto pledged and for remaining 60 qty funds closeout shall be credited once received from the Clearing corporation. And 60 qty shall be closed from open position using CTD feature. Hence the MTF open position will be reduced to 40 qty
What will happen in case the delivery for MTF securities bought by the customer is not received from the clearing corporation while the securities are sold by the customer in the interim and customer do not have any MTF open position of the same stock?
During T+1 EoD processing once the shortage of securities is identified, cash limits equal to T+1 day sell trade value + 20% shall be blocked irrespective of availability of such limits. On T+2 day either securities shall be received via auction or funds closeout shall be received or combination of both. If securities received in auction, such securities shall be MTF auto pledged, these securities shall be blocked and shall be available for the customers only once the o/s obligation (if any) is cleared. and for the remaining qty (if any) funds closeout shall be credited in the bank account once received from the Clearing corporation.
E.g. Customer has bought 100 qty of GAIL at Rs. 100 under MTF with 25% margin and sold full qty at Rs. 105. During T+1 EOD processing shortage of full securities is identified. Cash limit of Rs. 12,600 (105*100+20%) will be blocked. Now on T+2 day auction payout of securities of 40 qty is received, such securities shall be blocked and funds closeout of 60 qty (say 107*60 = 6420) will be credited in the bank account once received from the clearing corporation.
What will happen in case the delivery for MTF securities bought by the customer is not received from the clearing corporation while the securities are sold by the customer in the interim and customer has old MTF open position in the same stock?
During T+1 EoD processing once the shortage of securities is identified. On T+2 day either securities shall be received via auction or the same shall be handled by closing the position with older position using CTD feature and funds closeout of shortage qty shall be credited once received from the clearing corporation. If securities received in auction shall be adjusted with the existing quantity and for the remaining qty (if any), the same shall be handled using CTD feature by closing older MTF open position. and funds closeout of shortage qty shall be credited once received from the clearing corporation.
E.g. Customer has bought 100 qty of GAIL at Rs. 100 under MTF with 25% margin and sold full qty at 105 and he has previous position of 1000 qty of GAIL. Now on T+2 day auction payout of securities of 40 qty is received, such securities shall be adjusted with the existing 1000 qty and for remaining 60 qty I-Sec will close this position with older position using CTD feature and cash limit of Rs. 6,000 (100*60) will be blocked. Funds closeout of 60 qty will be credited in the bank account once received from the clearing corporation. Older MTF position qty shall be reduced to 940 qty i.e. 1000 qty – 60qty = 940 qty.
Margin Product
Cash Margin Release Cash Margin Debit/Credit Process
"Client Mode is now referred as MTF BUY which is Buy Today & Paying within 1 year.
Please read Client mode as MTF Buy"
What is Margin Trading / Trading in Margin Segment at ICICIdirect.com?
In margin trading, you take buy/sell positions in stock(s) with the intention of
squaring off the position within the same settlement cycle. If, during the course
of the settlement cycle, the price moves in your favour (rises in case you have
a buy position or falls in case you have a sell position), you make a profit. In
case the price movement is adverse, you incur a loss. However, you also have the
option to take/give delivery of buy/sell position respectively if you have sufficient
cash/securities to do so.
Normally to buy shares, you have to place (ensure availability of limit) 100% of
the order value, while to sell shares, you need to have shares in your demat account.
However, margins are blocked only to safeguard against any adverse price movement.
With margin trading, you can leverage on your trading limit by taking buy/sell positions
much more than what you could have taken in cash segment. However, the risk profile
of your transactions goes up.
How is margin trading different from trading in Cash segment?
Buy/sell transactions in Cash Segment are settled by delivery unless squared off
within the same settlement. Whereas in Margin trading, sell transactions are squared
off unless converted into delivery (cash segment), Margin Buy positions which are
marked with square off mode as 'Broker' will be squared off unless converted to
delivery (cash segment) and Margin Buy positions which are marked with square off
mode as 'Client ' will not be squared off by the system but it will be the customer's
responsibility to square off such positions before the stipulated time (stipulated
time is available on the site on the Margin product buy page in the 'Help' link
besides the Square off mode). The time when the Margin open positions will be squared
off (i.e End Of Settlement (EOS) process) would be specified in the Open Margin
Positions or Pending for Delivery screen everyday. For example, when you place an
order to buy 100 shares of Reliance in the cash segment, your intention is to pay
for and receive the shares in your demat account. However, if the same order were
to be placed in the margin segment, your intention would be to sell those shares
subsequently in the same settlement at a higher price and thereby make a profit
on the same. However, if the price falls subsequently, there may be a loss.
Since a cash position is meant to be settled by delivery, the required cash or securities
are blocked in full. For example, if you place an order to buy 100 shares of Reliance,
100% of the order value is blocked from your limit and if you place an order to
sell 100 shares of Reliance, 100 qty of Reliance shares are blocked in your demat
account. On the other hand, in a margin order, only a specified % of the order value
is blocked from your limit. A sell order in the margin segment can be placed even
without having any stock in demat account. However, unlike the sell order in the
cash segment which can be placed without having any limit, a sell order in margin
can be placed only if sufficient limit is available. The most important thing to
understand is that though you can leverage on your trading limit with margin trading,
the risk profile of your transactions goes up substantially.
For more details login to your account and visit the Stock List option on the Equity
section of the Trading page.
What does 'Broker Square off' and 'Client Square off' mean in Margin
Buy orders/positions under the Margin product now have a facility whereby customers
can select the mode for squaring off their Margin positions. 'Broker' or 'Client'
are the square off modes available under this facility.
- Broker:Under this square off mode, all unexecuted Margin Buy/Sell orders
as well as Margin Buy/Sell positions that are marked under 'Broker' square off mode
will be identified as intra day and will be cancelled/squared off respectively by
ICICI Securities Limited (I-Sec) during the EOS process for the current settlement
which would be run at the discretion of I-Sec.
- Client:Under this square off mode, all unexecuted Margin Buy orders as well
as Margin Buy positions that are marked under 'Client' square off mode will not
be cancelled/squared off by I-Sec during the EOS process for the current settlement
except for scrips having a price band ('price band scrips') where price of the scrip
moves by a predefined % as determined by I-Sec in which case positions would be
squared off by I-Sec at its discretion. The onus to square off such positions before
the stipulated time (within 1 year) will lie on you failing which the positions
would be squared off by I-Sec on best effort basis during the EOS process run for
the earlier settlement . Please note positions under the Margin Client square off
mode may be squared off by I-Sec in case of price band scrips where price of the
scrip moves by a predefined % as determined by I-Sec. Client square off Mode is
also referred as Margin Trading facility. Hereinafter in the FAQ's, it can be referred
as any of two i.e. Client mode or Margin Trading Facility (MTF).
Please note that all Sell orders/ positions will necessarily be marked under the
Broker square off mode only and will be cancelled/squared off respectively in the
EOS run for the same day's settlement.
Can I place 'Broker Square off' and 'Client Square off' mode Margin transactions
on NSE and BSE?
Yes, you can place 'Broker Square off' and 'Client Square off' mode transactions
on both NSE and BSE. Please note Client mode positions stipulated time is 1 year
in both NSE & BSE.
What is meant by 'Margin Positions' page?
The 'Margin Positions' page on the site is the page which displays margin open positions
taken in the current settlement and provides you the facility to:
- Add margin - You can add additional margin against positions taken in the current
- CTD (Convert to Delivery) - You can convert margin position to Cash position and
take delivery of the same
- Square off - You can place square off order against your position using this link
- Change mode - You can change the mode of the positions taken in the current settlement
from Broker to Client and vice-versa
What is mean by 'Pending for Delivery' (PFD) page? What are the details available
on the PFD page?
The 'Pending for Delivery' (PFD) page on the site is the page which displays all
your open Margin Buy positions taken in Client square off mode which were not squared
off by you in the earlier settlements. The PFD page is similar to the Margin Positions
page. The following details are displayed on this page :
- Exchange & Trade Date
- Stock Code & Expiry Date
- Open Quantity & Cover Order Quantity
- Average Price at which the position was taken & Current Price of the scrip
- Initial Margin Amount
- Amount Payable
- Minimum Margin & Available Margin Amount
- Profit / Loss amount & Additional Margin Required
- Action
- Margin Square off mode 'Client'
- Details - On clicking the + symbol the following columns would be displayed
- Settlement Number
- Convert to Delivery Quantity
- Profit / Loss %
- Squared off Quantity
The significance of these details are explained in the FAQs below.
The positions will remain in the Pending for Delivery page till the number of days
specified by I-Sec from time to time. After the expiry of the days mentioned, these
positions will be squared off by the risk monitoring system's EOS process at a time
mentioned by I-Sec and displayed on this page. As mentioned in the above FAQs there
could be a possibility of positions being squared off earlier than the number of
days specified in case of price band scrips move by a predefined % as determined
by I-Sec and also in case of corporate action in a particular scrip.
Is there any impact on my position in the scrip in which there is a corporate action?
Yes, in case of corporate action in the particular scrip there could be a possibility
of positions being squared off earlier than the number of days specified or expiry
date mentioned on the Pending for Delivery page. Please note you will also not be
allowed to create fresh positions in such scrip as the same would be disabled due
to corporate action.
Please note this would also apply to your Margin Trading facility positions on BSE
under the Client mode.
For Example :
You bought 100 quantity shares of TISCO at Rs. 300 each under client mode on March
11, 2016 and expiry date is March 18, 2016. In this example , let's assume March
17, 2016 is the Ex Date for a Bonus Shares corporate action, hence the position
will be squared off one or two days before Ex Date and you will also not be allowed
to create fresh position in this scrip for few days till it is reactivated for trading.
Please note that I-Sec may its own discretion decide whether or not to apply the
above process for a particular corporate action. The above mentioned process shall
be applied if I-Sec is of the opinion that corporate action may have a potential
impact on stock's price.
Can I trade in Margin at any time during the day? Can I place a Margin order at 3.25
You can trade in Margin 'Broker Square off' and 'Client Square off' mode transactions
any time during the market hours. You can trade in Margin Client square off mode
till 3.30 pm (or till the market is open) but you can trade in Margin Broker square
off mode till the time the End of Settlement (EOS) process for the day is run. However,
after the End of Settlement (EOS) process for the day is run, you will be permitted
to take or square off only Buy positions in Client square off mode and positions
can be taken only in scrips for which the facility to choose the Client square off
mode is available provided Margin product trading is enabled for the same scrip.
Please Note, End of Settlement (EOS) process for Broker Square off mode will be
run for both the Exchanges.
Which stocks are eligible for margin trading? Why is the stock list restricted to
specific scrips only?
At present, only select shares have been enabled for trading in the Margin product.
These stocks currently account for more than 95% of the trading volume on the bourses.
Only those stocks, which meet the criteria on liquidity and volume have been enabled
for trading under the Margin product. You can visit the Stock list page for viewing
the list of stocks enabled for Margin trading on NSE or BSE.
I-Sec reserves the right to stock selection for margin and may, at its sole discretion,
include or exclude any shares from the margin list on any exchange without any prior
How do I place a margin buy/sell order?
To place a Buy order in Margin, you need to visit the 'Place Order' page under Equity
Transact section and select 'Margin Buy' tab. You will have to select the 'Square
Off Mode' for the order as either 'Broker' or 'Client'. All other order parameters
remain the same as in the Cash product.
To place a Sell order in Margin, you need to visit the 'Place Order' page under
Equity Transact section and select 'Margin Sell' tab . All other order parameters
remain the same as in the Cash product.
For further assistance, you may refer to the 'Help' section on the respective page.
How do I pledge my Client-MTF positions?
As per SEBI circular dated Feb 25, 2020, all funded stocks needs to be pledged in favor of ICICI Securities
Limited. The funded stock will be pledge in client demat account by marked pledge in
I-Sec 'Client Unpaid Securities Margin Funding Account' (CUSMFA) of I-Sec. As per the Direct Payout of Securities
Facility, all the shares bought from trade date February 24, 2025 onwards will be auto-pledged in favour of I-Sec
on settlement date beginning from February 25 2025. Now, you no longer need to confirm the OTP for pledging of
shares. All other MTF features/charges will continue as it is.
Are there any additional charges for MTF shares bought by me and being pledged in
favor of ICICI Securities?
Yes, additional charges will be levied for MTF shares in accordance with depositories
NSDL and CDSL. These charges are applicable on a per-ISIN basis in each instruction.
Type of Instruction
Pledging Charges in Rs.
(Per ISIN in an instruction)
Margin Trading Pledge : MTF Pledge
How the delivery towards sell of MTF Funded shares will be effected?
In case you sell the MTF funded shares, ICICI Securities (I-Sec) shall invoke the
pledge on such shares for meeting delivery obligation on sell transaction. This
process will be followed irrespective of the fact whether the shares are being sold
either by you /dealer or by risk trigger processed by I-Sec.
What is Advance Pledge?
This is future dated pledge instruction and pledge will be created on execution
date subject to availability of shares quantity in client demat account and client
confirmation obtained.
Can I place short sell orders (i.e. sell shares which I do not hold in DP)?
Yes, you can place short sell orders in the Margin product. However, you will have
to square off the position on the same day before the EOS process is run as you
cannot have an open net sell position at the end of the settlement cycle.
Can I place Buy /Sell Overnight Order(s) in Margin Broker Square off mode?
No, you cannot place Buy /Sell Overnight Order(s) in Margin Broker Square off mode.
Can I place Buy /Sell Overnight Order(s) in Margin Client Square off mode?
Yes, you can place Fresh and Square off Buy/Sell Overnight Order(s) (with Limit
& VTC order validity) in Margin Client Square off mode. fresh order can be placed
using the Margin tab under the existing 'Place order' link on the site and square
off orders can be placed from 'Pending for Delivery' page.
What happens after I place an overnight Margin - Client mode orders? When will my
order be sent to exchange?
Your Client mode overnight order(s) will reflect in the Order book in 'Requested'
status. Your orders will be sent to exchange once the exchange opens for the next
trading session.
When will my overnight Order(s) in requested status become ordered?
Overnight order(s) will become in 'Ordered' status once they are sent to exchange
either in pre-open session for pre open enabled stocks or in the normal session
for stocks not enabled for pre open.
Is there any change in Margin blocking for Overnight Order placement?
No, there is no change for Margin blocking. Existing margin blocking will continue.
Can I place Order in pre open session?
Yes ,you can place order in pre open session for pre open enabled stocks in Margin
Client Square off mode only.
Do you block the shares in DP when a sell order is placed in the margin segment?
No. Unlike a sell order in the cash segment, securities are not blocked in your
demat account at the time of placing a sell order in Margin.
Can I trade in Margin and Cash on the same day in the same scrip?
Yes. You can trade in Cash and Margin on the same day in the same scrip on the same
exchange as well as on different exchanges irrespective of the Margin square off
Can I convert my pending margin order into an Order for Cash Segment?
No. Only the executed margin position can be converted to delivery (cash segment)
and not the pending orders in margin. In such case, you can cancel your margin order
and place a fresh order in cash.
Can I take Margin position with client mode if unsettled position exists in the Cash
Yes . You can take Margin positions with Client mode if there is any unsettled position
in Cash. All unsettled positions in Cash can be viewed under the Securities projection
page under Equity.
Can I choose different square off modes for 2 different orders in the same scrip
on same day?
You can choose different square off modes for 2 different orders in the same scrip
on same day if each order is in different exchange. But you cannot choose different
modes of square off for 2 different orders in the same scrip in the same exchange
in a day. The mode of square off for your 2nd Margin order in the same scrip has
to be the mode chosen during the 1st order placement if transaction is being done
on the same exchange. This would mean that in a current settlement on an exchange
on a day you can have margin position or orders in same scrip only in one mode.
Can I choose different square off modes in the same scrip in different days?
Yes. You can choose one mode in a scrip on a day and another mode in the same scrip
on the next day. Only on same day you cannot have orders/positions on one exchange
in the same scrip with different modes.
I hold a position in a scrip in the Pending for Delivery page , can I place Cash
orders in the same scrip?
Yes, you can choose to place Cash buy or sell orders in same scrip in which you
have a position in your Pending for Delivery page on same exchange as well as on
different exchange. However, you can also opt to Convert to delivery and take delivery
of the position which is in Pending for Delivery page or you can place Margin orders
with Client or broker mode in such a scrip.
I have squared off my position in Pending for Delivery, can I place Cash buy or sell
orders in the same scrip today?
Yes. You can place cash orders in that scrip today on same exchange as well as on
different exchange if you have fully or partially squared off your position on pending
for delivery page in that scrip. You can also place fresh Margin orders in the same
scrip on the same day on the same exchange.
Can I place margin order with client mode in a scrip in which I have done shares
as margin in Futures & Options (F&O)?
Yes. You can place Margin orders with Client square off mode in a scrip if you have
done shares as margin in the same scrip and vice versa.
Is the facility to choose the Client square off mode available for all scrips?
No. The facility to choose the Client square off mode is available in select securities
and for fresh Buy orders only. The facility is not available on Sell orders or modifying
unexecuted orders
Also, the square off mode can be changed from Margin Position page for your buy
positions during the day anytime before the EOS process for the current settlement
is run.
I-Sec, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to enable/disable the 'Client'
square off mode for selected securities.
How can I know the securities for which the facility to choose the Client Square
off mode is available?
To know the list of securities for which the Client square off mode option is enabled,
please refer 'Client Square off Mode Enabled' column on the following path:
Trading page > Equity section > Stock list page
The value in this column will be displayed as 'Y' if the facility is available for
the security else the value displayed will be as 'N'.
Where can I see the square off mode for a buy order placed by me?
The order and the square off mode chosen against the order can be seen in the Order
Book, under the column 'Square off mode' . All sell orders under the facility are
by default marked under the Broker square off mode.
How do I differentiate between margin orders and cash orders in the order book?
To distinguish between the two order types, Margin orders are displayed with a yellow
background while cash orders are displayed with a white background in the order
Can I change the square off mode for an unexecuted / pending Order?
No. You cannot change the square off mode of unexecuted / pending orders. However,
you can cancel the order and place a fresh order by selecting a different square
off mode.
You can change the square off mode of executed buy margin orders from the Margin
Positions page after the order is executed.
How do I see my open positions in margin?
To view the open margin positions created during the day, you can visit the 'Margin
Positions' link on the trading page. The margin positions table gives details such
as Stock, buy/sell position, open qty, cover order qty, weighted average of buy/sell
price at which the position has been built up, current market price, mark to market
profit/loss and total margin blocked on the open position.
To view Margin open positions taken in earlier settlements, you can visit the 'Pending
for Delivery' page in the Equity Section of your www.icicidirect.com account.
How can I change the square off mode of my open Margin positions?
To change the square off mode of Margin positions click on:
'Change Mode' link on the 'Margin Positions' page in case of positions taken in
current settlement.
The 'Square off mode' column on this page displays the current mode of square off
chosen by you for that position. 'Change Mode' link will display the square off
mode selected which is not currently chosen by you for the position. On clicking
the 'Submit' button, you can change the square off mode. For example, if your current
square off mode is 'Broker', on clicking the 'Submit' button, you can change the
square off mode to 'Client'.
Please note, you can change the square off mode from Margin Position page anytime
before the EOS process is run for the day.
Can I change square off mode of my open Margin positions from Pending for Delivery
No. You cannot change square off mode of your open Margin position from Pending
for Delivery page.
How many times can I change the square off mode?
You can change the square off mode of a position as many numbers of times as you
want from Margin Position page till the time the EOS process is run. After the EOS
process the square off mode of Margin positions cannot be changed.
Why am I not able to Convert to Delivery and Change Mode of certain existing Margin
and MTF positions?
As per Regulatory requirements regarding securities settlement, netting off of customer's
trades has become mandatory. In order to comply with these regulatory norms, we
have restricted certain orders and actions for the customers. In order to view the
full list of restrictions please click here..
How much margin would be blocked on placing the margin order?
Initially, margin is blocked at the applicable margin percentage of the order value.
For market orders, margin is blocked considering the last traded price of the stock
as the order price . On execution of the order, the same is suitably adjusted as
per the actual execution price of the market order.
For more details on the margin percentage login to your account and visit the Stock
List option in Equity section of the Trading page.
Is the margin percentage uniform for all securities?
It may not be so. Margin percentage may differ from security to security and settlement
to settlement based on the liquidity and volatility of the respective security besides
the general market conditions.
For more details login to your account and visit the Stock List option in Equity
section of the Trading page.
Is margin blocked on all margin orders?
No. Margin is blocked only on margin fresh orders, which are in the nature of building
up fresh positions. Margin orders which are placed to square off existing open buy/sell
position (called 'cover orders') shall not attract margin.
For example, if you have a buy position (executed trade) of 100 shares in Reliance
in margin and now place a sell order for 100 shares in Reliance in margin, the sell
order would not attract any margin as it is in the nature of a cover order. However,
if you place a sell order for 150 shares, the additional sell quantity of the sell
order i.e. 50 shares would attract margin at the applicable margin rate. Such orders
can be called 'partial cover and partial fresh order'.
Please note that a cover order is recognized only against an executed order and
not against an unexecuted / pending order. For example, if you have an unexecuted
/ pending buy order of 100 shares in TISCO and want to place a sell order of 100
shares in TISCO at a higher price, the sell order would not be recognized as a cover
order and shall accordingly attract margin as in case of any fresh sell order.
Is there any impact on the limit after a buy/sell order in margin product is executed?
Yes. Execution of a buy/sell order in the Margin product does impact your limits.
If an executed order results in creation of a new position, the margin blocked on
the order gets appropriately adjusted for the difference, if any, in the order price
at which the margin was blocked and the execution price. Accordingly the limits
are adjusted for differential margin.
If an executed order is in the nature of a cover order, i.e. it results in squaring
off of an existing open position in margin either partially or totally, the margin
blocked on the open position to the extent squared off, will be released and profit
& loss on the square off of such a transaction will be adjusted. Accordingly, the
limits will be adjusted for the released margin as well as for the effect of profit
and loss on the transaction.
To view the details of your Limits, please click on 'Limit' link on the Equity trading
page of your www.icicidirect.com
When is margin blocked on margin positions released?
When a margin Sell position is closed out (either by squaring off or converting
to delivery) or a margin Buy position is closed out (by squaring off), proportionate
margin blocked on the position so squared off is released back and added to the
What is meant by 'squaring off a position'? What is a cover order?
Squaring off a position means closing out a margin position. You can place the square
off order by clicking the ' Square off ' link against the margin open positions.
It is always advisable to place the cover order through the 'Margin Positions' /
'Pending for Delivery' page as it will eliminate the error of placing double orders
and help avoiding any fresh positions. For example, if you have a margin buy position
of 100 Reliance Shares', squaring off this position would mean selling 100 Reliance
shares. The order placed for squaring off an open position is called a cover order.
In the example, the order placed to sell 100 Reliance shares is a cover order against
the open position - 'Buy 100 Reliance Shares'.
How do I place a square off order in margin to close my open positions?
To place a square off order for margin open positions created during the day, you
may use either the normal buy/sell page or click the 'Square off' hyper link on
the 'Margin Positions' page.
To square off Margin open positions created and maintained from earlier settlements,
you will have to click on the 'Square Off' hyper link on the 'Pending for Delivery'
How does the profit and loss get recognized on execution of square off (cover) orders?
Execution price of the cover order is compared with the weighted average price at
which the position was built up (as shown in the 'Margin Positions' or 'Pending
for Delivery' page) and profit/loss is calculated therefrom.
For example, say you have a margin position - 'Buy 100 Reliance Shares' at an average
price of
100 per share created by the execution of 2
orders - 'Buy 50 Reliance Shares @
110 per share' and 'Buy 50 Reliance Shares @
90 per share'. If you square of a part of the
position by selling 60 Reliance Shares @
105 per share, the profit on such square off
would be calculated as:
Quantity squared off * (Square off trade execution price - Weighted Average price
of the position)60 * (105 - 100) = 300
In case of profit on a margin position or where the Available Margin is in excess
of the Margin Required, can I reduce the margin against the position to increase
my limit?
Margin (though in excess of the requirements) cannot be reduced by you. The only
way margin is released is by canceling an unexecuted margin order (where margin
is blocked against a margin order) or by closing out a margin position (where margin
is blocked against a margin position).
Where can I see the quantity squared off in case of positions taken in the earlier
The part quantity squared off in case of any positions taken in earlier settlements
can be viewed by clicking on the 'Squared off Qty' link present against the position
on the 'Pending for Delivery' page.
Is it compulsory to square off all Margin positions within the settlement?
Yes. It is compulsory to square off all your open positions (net of what has already
been converted to delivery) within the settlement. In case, any Margin Buy position
with Client square off mode remains open it will be shown in the 'Pending for Delivery'
Can I choose not to square off a margin position marked under the Broker square off
Yes, you can choose not to square off a position marked under the 'Broker' square
off mode by either choosing the 'Convert to Delivery' option before the EOS is run
for the day or changing the mode to Client square off from Margin Position page.
What happens if for some reason margin positions marked with Broker Square off mode
remain open at the end of settlement?
I-Sec would square off the position on best effort basis but the onus lies on you
to close out all open positions. If for some reason, the position remains open at
the end of settlement, you will have to make all the necessary arrangements for
funds/securities for the settlement of the position and shall be fully liable for
the consequences (auction/penalty/interest) of the same.
What will happen if positions marked for Client Square off mode are not squared off
by me in the same settlement?
Buy Margin open positions marked under 'Client' Square Off mode ,which are not squared
off by you on the same day, will remain open and will be shifted to the 'Pending
for Delivery' page (explained above). These positions are deemed to be intended
for delivery by you.
Such positions are to be either 'Converted to Delivery' (cash) or squared off by
you before the stipulated time. You can take delivery of such positions by clicking
on the 'Convert to Delivery' link on the 'Pending for Delivery' page or square off
the position by clicking on the 'Square Off' link on the same page.
In case you do not square off or convert such positions to delivery, these positions
will be squared off after the stipulated number of trading days (as decided by I-Sec
from time to time) from the day such positions are taken. However, I-Sec may at
its sole discretion, square off such positions without any prior intimation to the
What does End of Settlement (EOS) mean? What is the stipulated time for running the
EOS and which positions are squared off in the EOS?
End of Settlement (EOS) is a process by which specific Margin positions in a particular
Settlement, if not squared of by you within the stipulated time, are identified
and squared off by I-Sec on a best effort basis.
Two types of EOS processes are run by I-Sec under the Margin product:
- EOS for current settlement: In this case, all unexecuted Broker square off mode
buy and sell Margin orders as well as positions of the current settlement which
are marked under the Broker square off mode are cancelled / squared off by I-Sec
Based on which kind of positions are open, order cancellation will be done in following
Open Position
Pending Orders
Broker Mode Sell Position
Client Mode Buy
Broker Mode Buy
Broker Mode Sell
Broker Mode Buy Position
Broker Mode Sell
Broker Mode Buy
Client Mode Buy Position T day
Client Mode Buy
Not canceled
Broker Mode Sell
Pls. refer next three questions
No Open Position
Broker Mode Buy
Broker Mode Sell
Client Mode Buy
Not canceled
The stipulated time for EOS process for the current settlement is displayed on the
'Margin Positions' page of our site everyday.
- EOS for earlier settlements : In this case, the following orders / positions are
cancelled/ squared off by I-Sec:
- Unexecuted square off orders for positions taken in the settlement for which the
EOS process is being run.
- Buy positions of the earlier settlement (appearing in the Pending for Delivery page)
which are marked under the client square off mode
The stipulated time for EOS process for earlier settlement will be displayed on
the 'Pending for Delivery' page of our site everyday. Please note that if a particular
earlier settlement EOS could not be run on the stipulated day as per the stipulated
time due to any reason then I-Sec at its sole discretion will run the EOS for that
earlier settlement on the next trading day.
Will all open positions be squared off when the End Of Settlement process is run?
All open Sell positions will be squared off by I-Sec, on best effort basis, when
the EOS process is run.
For Buy positions, only those positions which are marked with 'Broker' square off
at the time the current settlement EOS is run, will be squared off by I-Sec on best
effort basis.
In case of Buy positions that are marked with 'Client' square off, the onus lies
on you to square off such positions. I-Sec will not square off positions marked
with 'Client' square off on T day till the stipulated day until which such positions
are permitted to be maintained. However, if the requisite amount is not brought
in till the stipulated time then the positions will be squared off by the EOS run
for that earlier settlement.
Will the current settlement EOS process cancel my pending Sell orders if I have an
Open position in Client mode on T day?
The Current settlement EOS process will cancel pending Sell orders against your
T day open Client mode Buy position only if the total quantity of your pending sell
orders (including all sell orders placed under that scrip) exceeds the position
quantity. The open Buy position in Client square off mode will remain untouched
by the EOS square off process i.e. Open Buy position in Client square off mode are
not squared off by the EOS process run for the current settlement.
For example:
- You have 100 qty open Buy position in Client mode in ACC and there are three pending
Sell orders against this position for quantities 60, 40 and 30 respectively
In this case,
Open Buy position = 100 qty
Pending Sell orders = 60 + 40+ 30 = 130 All Sell orders for qty 130 will be cancelled
by EOS process in the above case since Total Pending Sell order qty 130 exceeds
the total Open Buy position qty of 100 in Client square off mode
- You have 100 qty open Buy position in Client mode in ACC and there are two pending
Sell orders against this position for quantities 60 and 40 respectively
In this case,
Open Buy position = 100 qty
Pending Sell orders = 60 + 40 = 100 All Sell orders for total qty 100 will be ignored
by EOS process (i.e. Sell orders will not be cancelled) in the above case since
Total Pending Sell order qty 100 equals the total Open Buy position qty of 100 in
Client square off mode and are treated as square off order against this Buy open
- You have 100 qty open Buy position in Client mode in ACC and there are three pending
Sell orders against this position for quantities 10, 20 and 15 respectively
In this case,
Open Buy position = 100 qty
Pending Sell orders = 10 + 20 +15 = 45 All Sell orders for total qty 45 will be
ignored by EOS process (i.e. Sell orders will not be cancelled) in the above case
since Total Pending Sell order qty 45 is less than the total Open Buy position qty
of 100 in Client square off mode and are treated as square off orders against this
Buy open position
Will the current settlement EOS process cancel all my pending Buy orders if I have
a Sell Open position on T day?
Yes. The Current settlement EOS process will cancel all pending Buy orders (i.e.
Buy orders with Broker as well as Client square off mode irrespective of the quantity)
against your open Sell position on T day. On cancellation of pending buy orders
the Sell position will then be squared off by the current settlement EOS square
off process.
Can Margin Sell Orders be modified after End of Settlement process?
No. Margin Sell orders cannot be modified after End of Settlement process. Existing
order has to be cancelled and a fresh square off order can be placed using square
off link in Margin Positions page.
Is there any Client wise stock wise position limits for Client Mode positions?
Yes. There is client wise stock wise position limits for Margin Trading Facility
positions and if this limit is breached then I-Sec reserves the right to square
off the positions at its discretion. Please note in order to view the Client wise
Stock wise positions limits you may refer to the footnote on 'Pending for Delivery'
page. Please note these limits are specific to exchanges(NSE & BSE).
Example :
Suppose the Client wise limit for a stock ITC is 40 Cr. and Client positions is
41 Cr then the position of customer may get squared off by I-Sec at its discretion
to bring client positions within the above limit.
Is there any Overall Stock limits for Client Mode positions?
Yes. There is Overall Stock limits for Client Mode positions and if this limit is
breached then I-Sec reserves the right to square off the positions at its discretion.
Is there any single client exposure limits for Margin Trading Facility as per SEBI
Yes. There is single client exposure limits for Margin Trading Facility as per SEBI
guidelines and if this limit is breached then I-Sec reserves the right to square
off the positions at its discretion.
Example :
Suppose the Max allowable client wise exposure limit is 30 Cr. and Client positions
is 32 Cr which exceeds the limit of 30 Cr. then the position of customer may get
squared off by I-Sec at its discretion to bring client positions within the above
Is there any Max allowable exposure limits for Margin Trading Facility as per SEBI
Yes. SEBI has given Max allowable exposure limits to Trading Members for Margin
Trading Facility and if this limit is breached then I-Sec reserves the right to
square off the positions at its discretion.
Where can I declare Promoter/Promoter Group status?
You can declare Promoter/Promoter Group status from 'Update Promoter Status' link
available on below mentioned pages :
- 'Pending for Delivery' page
- 'Block/Create Limit' and 'Blocked Securities' pages under 'Shares as Margin'
Why declaration of stocks in which I am part of Promoter/Promoter Group is required?
You are required to declare the stocks in which you are part of Promoter/Promoter
Group as per SEBI guidelines as this declaration will be used for reporting to exchanges
if you have taken MTF position in such stocks or given them as collateral. Also,
you can add / delete your promoter status by addition / deletion of record through
'Update Promoter Status' link.
Please note for all other not declared stocks, you will be considered as Non Promoter
for the purpose of reporting your transactions to exchanges under the Margin Trading
product as per SEBI guidelines.
Will my Margin Trading Facility positions may get squared off if the Stock in which
I have taken position moves out from the eligible list of Stocks?
Yes. Your Margin Trading Facility position may get squared off by I-Sec at its discretion
in case the Stock in which you have taken the position moves out from the eligible
list of Stocks.
What is meant by 'Convert to Delivery' ?
'Convert to Delivery' (CTD) is an option through which you can convert a Margin
open position into a Cash position and receive or give delivery of shares thereof.
You can do CTD of your Broker mode or Client mode position from Open position page
on T Day before End of Settlement Process for Broker Mode and Trading hour for Client
mode. Margin Client mode/MTF positions, CTD request will not be allowed to place for non - trading days and for
trading days post 10:30 pm.
For example,
If you have a margin position of 'Buy 100 Reliance Shares' marked either in the
Client square off mode or the Broker Square off mode, you can choose to receive
delivery against the same by choosing the 'Convert to Delivery' option on T day
any time till End of Settlement or Trading hours for Broker Mode and Client mode
respectively. You can convert even a part of the total quantity of 100.
If you have a margin position of 'Sell 50 Reliance Shares' you can choose to give
delivery of shares against the sell margin position if you have the requisite shares
in your demat account by choosing 'Convert to Delivery' option. You can convert
even a part of the total quantity of 50.
How do I convert my margin position into delivery (cash segment)?
To convert a Margin position, which is taken in the current settlement, to delivery
(Cash segment), you can click on the link 'Convert to Delivery' (CTD) on the 'Margin
Positions' page.
Similarly, to convert the positions of the earlier settlements you can click on
the link 'Convert to Delivery' on the 'Pending for Delivery' page to convert the
desired quantity to delivery.
Part or full convert to delivery is permitted in both the above cases.
Please ensure that you have adequate allocation of funds/stock in your linked bank/demat
account to convert the buy/sell position respectively.
I have more than 1 position 'Pending for Delivery' in a scrip, which position can
I convert to delivery first?
Convert to Delivery can be done for any position in any settlement.
Where can I see the quantity/positions converted to delivery?
You can view the quantity/positions converted to delivery by visiting :
- The 'Converted to Delivery' page present on the Trading section under the Equity
- The 'CTD Qty' link present on the 'Pending for Delivery' page.
When can I do cash sell for the shares received through Convert to Delivery?
You will be able to sell the shares in Cash on T+3 day after receiving the same
in your demat account.
Can I convert my position in Cash Segment into Margin Positions?
No. Only the position in margin can be converted to delivery (cash) and not vice
How does 'Convert to Delivery' impact limits?
On converting a 'Buy' position to delivery, additional amount is blocked from your
limits to provide for 100% of the trade value of the converted quantity. On converting
a 'Sell' position to delivery, the shares for the converted quantity are blocked
in your demat account. The limit increases on account of release of the margin blocked
earlier on the 'Sell' position and further on account of 100% of the sale proceeds
of the converted quantity.
Can I convert to delivery my Margin positions with Client square off mode on the
same day of taking the position?
Yes. Margin positions with client square off mode can be Converted to delivery in
the same settlement in which the position is taken till same day Trading hours.
Alternatively, you can also modify such positions to Broker mode from Margin Position
page and do a Convert to delivery on the same day of taking the positions.
Can I change the square off mode from Broker to Client for position in current settlement
after having done convert to delivery for part quantity ?
Yes. If you have done a Convert to delivery of part quantity of your Broker mode
position, you will be able to change the square off mode of this position to Client
mode for the balance quantity from Margin Position page.
How is margin availability checked by I-Sec for open Margin positions marked under
Broker square off mode?
The Intra-day Mark to Market process run by I-Sec checks the margin availability
in case of Buy & Sell positions marked under the Broker square off mode, this is
checked by comparing the Available Margin with the Minimum margin required for the
What will happen if during the day the last traded price
for the scrip breaches beyond a certain % of the previous trading day closing price?
In case of Margin positions in price band scrips under the Broker and Client square
off mode, I-Sec monitors the percentage change in the price of these scrips.
In case of certain scrips, if the last traded price of any such scrip moves beyond
a certain %, I-Sec at its sole discretion will disable the scrip from further trading
in the margin product under the Broker and Client square off mode and will check:
1. If the scrip is in negative as compared with the previous trading day closing
price then cancel all unexecuted fresh buy orders and pending sell square off orders
and square off all the long positions at market price
In addition to above in case of Broker square off mode I-Sec will check:
2. If the scrip is in positive as compared with the previous trading day closing
price then cancel all unexecuted fresh sell orders and pending buy square off orders
and square off all short positions at market price
The percentage of price change of a scrip specified by I-Sec can be different for
Broker square off mode and Client Square off mode. For e.g. Under Broker square
off mode, this percentage for a scrip can be say 16% and under Client Square off
mode can be say 20%.
To know list of such scrips, please visit stock list page where price band column
would be marked as "Y" for such scrips.
However, other scrips not included in the above list will not be disabled for further
trading in Margin due to the above reason during the day. Please note this will
be applicable to all your client mode positions on NSE as well as Margin Trading
facility positions on BSE.
How is margin availability checked by I-Sec for open Margin positions marked under
Client square off mode?
The Intra-day Mark to Market process run by I-Sec checks the margin availability
in case of Buy positions marked under the Client square off mode, this is checked
by comparing the Available Margin with the Minimum margin required for the position.
Can there be a change in the margin requirements on my Margin positions?
Yes. At frequent intervals, for positions marked under the Broker and Client square
off mode, I-Sec checks whether margin blocked on positions is sufficient in light
of the prevailing market conditions. If the available margin is not sufficient,
additional margin is checked and in case the same is not available, the positions
are squared off on best effort basis in the Intra-day Mark to Market process run
by I-Sec.
What is meant by Intra-Day Mark to Market process? Is it run for all positions?
Intra-Day Mark to Market process is a process whereby I-Sec checks whether sufficient
margin is available on positions. There are separate Intra-Day Mark to Market processes
run for :
1. all open Buy & Sell Margin positions marked under the Broker square off mode
2. all open Buy Margin positions marked under the Client square off mode.
If the Available Margin (AM) falls below the Minimum Margin (MM) for any position,
I-Sec, through this process, blocks additional margin required out of the Limits
available, if any. I-Sec may, at its discretion and at suitable time intervals,
run the Intra-day Mark to Market processes.
Is the Intra-day Mark to Market process same for all Margin Buy and Sell positions
marked under the Broker square off mode?
Yes, There would be a single Intra-day Mark to Market process run for all your open
Buy and Sell Margin positions under broker square off mode.
Is the Intra-day Mark to Market process same for all Margin Buy positions marked
under the Client square off mode?
No. Two types of intra-day mark to market processes are run by I-Sec for Margin
Buy positions marked under the Client square off mode, as follows:
1. Intra-day Mark to Market for positions taken in the current settlement: In this
case, if the AM is less then MM and there are no Limits available, the Intra-day
Mark to Market process would cancel all unexecuted orders in such security and if
additional margin is further required, the process would square off the positions
which have a margin shortfall.
2. Intra day Mark to Market for positions in the 'Pending for Delivery': In case
AM is less then MM and there are no Limits available, the Intra-day Mark to Market
process would cancel all pending square off orders in such security and if additional
margin is further required, the process would square off the positions which have
a margin shortfall.
What is Minimum Margin (MM)? How is it calculated? Where can I
see the Minimum margin amount?
Minimum Margin is the margin amount that you should ensure to maintain with I-Sec
at all points of time for your open Margin Buy and Sell positions under Broker square
off mode and for all your open Buy positions under Client square off mode. Once
the available margin with I-Sec on such positions goes below the minimum required
margin,I-Sec would block additional margin required from the limit available and
in absence of sufficient limits for the required margin such positions will be squared
off either in part or full. The details are explained in the FAQs below.
1. Minimum Margin for Broker Square off mode is calculated as Weighted Average position
price * Position Quantity * MM% for Broker mode
2. Minimum Margin for Client Square off mode is calculated as Amount Payable+ (Amount
Payable*Minimum Margin% for Client mode)
Minimum Margin amount can be viewed on the Margin Positions page or the Pending
for Delivery page for the current day margin positions (broker & client square off
mode) or earlier settlement margin open positions respectively.
Is Minimum Margin different for Margin positions under Broker and Client square off
Yes. Minimum Margin is different for different scrips and also different for same
scrip under Broker and Client square off modes.
Where can I see the Minimum Margin% applicable for a scrip?
The Minimum Margin % for Client and Broker square off mode positions can be seen
on the Stock list page.
For viewing the Stock list, login to your account and visit the Stock List option
on the Equity section of the Trading page.
What is Available Margin? Where can I view the Available Margin
1. Available Margin for Broker square off mode is calculated as the Total Margin
blocked including add margin if any ± MTM Profit/Loss on the position.
2. Available Margin for Client square off mode is calculated as the Current Market
price of the scrip * Position Quantity.
Available Margin amount can be viewed on the Margin Positions page for Broker and
Client square off mode positions taken in the current settlement or the Pending
for Delivery page for the Client square off mode positions taken in earlier settlement.
What is Amount Payable? Where can I view Amount Payable? How is it calculated?
Amount Payable refers to the amount required to be paid by you, over and above the
margin amount, at the time of taking delivery of your margin position.
If you wish to take delivery in case of positions in Broker square off mode, the
amount has to be paid on T day before the end of the settlement . Amount payable
for such positions can be viewed on the 'Margin Positions' page.
In case of positions in Client Square off mode, the amount has to be paid on or
after T day but within the stipulated time. Amount payable for such margin positions
can be viewed on the 'Margin Positions' and 'Pending For Delivery' page
Amount payable is calculated as Cost Value of the Position - Margin paid against
. What is Margin Amount? How is it calculated?
Margin amount, being displayed on the 'Margin positions' or 'Pending for Delivery'
page, is the margin (amount) paid by you for your Margin positions. Margin amount
is calculated by applying the margin percentage on the trade value of the margin
transactions. Also add margin done, if any is added to this margin amount.
During the day, the margin amount including add margin , if any, is blocked in your
account for all open margin positions. In case you have Pending for Delivery positions,
the margin amount for such positions is debited from your bank account at the end
of the day.
. What is additional margin?
Additional Margin is the margin amount required to safeguard a position when it
has been identified as short of margin. Additional margin is required when the Available
margin against the position goes below the Minimum margin required to be maintained
for the position.
How do you calculate additional margin required for margin buy positions which come
into the Intra-day Mark to Market loop?
1. Additional Margin for Broker square off mode positions that come in Mark to Market
loop is calculated as New Initial Margin less the Available Margin. Here the New
Initial Margin is calculated as CMP for the Position * Position Quantity * Initial
For example: You have bought 100 shares of ACC at 600 each. IM% on ACC is 16% and
MM% is 11%. You would be having a margin of 9600 blocked against this position and
the Amount payable against this position would be 50400. The current market price
is now say 550.
The Minimum Margin for this position is calculated as:
Weighted Average position price * Position Quantity * MM% for Broker mode
i.e. 600*100*11%, which is
The Available margin will be calculated as:
Total Margin blocked including add margin if any ± MTM Profit/Loss
i.e. 9600-((600-550)* 100), which is
Since, Available Margin is less than Minimum Margin, Additional Margin is calculated
New Initial Margin - Available Margin
where, New Initial Margin =CMP for the Position * Position Quantity * Initial Margin%
i.e. New IM = 550 * 100 * 16%, which is
So the Additional Margin would be = 8800 - 4600 =
Now the system will check if the Additional Margin requirement can be met from the
free limits.
Lets say the limits are 4000. Entire 4000 would be blocked and since limits were
not sufficient to cover the Additional Margin requirement the system will re-calculate
the margins as per the above steps. If still the available margin falls below the
minimum margin & limits are not sufficient to cover the Additional Margin requirement
the system will cancel pending orders in that scrip, if any, then system will try
and check margin availability and block available limits upto additional margin
requirement. If still limits are insufficient and your position is in the MTM loop
the system will proceed to calculate the square off quantity.In case the Limits
available were
5000 above then the system would do an add margin
4200 and the position would have been safeguarded
from being squared off.
2. Additional Margin for Client square off mode positions that come in the Mark
to Market loop is calculated in two phases as follows:
In phase one, if Available Margin is less than Minimum Margin, Additional Margin
is calculated as:
Amount Payable - (Available Margin-(Available Margin*IM%)).
Here IM%= Margin% defined for the scrip on the Stock List page in Equity Section.
The system will try and block this Additional Margin from the free limits. In case
free limits are not available or the limits are not sufficient to meet the Additional
Margin requirement, the position gets into square off mode and the intra-day mark
to market process enters the second phase. In case there is limit available then
limits will be blocked against the position requiring maximum additional margin
in that scrip and the limits blocked will reduce the Amount Payable to the extent
of limits blocked.
In phase two, if there are no limits or limits were insufficient above then, the
system will follow the following:
Cancel all the pending orders in the scrips that are short of margin Recalculate
the Minimum Margin and Available Margin as the Minimum Margin requirement will go
down to the extent of limits blocked (if any).
Recalculate the Revised Initial Margin as: Amount payable + (Amount payable amount
* (IM%/(1-IM%))).
Recalculate Additional Margin as: Revised Initial margin - Available Margin
For example: You have bought 100 shares of ACC at 600 each. IM% on ACC is 25% and
MM% is 16%. You would be having a margin of 15000 blocked against this position
and the Amount payable against this position would be 45000. The current market
price is now say 500.
The minimum margin for this position is calculated as:
Amount Payable + (Amount Payable * MM%)
i.e. 45000 +(45000*16%), which is
The Available margin will be calculated as:
CMP * Position Quantity
i.e. 500 * 100, which is
Since, Available Margin is less than Minimum Margin, Additional Margin is calculated
Amount Payable - (Available Margin-(Available Margin * IM%))
So the Additional Margin would be
Now the system will check if the Additional Margin requirement can be met from the
free limits.
Lets say the limits are 5000. Entire 5000 would be blocked and since limits were
not sufficient to cover the Additional Margin requirement the system will re-calculate
the margins in phase 2.
Amount Payable will be 45000-5000 (limits blocked) = 40000
Minimum Margin will be 40000+(40000 *16%) = 46400
Available Margin will be 500*100 = 50000
Revised IM will be calculated as : Amount payable + (Amount payable amount * (IM%/(1-IM%))).
i.e. 40000+(40000*(25%/(1-25%))) =53333.33
New Additional margin = Revised IM - Available Margin
i.e. 53333.33-50000 =3333.33
So the New Additional Margin would be 3333.33.
What happens if I have more than 1 position under Client square off mode in different
settlements in the same scrip?
All positions under Client square off mode will be clubbed at scrip level across
settlements for calculation of Amount Payable, Minimum Margin, Available Margin,
and additional Margin required.
. Why are positions under Client square off mode clubbed at scrip level for calculation
of margins?
Positions under Client square off mode are clubbed at scrip level across settlements
to provide the benefit of excess margin available in positions taken in one settlement
is adjusted towards positions in another settlement. It is possible that the Available
margin for a position is more than the required level of margin and another position
in the same scrip does not have sufficient Available margin. In this case it proves
beneficial to club the positions in a scrip to provide benefit of excess margin
available in a position.
. How do I check if there is a margin shortfall on any margin position?
If available margin on any margin position is highlighted in red colour on the Margin
Positions (on T day) / Pending For Delivery (T+1 day onwards) page, it indicates
that the available margin on that position has fallen and is very close to breaching
the minimum margin requirement but still above required minimum margin. If available
margin falls below the minimum margin required on that position, then such position
may be squared off in the intraday MTM process if additional margin is not allocated.
This shall be considered as a margin call on that position.You are advised to allocate
additional margin immediately to meet the margin shortfall else such position may
be squared off by I-Sec, on best effort basis.
Further, please note that the Margin Positions and Pending For Delivery pages do
not refresh automatically. You need to frequently refresh the page by clicking on
'View' button to view latest details as the Available Margin is subject to change
on every change in CMP.
. How do you call for additional margin during the MTM process?
Additional margin required is blocked from the limits available.
What happens if limits are not sufficient to meet the additional margin requirements?
1. In case of positions under Broker square off mode: If limits are insufficient
to meet the Additional Margin requirement, the available limit will be blocked and
the system will re-calculate the Available Margin, Minimum Margin and Additional
margin requirements as explained above. After this the system will cancel pending
orders against that scrip and check if limits are now available to meet additional
margin requirement. If yes, then system will block the additional margin requirement
from the available limits and the position will be safeguarded. If no, then the
quantity to be squared off will be calculated by the system.
2. In case of positions under Client square off mode: If limits are insufficient
to meet the Additional Margin requirement, the available limit will be blocked and
the system will re-calculate the Additional margin requirement as explained above.
Additional margin is re-calculated again, as the Amount payable on the position
will be reduced by the amount blocked in limits and thus Additional margin requirement
will also be reduced. After this, the quantity to be squared off will be calculated.
What will happen if there are more than 1 margin open positions in the same scrip
under Client square off mode and the limits are not adequate to cover the Additional
Margin requirement for all the positions?
In case the available margin is not sufficient to fulfill the additional margin
requirement for all open positions, the available margin would be first allocated
to the position that requires the maximum margin followed by the position that requires
the next highest amount and so on. Thus limits would be blocked against positions
in the descending order of additional margin requirement.
After the entire available limit is blocked as above, the system will re-calculate
the Additional margin requirement as explained above and square off the required
. What happens if the limit is insufficient to meet a margin call but there are unallocated
clear funds available in the bank account?
While making an online check for available additional margin, I-Sec would restrict
itself only to the extent of trading limit and would not absorb any amount out of
un-allocated funds so as to keep your normal banking operations undisturbed. It
is, therefore, advisable to have adequate surplus funds allocated for trading when
you have open margin positions.
Will the entire position be squared off in case the additional margin required is
not available in limits?
No. Only such quantity as calculated by the system during the Intra-day MTM process
will be squared off. In some cases the square off quantity may be equal to the position
How is the square off quantity calculated by the Intra-day Mark to Market process?
1. Broker square off mode positions square off quantity will be calculated as :
a. X = MIN(MAX(ROUNDDOWN((Available Margin+Current Limit)/(CMP*IM%),0),0),Position
b. Y = Position Quantity - X
c. If Y >=1, then proceed for square off.
d. where, X is the position quantity that can continue to be maintained with the
available margin and the available limits and Y is the quantity to be squared off
by the system.
2. Client square off mode positions square off quantity will be calculated as :
Total additional margin requirement / CMP * (IM% / (1-IM%)), where CMP is the current
Market Price of the scrip or the positions quantity whichever is minimum. The square
off quantity arrived by the above formula is rounded up for placing square off order
at market price.
IM% is the Margin% applicable to the scrip and is available on the Stock List page
and is same for same scrip under Broker and Client square off mode. For viewing
the Stock list, login to your account and go to Stock List option in Equity section
of the Trading page.
Which position under Client square off mode will be squared off first in case the
square off quantity is greater than the position quantity in a scrip in a settlement?
In case positions are open in multiple settlements under Client square off mode
in same scrip then the position under a settlement where the Additional margin requirement
is the highest will be squared off first, followed by the position having second
highest additional margin requirement and so on.
Can I do anything to safeguard the positions from being closed
out (squared off)?
Yes, you can always allocate additional margin, suo moto, on any open margin position.
Since the close-out process is triggered when losses exceed the threshold level
and available margin is less than the margin required, having adequate margins will
ensure additional margins are available in case the market turns unfavourably volatile
with respect to your position. You can add margin to your position by clicking on
'Add Margin' link on the 'Margin Positions' or 'Pending for Delivery' page by specifying
further margin amount to be allocated against the respective position.
Please note there is also an additional tracking tool provided to track your positions
on the basis of Trigger Price and LTP. For more details you can refer below FAQs.
What is Trigger price displayed on Margin position page and Pending for Delivery
page for Margin positions?
Trigger price is just an additional tracking tool provided to track your positions
to ascertain at what price level the position may get squared off on the basis of
Trigger Price and LTP. However, you can continue to track your positions for intraday
mark to market process on the basis of Available Margin and Minimum Margin and allocate
additional margin if Available Margin amount is displayed in red colour.
Trigger price is a price which indicates that your Margin position may get squared
off if LTP breaches the indicated trigger price. Positions may be squared off due
to below two reasons :
- Intraday Mark to Market process
- LTP moves beyond a certain % from previous day close price (process for Price Band
Please note that in case of point no 1 the system will square off the position if
sufficient limits are not available. But in case of point no 2 system will square
off the position even if sufficient limits are available.
Is Trigger Price calculated for all scrips i.e. Price Band and No Band scrips?
Yes Trigger price will be calculated for all scrips :
- Price Band Scrips:- In case of Price Band scrips trigger price will be calculated
with regards to both Intraday Mark to Market process (based on minimum margin requirement)
and process where LTP moves beyond a certain % from previous day's close price (based
solely on price movement without considering margin requirement) and higher of the
two will be displayed in case of Buy positions and lower of the two will be displayed
in case of sell positions.
- No Band Scrips:- In case of no price band scrips Trigger price will be calculated
only with regards to Intraday Mark to Market to process (based on minimum margin
Is Trigger Price calculated for both Broker mode and Client mode positions?
Yes. Trigger Price is calculated for both Broker Mode and Client Mode positions.
Will Trigger Price be calculated immediately on order placement?
No, trigger price will not be calculated immediately on order placement. Trigger
Price gets calculated only once your Buy or Sell order in Broker mode product and
Buy Order in Client Mode product results into an executed trade and becomes an open
How is the Trigger Price calculated for Margin Broker mode positions ?
Trigger Price is calculated as follows:
- In case of Price band scrips:
- In case of Buy Broker mode positions:
Example: ACC is a price band scrip and you have bought 100 shares of ACC at 600
each. IM% on ACC is 4% and MM% on ACC is 2%. Previous Day close for ACC is Rs 590
- Trigger Price calculation as per Intraday MTM Process for Buy Positions: Weighted
Average Trade Price-(( Initial Margin Blocked - Minimum Margin)/Position Quantity).
- Trigger Price calculation as per LTP moving beyond a certain % process ( which is
say 16%) for Buy Positions: Previous Day Close-(Previous Day Close * 16%).
In the above case Trigger price would be displayed as Rs 588 on Margin position
page as higher of Intraday MTM Trigger price and LTP moving beyond a certain % Trigger
price would be displayed.
- In case of Sell Broker mode positions:
Example: ABB is a price band scrip and you have sold 100 shares of ABB at 1095 each.
IM% on ABB is 4% and MM% on ABB is 2%. Previous Day close for ABB is Rs 950.
- Trigger Price calculation as per Intraday MTM Process for Sell Positions: Weighted
Average Trade Price+(( Initial Margin Blocked - Minimum Margin)/Position Quantity).
- Trigger Price calculation as per LTP moving beyond a certain % process ( which is
say 16%) for Sell Positions: Previous Day Close+(Previous Day Close * 16%).
In the above case Trigger price would be displayed as Rs 1102 on Margin position
page as lower of Intraday MTM Trigger price and LTP moving beyond a certain %Trigger
price would be displayed.
Please note that Trigger price as per LTP moving beyond a certain % and Intraday
Mark to Market process will be calculated only for Price Band scrips. For other
scrips i.e no band scrips Trigger price will be calculated only with regards to
Intraday Mark to Market process.
- In case of No Band scrips:
- In case of Buy Broker mode positions: Trigger price for no band scrips will
be calculated as follows:
Example: CIPLA is a non price band scrip and you have bought 100 shares of CIPLA
at 650 each. IM% on CIPLA is 4% and MM% on CIPLA is 2%.
Trigger Price calculation as per Intraday MTM Process: Weighted Average Trade Price-((
Initial Margin Blocked - Minimum Margin)/Position Quantity).
In the above case Trigger price would be displayed as Rs 637 on Margin position
- In case of Sell Broker mode positions: Trigger price for non band scrips
will be calculated as follows:
Example: RELIND is a non price band scrip and you have sold 100 shares of RELIND
at Rs 1000 each. IM% on RELIND is 4% and MM% on RELIND is 2%. Trigger Price calculation
as per Intraday MTM Process: Weighted Average Trade Price+(( Initial Margin Blocked
- Minimum Margin)/Position Quantity).
In the above case Trigger price would be displayed as Rs 1020 on Margin position
Please note that CIPLA and RELIND here are no price band scrips hence Trigger price
as per LTP moving beyond a certain %process will not be calculated.
How is the Trigger Price calculated for Margin Client Mode positions ?
Trigger Price is calculated as follows :
- In case of Price Band Scrips: Trigger Price for price band scrips will be
calculated as follows:
Example: ABC is a price band scrip and you have bought 100 shares of ABC at Rs 500
each. IM% on ABC is 8% and MM% on ABC is 5%. Previous Day close for ABC is Rs 510
- Trigger Price calculation as per Intraday MTM process for Buy positions: Minimum
Margin/Total Quantity
- Trigger Price calculation for process where LTP moving beyond a certain % from previous
day's close price ( which is say 21%) for Buy Positions: Previous Day Close-(Previous
Day Close * 21%). Note: This percentage would be subject to change at the sole discretion
of I-Sec from time to time
510-(510*21%)= 402.9
In the above case, Trigger price would be displayed as Rs 483 i.e. higher of Intraday
MTM Trigger price and LTP moving beyond a certain % Trigger price
- In case of No Band scrip: Trigger Price for No Band Scrip will be calculated
as follows:
Example: GAIL is a non price band scrip and you have bought 100 shares of GAIL at
Rs 350 each. IM% on GAIL is 8% and MM% on GAIL is 5%
Trigger Price Calculation as per Intraday MTM process: Minimum Margin/Total Quantity
In the above case Trigger price would be displayed as Rs 338.10
Please note that GAIL here is a no price band scrip hence Trigger price as per LTP
moving beyond a certain %process will not be calculated
How is Trigger Price calculated if I have more than 1 position under Client square
off mode in different settlements in the same scrip?
All the positions under Client square off mode will be clubbed at scrip level across
settlements for calculation of Trigger Price.
- In case of Price Band Scrips: Trigger Price for price band scrips will be
calculated as follows:
Example : You have a positions of 100 Qty in XYZ (Price Band Scrip)at Rs 135 taken
in settlement no. 2017140 and another position of 100 Qty in XYZ at Rs 140 taken
in settlement no. 2017141 . IM % on XYZ is 8% and MM% on XYZ is 5%.Previous Day
Close for XYZ is Rs 160
- Trigger Price calculation as per Intra Day MTM process :
Total Quantity : Sum of Quantity across settlement
100+100=200 Qty
Total Minimum Margin : Total Net Payable amount + (Total Net Payable amount * Minimum
Margin percentage)
Trigger Price : Total Minimum Margin/ Total Quantity
- Trigger Price calculation for process where LTP moving beyond a certain % from previous
day's close price (which is say 21%): Previous day Close -(Previous day Close* 21%)
Note: This percentage would be subject to change at the sole discretion of I-Sec
from time to time
160-(160*21%)= 126.4
In the above case, Trigger price would be displayed as Rs 132.83 i.e. higher of
Intraday MTM Trigger price and LTP moving beyond a certain % Trigger price.
- In case of No Band scrip: Trigger Price for No Band Scrip will be calculated
as follows:
Example : You have a positions of 100 Qty in EXIIND (No Band Scrip)at Rs 150 taken
in settlement no. 2016095 and another position of 100 Qty in EXIIND at Rs 160 taken
in settlement no. 2016096 . IM % on EXIIND is 8% and MM% on EXIIND is 5%.
Trigger Price calculation as per Intra Day MTM process:
Total Quantity : Sum of Quantity across settlement
100+100=200 Qty
Total Minimum Margin : Total Net Payable amount + (Total Net Payable amount * Minimum
Margin percentage)
Trigger Price : Total Minimum Margin/ Total Quantity
In the above case Trigger Price would be displayed as Rs 149.73
Please note that EXIIND here is a no price band scrip hence Trigger price as per
LTP moving beyond a certain % process will not be calculated.
Is Trigger Price recalculated on Change Mode from Broker to Client and vice versa
from Margin Position page?
Yes. Trigger price is recalculated on Change Mode from Broker to Client and vice
versa from Margin Position page.
Can a Trigger Price earlier displayed change later ?
Yes. Trigger price may change if there is any change in Initial Margin Blocked value.
Some of the events where Initial margin blocked value may change are like Increase
in open position in same scrip, partial square off of existing position, Add Margin,
and Convert to Delivery.
Is the brokerage rate different for Cash and Intra day Margin product transactions?
Yes. The brokerage plan is different for Cash and Intra day Margin product transactions.
For more details on the brokerage plans please visit the site www.icicidirect.com < Customer Service Page < Important
Information < Brokerage
Is the brokerage rate different for positions which are marked as 'Pending for Delivery'
i.e. are not squared off in the same settlement?
Yes. Margin buy open positions that are marked as 'Pending for Delivery' shall attract
the brokerage as applicable for the Cash product transactions.
Is there any interest on positions which are marked for 'Pending
for Delivery'?
Yes interest on late payment for positions taken in NSE and Interest on Outstanding
obligation for margin trading positions in BSE would be calculated as follows:
- On amount payable
- Margin blocked in the form of Shares as Margin (SAM)
- Additional interest, if any in case above interest charged falls below the minimum
interest requirement under the provisions of Companies Act. This will apply irrespective
of margin blocked in the form of Cash or SAM.
How is Interest calculated on Amount Payable? Where can I see
the Interest amount charged?
Interest will be calculated on the amount payable for the number of days delay in
payment on your pending for delivery positions. The number of days delay would start
from the exchange payin date for the settlement of the respective transaction and
charged till the date the funds are actually received (eg. till the date of CTD
or add margin or till the date of funds received/pay out date after squaring off
of positions). The interest shall be charged per day basis would be displayed under
the 'Interest on Outstanding obligation Details' link under your Equity trading
For example:
- You bought 500 qty shares of ACC at Rs. 200 under client mode on May 14, 2012 with
25% Cash Margin and sold full qty on May 21, 2012. In this example interest on Outstanding
obligation would be calculated as follows:
Amount Payable = (500*200)-(500*200*25%) = 75000
Buy transactions Exchange Payin Date = T+2 i.e. May 14, 2012 + 2 days = May 16,
Sell Square off transactions Exchange Payout Date = T+2 i.e. May 21, 2012 + 2 days
= May 23, 2012
No. of days delay in payment = May 16 to May 23, 2012 = 7 days delay
Thereby, for the above case say interest is 0.05% per day or alternatively approximately
18% p.a. then this would be calculated on the amount payable for 7 days delay as
Interest on Outstanding obligation / Late Payment per day = Amount Payable * Interest
% on Outstanding obligation / Late Payment *1/ 365 =75000*18%*1/365 = Rs. 36.98/-
per day or Rs. 258.90/- for 7 days or approximately 0.05% per day
The above interest amount on a per day basis from T+3 day i.e. May 17, 2012 onwards
till May 23, 2012 would be displayed on the Interest on Outstanding obligation Details
link under your Equity trading section.
- In the above example say if you did CTD of full 500 shares on May 17, 2012 then
interest on Outstanding obligation / Late Payment would be calculated for one day's
delay as follows: No. of days delay in payment = May 16 to May 17, 2012 = 1 day
Interest on Outstanding obligation / Late Payment = 75000 * 18%*1/365 = Rs. 36.98/-
or approximately 0.05% per day
- Similar to above example say if you did full add margin of Rs.75000 using Cash Limit
on May 17, 2012 instead of CTD then interest on Outstanding obligation / Late Payment
as the case would be calculated for one day's delay as follows:
No. of days delay in payment = May 16 to May 17, 2012 = 1 day Interest on Outstanding
obligation / Late Payment = 75000 * 18%*1/365 = Rs. 36.98/- or approximately 0.05%
per day
- In the above example say if you did CTD of 100 shares on May 17, 2012 and squared
off the balance 400 shares on May 21,2012 then the interest on Outstanding obligation
/ Late Payment would be calculated as follows:
Total No. of days delay in payment = May 16 to May 23, 2012 = 7 days delay
Daily interest on Outstanding obligation would be calculated as follows:
May 17, 2012: Amount payable for 500 shares = 75000, Interest = 75000*18%/365= Rs.
36.98 or approximately 0.05% per day
May 18, 2012: Amount payable for 400 shares since 100 shares CTD done = 75000 -
CTD proportion of amount payable = 75000-15000 = 60000, Interest= 60000*18%/365=
Rs.29.58 or approximately 0.05% per day
May 19, 2012: Amount payable for 400 shares = 60000, Interest = 60000*18% /365=Rs.
29.58 or approximately 0.05% per day
May 20, 2012: Amount payable for 400 shares = 60000, Interest = 60000*18%/365=Rs.29.58
or approximately 0.05% per day
May 21, 2012: Amount payable for 400 shares = 60000, Interest = 60000*18%/365=Rs.29.58
or approximately 0.05% per day
May 22, 2012: Amount payable for 400 shares = 60000, Interest = 60000*18% /365=Rs.29.58%
or approximately 0.05% per day
May 23, 2012: Amount payable for 400 shares = 60000, Interest = 60000*18% /365=Rs.29.58
or approximately 0.05% per day
- You bought 500 qty shares of ACC at Rs. 200 under client mode on May 14, 2012 with
25% Cash Margin and sold full qty on T+1 i.e. May 15, 2012. In this example interest
on Outstanding obligation / Late Payment would be calculated as follows:
Amount Payable = (500*200)-(500*200*25%) = 75000
Buy transactions Exchange Payin Date = T+2 i.e. May 14, 2012 + 2 days = May 16,
Sell Square off transactions Exchange Payout Date = T+2 i.e. May 15, 2012 + 2 days
= May 17, 2012
No. of days delay in payment = May 16 to May 17, 2012 = 1 day delay
Interest = 75000 *18% *1/365 = Rs. 36.98/- or approximately 0.05% per day
How is Interest calculated on Shares As Margin amount blocked against Pending for
Delivery positions . Where can I see the interest amount charged ?
As mentioned in the above FAQ's , interest will be charged for Shares as Margin
amount blocked against your Pending for Delivery positions. Interest would be calculated
on 'Shares As Margin' (SAM) amount blocked against the position marked under 'Pending
for Delivery' for the number of days SAM amount is blocked. The number of days delay
would start from the exchange payin date for the settlement of the respective transaction
and charged till the date securities Limit is blocked against the position. The
interest on securities Limit blocked on a per day basis would be displayed from
T+2 Day under the 'Interest on Outstanding Obligation' link under your Equity trading
For example:
- You bought 100 qty shares of XYZ at Rs. 500 under client mode using securities Limit
on December 5, 2016 with 20% Margin and sold full qty on December 12, 2016. In this
example interest on securities Limit blocked would be calculated as follows:
SAM Amount Blocked = (500*100*20%) = 10000
Buy transactions Exchange Payin Date = T+2 i.e. December 5,2016 + 2 days = December
Sell Square off transactions Date = T+5 i.e. December 12, 2016
No. of days SAM Amount Blocked = December 7 to December 11, 2016 = 5 days
Thereby, for the above case say interest on SAM Amount blocked is 0.05% per day
or alternatively approximately 18% p.a. then this would be calculated on SAM Amount
blocked against the position for 5 days as follows:
Interest on SAM Amount blocked per day = SAM amount Blocked against position * Interest
% on SAM blocked *1/ 365 =10000*18%*1/365 = Rs. 4.93/- per day or Rs.24.65/- for
5 days or approximately 0.05% per day
The above interest amount on a per day basis from T+2 day i.e. December 7, 2016
onwards till December 11, 2016 would be displayed on the Interest on Outstanding
Obligation link under your Equity trading section.
- In the above example say if you did CTD of full 100 shares on December 8, 2016 then
interest on SAM Blocked would be calculated for one day i.e for December 7, 2016
Interest on SAM blocked = 10000*18%*1/365 = Rs. 4.93/-or approximately 0.05% per
- Similar to above example say if you did full add margin of Rs.40000 from securities
Limit on December 8, 2016 instead of CTD then interest on SAM Amount blocked would
be calculated from December 8, 2016 to December 11, 2016 as follows:
SAM Blocked = 10000 + 40000
Interest on SAM blocked = 50000 *18%*1/365 = Rs. 24.65/- or approximately 0.05%
per day
- In the above example say if you did CTD of 10 shares on December 8, 2016 and squared
off the balance 90 shares on December 12, 2016 then the interest on Outstanding
Obligation/Late payment would be calculated as follows:
Total No. of days SAM Amount Blocked = December 7 to December 11, 2016 = 5 days
Daily interest on outstanding obligation/Late Payment would be calculated as follows:
December 7, 2016: SAM Blocked for 100 shares = 10000, Interest = 10000*18%*1/365
= Rs. 4.93/- or approximately 0.05% per day
December 8, 2016: SAM Blocked for 90 shares since 10 Shares CTD done = 10000- CTD
proportion of SAM amount blocked= 10000-1000 =9000, Interest = 9000*18%*1/365 =
Rs. 4.43/- or approximately 0.05% per day
December 9, 2016: SAM Blocked for 90 shares =9000, Interest = 9000*18%*1/365 = Rs.
4.43/- or approximately 0.05% per day
December 10, 2016: SAM Blocked for 90 shares =9000, Interest = 9000*18%*1/365 =
Rs. 4.43/- or approximately 0.05% per day
December 11, 2016: SAM Blocked for 90 shares =9000, Interest = 9000*18%*1/365 =
Rs. 4.43/- or approximately 0.05% per day
December 12, 2016: SAM Blocked for 90 shares will be zero, hence no interest will
be charged on SAM
December 13, 2016: SAM Blocked for 90 shares will be zero, hence no interest will
be charged on SAM
December 14, 2016: SAM Blocked for 90 shares will be zero, hence no interest will
be charged on SAM
- You bought 50 qty shares of TCS at Rs. 2000 under client mode using securities limit
on December 5, 2016 with 15% Margin and sold full qty on T+1 i.e. December 6, 2016.
In this example interest on Outstanding obligation / Late Payment would be calculated
as follows: .
Initial Margin (Blocked using SAM Margin) =50*2000*15%=15000
Amount Payable = (2000*50)-15000 =100000-15000 = 85000
Buy transactions Exchange Payin Date = T+2 i.e. December 5, 2016 + 2 days = December
7, 2016
Sell Square off transactions Exchange Payout Date = T+2 i.e. December 6, 2016 +
2 days = December 8, 2016
No. of days delay in payment = December 7 to December 8, 2016 = 1 day delay
Say Interest % for Interest on Outstanding Obligation be 0.05% per day
Interest on Amount Payable = 85000*0.05% = 42.5 or approximately 0.05% per day
In this case no interest would be calculated on SAM amount blocked of Rs. 15000
against the position since full qty is sold on T+1 and only Interest of 42.5 would
be charged on amount payable of Rs 85000 for 1 day delay in payment.
How is interest on Pending for Delivery positions calculated if Margin blocked contains
both Cash as well as SAM component?
In case Margin blocked contains both Cash as well as SAM component then Interest
on Pending for Delivery positions will be calculated as below :
Example : You have bought ABC share of 100 Qty at a price of Rs 1000 with 10% Initial
Position Value = 1000*100 =100000
Initial Margin (blocked using SAM Margin) = 1000*100*10% = 10000.
Add Margin (Using Cash Margin) = 75000
Amount Payable = 100000- (10000+75000) = 100000- 85000 =15000
Say Interest % for Interest on Outstanding Obligation be 0.05% per day
Interest on Amount Payable = 15000*0.05% = 7.5
Interest on SAM = 10000*0.05% = 5
Total Interest = 12.5
Is there any additional Interest on Pending for Delivery positions apart from the
Interest charged on amount payable and margin blocked in the form of 'Shares As
Margin'(SAM) ?
Yes. As mentioned above , additional interest (if any) may be charged in case interest
charged on Amount payable and SAM amount blocked falls below the minimum interest
requirement under the provisions of Companies Act. This will apply irrespective
of margin blocked in the form of Cash or SAM.
Please refer the Example mentioned in the above FAQ wherein Total Interest = 12.5
Now Say the Minimum Interest required as per Companies Act is 0.02%
Then, Minimum Interest amount required as per Companies Act = 100000*0.02%=19
Then Additional Interest that may be charged will be = 19-12.5 =6.5
Will there be any change in the Interest if additional SAM is
Yes. In case additional SAM is allocated then the chargeable amount for Interest
may go up i.e. the interest may be higher than the actual interest amount charged
on previous days. This may happen in case you use 'Release Cash and Block SAM' on
'Pending for Delivery' page. Explanation is provided in the following FAQ's.
How can I reduce my Interest on Outstanding Obligation?
Yes. You can reduce your interest on Outstanding Obligation by doing Convert to
Delivery for your pending for Delivery positions.
Can I swap my Margin from SAM to Cash to lower my interest obligation?
Yes, you can swap your margin from Cash to SAM. This can be done after market hours
using link 'Release SAM and Block Cash' on 'Pending for Delivery' page
Example: You have bought ABC share of 10 Qty at a price of Rs 1000 with 10% Initial
Position Value = 1000*10 =10000
Initial Margin = 1000*10*10% = 1000, where SAM Margin Blocked is 800 and Cash Margin
blocked is 200
Amount Payable = 10000- 1000 =9000
Say Interest % for Interest on Outstanding Obligation be 0.05% per day
Interest on Amount Payable = 9000*0.05% = 4.5
Interest on SAM = 800*0.05% = 0.4
Total Interest = Rs. 4.9
On next trading day, if further free cash limit provided by you is Rs. 5000 then
on using 'Release SAM and Block Cash' link on 'Pending for Delivery' page, system
will release SAM margin of Rs. 800 and will block cash margin of Rs. 800 from free
cash limits. In this case Interest will be as below:
Interest on Amount payable = 9000*0.05% =4.5
Interest on SAM = 0
Total Interest = Rs. 4.5
Can I swap my Margin from Cash to SAM? Will there be any financial impact on doing
Yes, you can swap your margin from Cash to SAM. This can be done after market hours
using link 'Release Cash and Block SAM' on 'Pending for Delivery' page. However,
please note your interest may go up as there is interest charged on the Shares as
Margin amount as mentioned in the above FAQs.
Example: You have bought ABC share of 10 Qty at a price of Rs 1000 with 10% Initial
Position Value = 1000*10 =10000
Initial Margin = 1000*10*10% = 1000, where SAM Margin Blocked is 800 and Cash Margin
blocked is 200
Amount Payable = 10000- 1000 =9000
Say Interest % for Interest on Outstanding Obligation be 0.05% per day
Interest on Amount Payable = 9000*0.05% = 4.5
Interest on SAM = 800*0.05% = 0.4
Total Interest = 4.9
On next trading day, if further free securities limit provided by you is Rs. 5000
then on using 'Release Cash and Block SAM' link on 'Pending for Delivery' page,
system will release cash margin of Rs. 200 and will block SAM margin of Rs. 200
from free securities limits. In this case Interest will be as below:
Interest on Amount payable = 9000*0.05% =4.5
Interest on SAM = 800+200 =1000*0.05% = 0.5
Total Interest = 5.00
Can I do 'Release Cash and Block SAM' and 'Release SAM and Block Cash' for any amount
of margin blocked against the Client mode positions?
Yes, you can do 'Release Cash and Block SAM' and 'Release SAM and Block Cash' for
any amount of margin blocked against the positions provided it is above minimum
amount set which will be at the discretion of ICICI Securities.
Do I need to pay TDS (Tax Deducted at Source) for the Interest on Outstanding Obligation
charged under MTF ?
If you are a body corporate or a person to whom tax audit is applicable, then you
are liable to deduct tax on the interest paid to ICICI Securities Ltd (I-Sec). Please
refer few details in this regards:
- You need to pay TDS under section 194A of the Income Tax Act, 1961 at the rate applicable
from time to time
- The TDS needs to be paid to Government (Income Tax Department) using your TAN (Tax
Deduction Account Number) by 7th day of the following month( in case of March due
date is April 30th) in which TDS was deducted. For eg. If TDS on interest paid to
I-Sec is deducted in the month of July 2017 then TDS needs to be paid to Government
by 7th August 2017.
- On a quarterly basis you need to file the TDS return online on TRACES website, quoting
I-Sec PAN (AAACI0996E) against the deduction of TDS on interest paid to I-Sec
- Post filing of TDS return, download the TDS certificate from TRACES and email the
same to us at financialmanagers@icicisecurities.com
- The TDS amount paid by you will be credited to your account once I-Sec receives
the TDS Certificate as stated in above point.
It is to be noted that I-Sec does not provide services related to taxation. For
any queries or doubts related to your taxes kindly consult Tax expert/consultant.
What brokerage will be charged on margin positions taken in the current settlement
and converted to delivery on the same day?
All margin positions converted to delivery on the same day shall attract the brokerage
(including statutory charges) as applicable for Cash product transactions.
Can open position be squared off in different exchange?
With the implementation of interoperability, open position can be squared off in
any exchange by using 'Square Off' option on Margin & MTF Open Position page.
What does 'Y' / 'N' indicate in Interop column in Order Book?
With the implementation of interoperability, if the square off order is placed in
the different exchange by using 'Square Off' option on Margin & MTF Open Position
page then 'Y' is displayed for this order in Interop column and otherwise 'N' is
Can interop order quantity be modified more than open position quantity?
No. Interop order quantity can't be modified more than open position quantity. In
Margin, to place reverse flow order of excess quantity, separate order can be placed.
In MTF, sell order for excess quantity can't be placed.
What happens in EOS (End Of Settlement) in case of unexecuted/pending interop square
off orders?
Any unexecuted/pending square off orders (including interop orders) get cancelled
in EOS (End Of Settlement) and Market Square Off Order gets placed at the exchange
(source exchange) where original position(s) is/are created.
Why is Open Position exchange getting displayed different than the order exchange?
With the implementation of interoperability, if interop order gets executed after
reverse flow order from Margin page then separate open position may get created
for interop order and it is displayed with source exchange i.e. original position
Cash Margin Debit/Credit Process
What forms of Margin are acceptable for taking Margin positions?
In order to take margin positions, margin can be given in the following forms:
- Cash (by way of allocation of funds from your bank account)
- Specified securities (by way of blocking securities allocated from your Demat account
in favour of ICICI Securities).
On what positions would the cash Margin debited?
Cash Margins would be debited on Margin Client mode open positions on NSE and BSE.
Will any Margin get debited if I have taken position by blocking shares in my Demat
No. In case the total margin required on your total open positions is met by the
blocked shares alone, in such case no funds would be debited as margin from your
account even if there are idle funds lying in your linked bank account. However,
margin will get debited in any of the following scenarios:
- In case the total margin required on your total open positions is partially met
by the blocked shares, in such case the balance required margin amount at end of
day shall get debited from your bank allocation in Equity from your linked bank
- In case there are no blocked shares in your account, then the entire required margin
amount at end of day shall get debited from your bank allocation in Equity from
your linked bank account.
When will Margin be debited from my linked bank account?
Margin shall be debited from your linked bank account at end of the day from your
Equity allocation to the extent of limit utilized after adjusting shares as margin
available and blocked against the total margin blocked against your Pending for
Delivery Positions (PFD) on PFD page.
Can the blocked margin get released?
No. The blocked margin cannot be released as that is the required margin against
positions. However, please note in case the initial margin blocked in 'Pending for
Delivery' page is reduced then the debited I-Sec Margin will be credited to Equity
allocation of your linked bank account at the End of the day after adjusting shares
as margin.
Can I withdraw the margin during the day?
No. You cannot withdraw the margin amount during the day.
In what scenarios will excess debited margin be credited back to my account?
The excess margin amount deposited with ICICI Securities can be credited at EOD
in below mentioned scenarios. The margin amount will get credited to the Equity
allocation of your linked bank account.
- By blocking additional shares lying in your demat account up to the extent of margin
required and doing 'Release Cash and Block SAM' from Pending for Delivery page.
On T-1 day, Rs.5000 (Rs.3000 as shares and Rs.2000 cash debited from your allocation
and kept in I-Sec Margin account) margin was required on your total open positions
on 'Pending for Delivery' page. Now, say on T day EOD, the new margin requirement
is Rs.5400 and at the same time free Shares as Margin limit provided by you is 5400.
In such case, after doing 'Release Cash and Block SAM', system would release 2000
cash margin in your Equity Allocation under Block for Trade and block full SAM
- By squaring off the open positions.
. Where can I see the Margin amount debited from my linked bank account?
You can see the Margin amount on Equity limit page under I-Sec Margin amount in
your trading account. Also, you can visit 'I-Sec Margin History' link on 'I-Sec
Margin Details' page to see the historical records of I-Sec Margin debit or credit.
Is there any restriction on debit/credit of I-Sec margin amount?
Yes. ICICI Securities will not debit/credit I-Sec margin amount in case I-Sec margin
debit/credit amount is less than minimum amount set which will be at the discretion
of ICICI Securities.
What is the margin requirement for MTF sell transaction?
As per regulatory requirements, upfront margin is required to be collected on sell
transaction as well in Cash market segment which is 20% of the traded value. Accordingly,
for MTF sell transaction done on T+1 day for scrip bought on T day, additional margin
is required and you are required to keep sufficient limits in your account that
will be blocked based on margin requirements and will be released on settlement
day of buy transaction. At end of the day it will be debited and on settlement day
it will be credited back to your account and respective Equity limits. In case of
insufficient additional required limit, such MTF sell order on T+1 day will not
get placed.
e.g. On 21st Sept MTF sell transaction is done against MTF buy of 20th Sept, then
additional margin will be blocked on such transaction as per margin requirements.
BTST trade value is say Rs.120 and MTF buy trade value is say Rs. 100 then 20% of
(120+100=220) i.e. Rs. 44 margin is required to be maintained for placing MTF sell
order on T+1 day.
Margin Product - Square Off & Quick Buy
What is 'Square Off and Quick Buy' on Pending for Delivery page?
Square Off and Quick Buy' is an additional facility which will help you to square-off
(Sell) your existing Pending for Delivery position and take a fresh Buy position
in same scrip. Under this feature you will be required to complete two steps to
place two orders one after the other and both orders will be market orders. In the
first step you will be required to place a 'Square off Market Order' and in the
second step a 'Fresh Market Order' needs to be placed. Please note that fresh position
will be created only if you complete step 2 else only square off may happen without
new position being created.
Can I place 'Square Off and Quick Buy' orders from both Margin positions and Pending
for Delivery page?
No. 'Square Off and Quick Buy' facility will be allowed only from Pending for Delivery
page against your positions which have not been squared off on T day.
Can 'Square Off and Quick Buy' orders be placed for all scrips on Pending for Delivery
No. 'Square Off and Quick Buy' facility will be provided only for select scrips
which meet the criteria on liquidity and volume from time to time.
On which exchanges will I be able to use the 'Square Off and Quick Buy' facility?
Currently, as Client square off mode is available on both National Stock Exchange
of India (NSE) and Bombay Stock Exchange of India (BSE), this facility will be provided
on both NSE and BSE.
From where can I place 'Square Off and Quick Buy' orders?
A link named 'Square Off and Quick Buy' will appear on Pending for Delivery page
against your positions from T+1 day onwards. You can click on this link to square
off existing position and create fresh positions anytime before the stipulated time
(within 1 year) and before the EOS process is run for that settlement.
In case I choose 'Square Off and Quick Buy' link to square off and create new position
in same scrip in which square off mode will my position be created?
This feature is provided against your positions which were originally created with
Client square off mode. Hence all positions on Pending for Delivery page will be
created through 'Square Off and Quick Buy' link in Client square off mode itself.
How will the 'Square Off and Quick Buy' facility work?
Once you click on 'Square Off and Quick Buy' link from your Pending for Delivery
page, a two step order placement page will open. Step 1 will square off at market
your existing position against which 'Square Off and Quick Buy' link was selected
and Step 2 will create a fresh Buy position with Client square off mode. Both the
steps can be performed one after the other, both orders will be market orders and
second step order can be placed only once the first step order is executed for full
quantity. In case of single order with higher quantity, it is advisable to wait
for a while after Step 1 to smoothly proceed with Step 2. In case you proceed before
full execution of square off order quantity then an appropriate message will be
displayed to re-try Step 2 to ensure creating a fresh position. It is advisable
to go back and Re-try Step 2 of placing Fresh Order.
Can I place 'Square Off and Quick Buy' order for part quantity against my Pending
for Delivery position?
Yes. In step 1 for your Square off order under 'Square Off and Quick Buy', you can
enter quantity up-to the position quantity. Accordingly, by default the same quantity
will be auto populated in Step 2 to create Fresh market order. However, in Step
2 for Fresh Market order, you have the choice to edit and enter any quantity of
your choice to create new position under Client square off mode.
For example: If you have buy position of 150 quantity in ACC, then you can place
'Square Off and Quick Buy' order for 50 or 100 or 150 quantity of your choice maximum
upto the position quantity.
Can I place 'Square Off and Quick Buy' order to create new position with higher quantity
than the original position ?
Yes. In Step 2 for Fresh Market order under this facility, you have the choice to
edit the quantity and enter quantity of your choice which can be more than your
open position quantity provided you have sufficient limits for creating the excess
How will I place Fresh Market order in case I come out without completing Step 2
of 'Square Off and Quick Buy' ?
For any reason, if you come out without completing Step 2 and full position is squared
off, you may visit Margin Client/Flexi Cash Buy page and place fresh order for the
desired quantity to complete your Step 2.
Where will I be able to see my fresh position?
On T day all Margin positions including the new position created through 'Square
Off and Quick Buy' can be seen on your Margin position page. And T+1 day onwards
all open positions i.e. Client mode positions including the new position created
through 'Square Off and Quick Buy' will be seen on your Pending for Delivery page.
Can I place Market and Limit orders under the 'Square Off and Quick Buy' facility?
No. It is not possible to place Limit orders under this facility. You are requested
to note that in case of market orders if the scrip is liquid and less volatile then
execution may take place close to the current market price prevailing but in case
of illiquid scrips and volatile market your execution price may vary from the current
market price which was prevailing at the time of 'Square Off and Quick Buy' order
placement. Thereby, request you to note that there will be impact cost involved
and delivery based brokerage would be applied on both the orders i.e. square off
and the fresh market order as per the brokerage plan selected by you.
If I have already placed cover order then will I be able to place 'Square Off and
Quick Buy' order?
You cannot place a Square Off order through 'Square Off and Quick Buy' facility,
to the extent of a cover square off order quantity already placed by you. However,
you can continue to place Fresh market order for any quantity of your choice.
For example: If you have buy position of 150 quantity in ACC and have already placed
square off order of 50 quantity, then you can place Square Off order for 50 or maximum
100 quantity i.e. maximum upto your net position quantity excluding pending cover
order, if any. However, Fresh 'Quick Buy' order under Step 2 can be placed for a
quantity of 50 or 100 or 150 or above i.e. any quantity of your choice.
How can I distinguish between 'Square Off and Quick Buy' orders from other orders?
In order book, under the "Order Ref." column, a caption "This is Step 1 - Square
Off order"/ "This is Step 2 - Quick Buy order" will be provided against your 'Square
Off and Quick Buy' orders to help you easily identify these orders. You are required
to monitor the order book online to ensure whether fresh position has been created
or not. In case there is only one order i.e. Sell order of square off & due to any
reason the second order to create new position was not placed and cannot be seen
in the order book then you are required to place a fresh Margin buy order with Client
square off mode in case you wish to create a fresh position.
Will my 'Square Off and Quick Buy' orders always get executed?
Under the 'Square Off and Quick Buy' facility there are two separate market orders
required to be placed which are independent and have to be placed one after the
other. Further, please note that execution will happen only at exchange end provided
there is sufficient liquidity and both the orders get suitable match. I-Sec does
not guarantee execution of orders since these are two independent orders and it
may so happen that only one order is placed or only one order is executed. Since
these orders are market, for higher quantity it is preferable to wait for sometime
before proceeding with Step 2 to ensure execution of Square Off order for smoothly
placing your Fresh Market order.
Can I Place 'Square Off and Quick Buy' orders after market hours?
No, you cannot place 'Square Off and Quick Buy' orders after market hours. This
facility involves market order placement under Margin product and is available only
during market hours.
Will I be able to place 'Square Off and Quick Buy' orders on the date of expiry for
Pending for delivery positions?
Yes, you will be able to use this facility till the date of expiry of your Pending
for delivery positions in both NSE and BSE provided that particular scrip is enabled
for 'Square Off and Quick Buy' and EOS process is not run.
How will margining be done for 'Square Off and Quick Buy' orders?
Two orders will be placed one after the other where square off order does not require
any margin. However, margin requirement then prevailing will apply for the new position
being created while placement of Fresh Market order under step 2.
If you do not have sufficient limits required to place Fresh order under step 2,
then you will not be allowed to place Fresh market order under step 2 against your
position which will be squared off as per step 1. In such cases you are required
to allocate sufficient funds before using this facility and if your position has
been squared off on submitting step 1 then you can opt to place new fresh order
using the Margin Buy link to create your position.
For Example 1: You have a position of 50 quantity Buy in ACC at Rs. 1200/- and your
Flexi Cash/Client mode IM% is 15%. You now want to recreate this entire position
and LTP of ACC is 1250 at that time.
Then in the above example;
Existing Margin blocked = 1200*50*15% = 9000/-
New Margin required = 1250*50*15% = 9375/-
Notional Profit/(Loss) = (1250-1200)*50 = 2500/- Profit
In the above example Rs.375/- additional margin will be required as compared to
the existing margin blocked. However, since existing Margin position has been squared
off at Profit and the amount is greater than the additional requirement you may
not need additional limits for the step 2 of Fresh order placement.
Example 2: You have a position of 50 quantity Buy in ACC at Rs. 1200/- and your
Flexi Cash/Client mode IM% is 15%. You now want to recreate this entire position
and LTP of ACC is 1100 at that time.
Then in the above example;
Existing Margin blocked = 1200*50*15% = 9000/-
New Margin required = 1100*50*15% = 8250/-
Notional Profit/(Loss) = (1100-1200)*50 = 5000/- Loss
In the above example since there is a loss on square off existing position in case
you don't have sufficient limits then your second step to take Fresh market order
will not go through and 'Quick Buy' order under step 2 will not be successful since
limits will be required to the extent of entire margin amount of Rs. 8250 after
considering the loss of Rs.5000/- from the existing limits.
Are there any additional charges for 'Square Off and Quick Buy' orders ?
No. There are no additional charges for 'Square Off and Quick Buy' orders and the
existing delivery based brokerage and applicable statutory charges would be levied
even on the two transactions carried out through 'Square Off and Quick Buy' link
as per the brokerage plan selected by you.
Why am I not able to place 'Square Off and Quick Buy' orders ?
If you have a multiple MTF positions purchased in a single stock on different dates,
then such positions shall be squared off on first buy first sell (FIFO) basis. You
will need to place 'Square Off and Quick Buy' orders first for the earlier trade
date positions open quantity in this stock post which you can place 'Square Off
and Quick Buy' order in the later positions.
MarginPLUS Product
What is MarginPLUS?
MarginPLUS is an intra day product having an order placement feature wherein you
limit your loss on every position by necessarily placing a cover order specifying
the SLTP and a limit price. The product also offers you an option to protect your
gains by placing a cover profit order at a limit price which would get executed
when your profit price has reached without you having to monitor the markets on
a continuous basis.
What is fresh order?
The order which is placed for creating the position is called fresh order. The fresh
order can be either a Market or a Limit order.
Can I place a limit fresh order?
Yes, fresh order can be placed as a Limit order.
What is a cover order?
The fresh order as defined above creates an open position in the MarginPLUS product.
The cover order is an opposite order taken by you to close your open position. Assuming
you have taken a buy position, your cover order will naturally be a sell order.
The cover order will compulsorily have to be a cover SLTP (stop loss) order. You
also have an optional facility of placing a cover profit order along with the mandatory
cover SLTP order.
Can I place MarginPLUS orders in all stocks?
Only select stocks have been enabled for trading under the MarginPLUS product. Only
those stocks, which meet the criteria on liquidity and volume have been enabled
for trading under the MarginPLUS product.
I-Sec reserves the right to select the stocks for MarginPLUS and may, at its sole
discretion, include or exclude any stock for trading in the MarginPLUS product without
any prior intimation.
Is it compulsory to choose a Cover "SLTP Order" while placing a MarginPLUS order?
Yes. It is mandatory to place a Cover SLTP order along with your MarginPLUS fresh
Is it compulsory to choose a Cover "Profit Order" while placing a MarginPLUS order?
No. Cover Profit order under MarginPLUS is an optional facility and can be placed
only after the position is created from MarginPLUS open positions page. This cover
profit order facility is provided to help you book profits on your MarginPLUS position
in favourable market conditions without you having to continuously monitor the markets.
You may choose to keep your MarginPLUS position with only SLTP as your cover order
which is a mandatory cover order required while MarginPLUS order placement.
Can I place a cover profit order after the Fresh and cover SLTP orders have been
Yes, you can place cover profit order only from MarginPLUS open positions page i.e.
after your Fresh and cover SLTP orders have been placed. You can place this by clicking
on 'Place Profit Order' link in the action column of 'Cover Profit order' section.
Can I place Cover Profit order in all MarginPLUS enabled scrips ?
No. Cover Profit order facility is provided only in select scrips enabled for MarginPLUS.
I-Sec reserves the right to stock enablement for profit order facility under the
MarginPLUS product and may, at its sole discretion, include or exclude any stock
from the MarginPLUS profit order stock list without any prior intimation.
From where do I place the MarginPLUS orders ?
MarginPLUS order comprises of Fresh and Cover SLTP orders which can be simultaneously
placed from the same order placement screen. Thereafter Cover Profit order(s) can
be placed only from MarginPLUS Position page after the position is created. A separate
hyperlink MarginPLUS order is available under the Equity trading section to place
these orders.
What is a Cover Stop Loss order?
A Cover Stop loss order allows you to place an order which gets triggered only when
the market price of the relevant security reaches or crosses a trigger price specified
by the investor in the form of 'Stop Loss Trigger Price'. When a stop loss trigger
price (SLTP) is specified in a limit order, the order remains passive (i.e. not
eligible for execution) till the price of the stock crosses the specified SLTP.
Once the last traded price of the stock reaches or surpasses the SLTP, the order
becomes activated (i.e. eligible for execution at the exchange) and once triggered
behaves like a normal limit order. It is used as a tool to limit the loss on a position.
Cover Stop Loss Buy Order
'A' short sells Reliance shares at
325 in expectation that the price will fall.
However, in the event the price rises above his buy price 'A' would like to limit
his losses. 'A' may place a limit buy order specifying a Stop loss trigger price
345 and a limit price of
350. The stop loss trigger price (SLTP) has
to be between the last traded price and the buy limit price. Once the market price
of Reliance breaches the SLTP i.e.
345, the order gets converted to a limit buy
order at
Cover Stop Loss Sell Order
'A' buys Reliance at
325 in expectation that the price will rise.
However, in the event the price falls, 'A' would like to limit his losses. 'A' may
place a limit sell order specifying a Stop loss trigger price of
305 and a limit price of
300. The stop loss trigger price has to be between
the limit price and the last traded price at the time of placing the stop loss order.
Once the last traded price touches or crosses
305, the order gets converted into a limit sell
order at
Please note that in a buy order, the SLTP should be a price lower than the buy price
i.e less than the last traded price. An SLTP cannot be placed for a price that has
already been surpassed by the market when the SLTP is being placed. Similarly, in
case of a stop loss sell order the SLTP should be greater than the sell price of
fresh order i.e. higher than the last traded price.
What is a Cover Profit Order?
Cover Profit order under MarginPLUS is an optional facility and can be placed only
after the position is created from MarginPLUS open positions page. This cover profit
order facility is provided to help you book profits on your MarginPLUS position
in favourable market conditions without you having to continuously monitor the markets.
What is Reorder in MarginPLUS?
Reorder functionality will help you in quickly recreating similar MarginPLUS orders
using the details of the previously placed orders. Please note, default quantity
displayed at the time of placing reorder against your MarginPLUS orders/position
will be the quantity entered/auto calculated at the time of original order placement.
However, if you wish to change the quantity or use Trading Amount feature then you
may please edit your order before placing.
Is there any minimum difference % to be maintained between SLTP and Cover Profit
order limit price ?
Yes, a minimum difference % between the SLTP and the Cover Profit order limit price
has to be maintained at the time of order placement as well as on order modifications.
The cover Profit order limit price would be as follows:
- In case Cover Profit order is a buy order, the cover profit order limit price should
be below SLTP by defined % i.e. SLTP - (X% of SLTP)
- In case the Cover Profit order is a sell order, the cover profit order limit price
should be above the Stop Loss Trigger price by defined % i.e. SLTP + (X% of SLTP)
This is done to ensure that in volatile market conditions, both cover SLTP and Cover
Profit orders do not get executed at the same time, thus avoid creation of excess
Please note, in case excess position gets created due to execution of both SLTP
and cover profit orders then the loss on that position will be borne by Client.
Example: A Minimum difference between SLTP and Cover Profit Limit price is 5% for
- In case you have taken a MarginPLUS Sell position of 500 RELIND with Buy cover SLTP
(Sell) Position price = 100
(Buy) Stop Loss price = 105
(Buy) Cover Profit Limit price = 105 - (105*5%) = 99.75
In the above case your cover profit order limit price should be less than or equal
to 99.75 else the order validation will fail.
- In case you have taken a MarginPLUS Buy position of 500 RELIND with Sell cover SLTP
(Buy) Position price = 100
(Sell) Stop Loss price = 98
(Sell) Cover Profit Limit price = 98 + (98*5%) = 102.90
In the above case your cover profit order limit price should be greater than or
equal to 102.90 else the order validation will fail.
Where can I see the minimum difference % for a scrip?
You can view the minimum difference % for various scrips by visiting the Equity
stock list link on the Equity trading page of www.icicidirect.com or by clicking
MarginPLUS % link on marginPLUS order placement page after entering the stock code.
What are the details required to be given to place a fresh order?
Following details should be provided to place a fresh order.
- Exchange
- Stock
- Action (Buy/Sell)
- Quantity or Trading amount
- Order Type - Market/Limit
- Limit Price (if order type is selected as Limit)
You can either choose to enter the 'Quantity' or 'Trading amount' field. In case
you choose to enter the quantity then the Trading amount field will be auto populated
once the SLTP is entered & Limit Price is displayed for your cover order and fresh
order Limit Price is entered (in case of limit order). Similarly if you choose to
enter the Trading amount then the Quantity field will be auto populated once the
SLTP is entered and Limit price is displayed for your cover order and fresh order
Limit Price is entered (in case of limit order).
How is Quantity calculated if the Trading Amount is entered? How is Trading Amount
calculated if the Quantity is entered?
You have a choice either to enter the Quantity or Trading Amount during MarginPLUS
order placement. You are required to enter the cover order's Stop Loss Trigger Price
(SLTP) and limit price to use the "Quantity or Trading Amount calculation tool".
A. Quantity and Trading Amount will be calculated and displayed as follows when
fresh order type is market order:
- On entering Trading amount, system calculates and auto populates the quantity by
using the best bid/offer price (for your Sell/Buy order respectively) at the point
of time when this tool is used. Since First leg is a market order and can get executed
at a different price than considered at the time of order placement, the system
will consider 99% of the Trading amount chosen by you for deriving the quantity.
Example : You want to take a Buy position in Stock POWGRI with your Equity Current
Limit of
10,000/- and the Best Offer Price at that time is 100. Now, say you have entered
your cover order SLTP at
99 and Limit Price at
97. The Margin Plus % here is 0% and Margin % is 2%. Thereby, margin to be blocked
for 1 quantity is
Max{[((100-97)*1)+(100*1*0%)],(100*1*2%)} = 3. The maximum Quantity that can be
bought for this stock using the Trading Amount will be calculated as follows:
- Trading Amount = 10,000
- 99% Trading Amount = 9,900
- Maximum Buy Quantity = 9,900 / 3 = 3300
- On choosing the Quantity tool option for calculation of Trading Amount, system will
calculate and auto populate the required funds i.e. the margin required to take
position, that can buy you the desired stock quantity. System calculates required
Trading amount using weighted average price of best 5 bid / offer prices for the
quantity entered.
Example : You want to take a Buy position in Stock POWGRI for 100 quantity and the
weighted average price at that is
105. Now, say you have entered your cover order SLTP at
102, auto-populated Limit Price is
100 and MarginPLUS % is 0% and Margin % is 2%. Thereby, margin to be blocked for
1 quantity is
Max{[((105-100)*1)+(105*0%*1)],( 105*1*2%)} = 5.
- Quantity entered = 100
- Required Trading Amount = 100*5 = Rs. 500
Since the fresh order is a market order, the funds requirement may change on submitting
the order depending on change in the bid/offer prices. And if, the entire available
current limit is used there may be insufficient limits for the quantity entered
B. Quantity and Trading Amount will be calculated and displayed as follows when
order type is Limit order:
- On entering the Trading amount, system calculates and auto populates the quantity
by using the Limit price entered in the Limit Price field of your Fresh Buy/Sell
Example: You want to take a Buy position in stock ITC with your Equity Current Limit
of Rs 9900 and the Limit price enterd by you for Fresh orders is Rs 350. Now say
you have entered your Cover order SLTP at Rs 340 and Limit price at Rs 335. The
Margin Plus % here is 0% and Margin % is 2%. Thereby, margin to be blocked for 1
qty is Max {[((350-335) *1) +(350*0%*1)], (350*1*2%)} = 15. The maximum quantity
that can be bought for this stock using the Trading Amount will be calculated as
- Trading Amount = 9900
- Maximum Buy Quantity = 9900/15 = 660
- On choosing the Quantity option for calculation of Trading Amount, system will calculate
and auto populate the required funds i.e. the margin required to take position,
that can buy you the desired stock quantity.
Example: You want to take 330 quantity of Buy position in stock ITC and the Limit
price you have entered for fresh order is Rs 350. Now say you have entered your
Cover order SLTP at 340 and auto populated Limit price is 335. The Margin Plus %
here is 0% and Margin % is 2%. Thereby margin to be blocked for 1 quantity is Max{((350-335)*1))+(350*1*0%)],(350*1*2%)}
= 15
- Quantity Entered = 330
- Required Trading Amount = 330*15 = Rs 4950
Are the fresh orders, cover SLTP and cover profit orders to be placed together?
Fresh and cover SLTP orders under MarginPLUS are to be placed together. The Cover
profit order is an optional feature and you may choose to place the cover profit
order only from MarginPLUS Position page after the position is created.
Should the quantity of fresh ,cover SLTP order and cover profit order be the same?
Yes, the quantity needs to be the same.
What are the details for a cover SLTP order?
The details for a cover SLTP order are as follows:
- Exchange
- Stock
- Action (Buy/Sell)
- Order Type - Limit
- Stop Loss Trigger Price
- Limit price
- Quantity
The first 4 values and Quantity would be automatically picked according to the Fresh
order details. The Stop Loss Trigger Price value is required to be entered by you
which would be the trigger price and the order gets activated once the market price
of the relevant security reaches or crosses this threshold price. The value for
limit price would automatically appear in the Limit Price field based on the minimum
difference % for the stock between the Limit Price compared to the Stop Loss Trigger
Price (SLTP). The auto-calculated limit price would be uneditable during order placement.
However, during modification of Cover SLTP Order (2nd Leg Order) either from Order
Book or MarginPLUS position page, limit price would be auto calculated and you can
either modify the SLTP to arrive at Limit price or alternatively you can modify
the limit price as per your preference.
What are the details for cover profit order?
The details for a cover Profit order are as follows:
- Exchange
- Stock
- Action (Buy/Sell)
- Quantity
- Order Type - Limit
- Price
The first 5 values would be automatically picked up from the Fresh order details.
The Cover Profit order Limit Price value is required and can either be entered by
you or there is a link named "Calculate" available which would facilitate you in
calculating the Limit price and would automatically appear in the Limit Price field
based on the minimum difference % for the stock between the Profit Limit Price compared
to the Stop Loss Trigger Price (SLTP). If the Profit Limit price is entered by you
then the value for limit price needs to satisfy the minimum difference % between
the SLTP and Profit Limit Price.
Can I cancel the Fresh and Cover SLTP order?
Yes. You can cancel both the orders simultaneously provided they both remain fully
unexecuted. If any of the two orders gets execution then you shall not be allowed
to cancel any of them.
Can I cancel only Fresh order?
No, only fresh order cannot be cancelled. However, only in cases where your cover
order gets cancelled/rejected then you shall be given a link to Cancel your fresh
order from Order Book.
Can I cancel the cover SLTP order?
No, cover SLTP order cannot be cancelled. However only in cases where your fresh
order gets cancelled/rejected then you shall be given a link to Cancel your cover
SLTP order from Order Book.
Can I modify the fresh order?
Yes, you can either modify Fresh order from Limit to Market or modify the Limit
price of your fresh order from the order book. Please note that this modification
will be available only if your fresh order is fully pending for execution or partially
executed and cover order is fully pending for execution. You can modify fresh limit
order to a market order.
If the Cover SLTP order gets rejected by Exchange, will I be able to re-enter the
Cover SLTP Order?
Yes, you would be able to place Cover SLTP Order from the Open Positions screen
where a link named 'Order' will appear if the same is rejected by Exchange. The
Client agrees that ICICI Securities would not be liable for losses, if any, incurred
on such position if Client does not re-enter a Cover Order. It shall be the responsibility
of the client to monitor his/her positions and take adequate measures to safeguard
himself against any such events. The link shall only appear when your fresh order
is fully executed and cover is rejected.
Can I modify the cover SLTP order?
Yes, you can modify the price of your cover SLTP order subject to the Trigger price
conditions being fulfilled.
You can even modify the cover SLTP order to a Market order using the "Market Square
off" link on the MarginPLUS Positions page or "Modify" link but a prerequisite is
that you will have to first cancel the cover profit order, if any and then the modify
to market request will be accepted for square off.
Assume you take a buy position for the fresh order of 1000 shares at current market
price of
100/-. Simultaneously, you also place the sell
(cover SLTP order) of 1000 shares at Limit price
90/- and SLTP
95/-. The above trigger condition is defined
with a view to curtail losses.
If subsequently the current market price shoots up to
110/-. You can modify the order as below Limit
103/- SLTP
108/- or alternatively you can modify the order
to market.
Can Cover SLTP Order be converted to a "Market Order"?
Yes. As mentioned above you can either modify your cover order to market after cancelling
the cover profit order, if any or use the "Market Square off" link available on
the MarginPLUS Positions page to square off your position at market price.
How does the 'Market Square Off' link help?
Market Square Off link is provided on MarginPLUS Positions page to assist customers
to square off their position at market price. This link will enable customers with
below two steps using a single screen:
- Cancellation of cover profit order and
- Modification of cover SLTP order to market
If the customer has not placed cover profit order then this link will simply modify
the cover SLTP order to market.
In the above two step case, what if I miss out proceeding with the second step and
click any other trading link before completing the step 2?
It is required that the two steps are completed to square off your MarginPLUS position
at market else only cancellation of cover profit order will take place and market
square off will not happen. However, you can once again choose the 'Market Square
off' link and if your cancellation is done then it will directly take you to Step
2 i.e. modify to market and on proceeding your cover SLTP order will be sent to
exchange as market square off order.
Can I Cancel the Cover Profit Order?
Yes you can cancel the cover profit order anytime during the market hours.
Can I modify the Cover Profit Order?
Yes. The limit price of the cover profit order can be modified subject to the minimum
difference % validations mentioned above.
Can Cover Profit Order be converted to a "Market Order"?
No. As mentioned above, you can choose to cancel the profit order and modify the
SLTP order to market in case you wish to execute your cover order at market price.
What is the quantity that can be submitted for fresh orders?
1. Fresh limit order: The maximum quantity that can be submitted for fresh orders
is generally maximum quantity allowed fot that particular stock. However I-Sec reserves
the right to modify this permissible maximum quantity based on market conditions
and risk factors.
2. Fresh Market order: The maximum quantity that can be submitted for fresh market
orders is the total of best 5 Bid/offer quantities that is available in the best
bids and offers. If the quantity that you input is greater than the quantity available
in the best 5 bids and offers then the order will not go through.
Assuming that you want to place a buy order for 5000 shares @100, and the first
5 offer quantity available for the buy order are as under:
Offer Qty.
Offer Price
In the above scenario, the first 5 Offer quantity available is 3600 and since the
buy order quantity placed is 5000 which exceeds the best 5 offer quantity, it would
be rejected by the system. Similar would be the case in Sell order, wherein if the
total sell qty is greater that the first 5 Bid quantities available then it would
be rejected. The maximum order qty to be placed should be equal to the first 5 bid/offer
quantity available at that point of time.
What will be the price at which margin for an order will be calculated?
For fresh market orders the price would be calculated as the weighted average price
of the best 5 bids and offers available for calculating the margin requirement.
If the following offers are available in the best 5 bids and offers and the client
places a Buy order for quantity of 4500.
Best 5 bids
Best 5 offers
Calculation of Buy price
Weighted average price would be 11.75 = (52,875 / 4500) which would be used for
calculating the margin requirement for this MarginPLUS order.
For fresh limit order, system shall take the fresh order limit price instead of
weighted average price of the best 5 bids and offers for calculation of margin requirement.
What is the margin that is charged on placement of MarginPLUS order?
Margin in case of MarginPLUS product will be higher of two margins stated below:
1.Maximum possible loss that you may incur considering the difference between the
Fresh & Cover order prices plus an addtional margin calculated as per MarginPLUS
% specified, if any.
2. Margin computed as per the Margin% specified for the stock under this product.
You may visit the stock list page under Equity to view the prescribed margins for
MarginPLUS product which is specified for each stock.
Fresh Buy Market Order: Max[{(Weighted average price of fresh order - limit price
of cover SLTP order) * Quantity} + {Weighted average price of fresh order * Quantity
* Margin Plus %, if any, for the Stock}, {Weighted average price of fresh order
* Quantity * Margin %}]
Please note, in case fresh sell market order the first part of the formula will
change where loss will be computed as Limit price of cover SLTP order - Weighted
average price of fresh order, rest of the formula will remain the same.
Fresh Buy Limit Order: Max[{(Limit price of fresh order - Limit price of cover SLTP
order) * Quantity} + {Limit price of fresh order * Quantity * Margin Plus %, if
any, for the stock}, {Limit price of fresh order * Quantity * Margin %}]
Please note, in case fresh sell limit order the first part of the formula will change
where loss will be computed as Limit price of cover SLTP order – Limit Price if
fresh order, rest of the formula will remain the same.
Margin is blocked as per the above formula on order placement and adjusted further
based on the actual execution price.
Example 1 – Fresh Market Order:
Assume you take a buy position for the fresh order of 1000 shares at current market
price of
100/-. Simultaneously you also place the Sell
(cover SLTP order) of 1000 shares as Limit price
90/- SLTP
95/-.The Margin Plus percentage for the scrip is either 0 or 10%. The Margin% for
the scrip is either 15% or 5%.
(A) In case the Margin Plus percentage is 0% and Margin % is 15%
Max{[((100-90)*1000) + (100*1000*0%)],(100*1000*15%)}
(B) In case the Margin Plus percentage is 10 and Margin % is 5%
Max{[((100-90)*1000) + (100*1000*10%)],(100*1000*5%)}
Example 2 – Fresh Limit Order:
In the above example if you place a fresh limit order at 99 the margin amount would
be blocked as below :
(A) In case the MarginPLUS percentage is 0% and Margin % is 15%
Max{[((99-90)*1000) + (99*1000*0%)],(99*1000*15%)}
(B) In case the MarginPLUS percentage is 10% and Margin % is 5%
Max{[((99-90)*1000) + (99*1000*10%)],(99*1000*5%)}
Would the margin be recalculated at the time of modification?
Yes, it is recalculated and excess amount if any will be released or additional
margin needed will be blocked if you change the limit price of your fresh order
or cover SLTP order.
(A) In the above example of order at market price, where Margin Plus % is 10 and
Margin % is 5% if you modify the SLTP to
97/- and limit price to
92/-.The margin amount would be recalculated
Max{[((100-92)*1000) + (100*1000*10%)],(100*1000*5%)}
The excess amount of
2000/- would be released and added in your limit.
(B) In the above example where Margin Plus % is 10% and Margin% is 5% if you modify
the limit price of your cover SLTP order to
88/- margin amount would be recalculated as
Max{[((100-88)*1000) + (100*1000*10%)],(100*1000*5%)}
Additional amount of
2000/- would be blocked. If limits are insufficient
then you will be unable to modify the order.
(C) In the above example of order at limit price, where Margin Plus % is 0% and
Margin % is 15% if you modify the limit price of your fresh limit order from Rs.
99/- to Rs. 101/- without modifying SLTP and cover order limit price, margin amount
would be recalculated as
Max{[((101-90)*1000) + (101*1000*0%)],(101*1000*15%)}
Additional amount of 300/- would be blocked. If limits are insufficient then you
will be unable to modify the order.
Would the Margin be recalculated when the order gets executed?
Yes, at the time of order placement at market price the weighted average price of
bids/offers is considered and in case of limit order, limit price is considered
for margin calculation. It may happen that execution happens at a different price
than the one at which limits have been blocked.
Is the minimum difference % between SLTP and Limit price of Cover SLTP order different
for different stocks?
Yes, I-Sec would define the difference minimum difference percentage for different
stocks depending upon the volatility and market conditions of the scrip.
What is the difference between limit price and SLTP price that can be specified for
a Cover SLTP Order?
Depending on the stock volatility and market situation, I-Sec Ltd would specify
the minimum % difference between limit price and SLTP price of your cover SLTP order
that can be maintained on order placement and modification for a particular stock.
This percentage could be revised by I-Sec even during the day. Existing orders would
be unaffected by the revision but however if the orders are modified the revised
percentage would apply.
The value for limit price would automatically appear in the Limit Price field based
on the minimum difference % for the stock between the Limit Price compared to the
Stop Loss Trigger Price (SLTP). The auto-calculated limit price would be uneditable
during order placement. However, during modification of Cover SLTP Order (2nd Leg
Order) either from Order Book or MarginPLUS position page, limit price would be
auto calculated and you can modify the limit price as per your preference.
Example: A 5% difference has to be maintained between the limit price and SLTP for
cover SLTP order for ACC.
You have taken a buy position (fresh order) for 1000 shares in ACC at Current price
100/-. You specify the sell order (Cover SLTP
order) for 1000 shares in ACC at SLTP of
95/-. Since this is a sell cover SLTP order
the limit price would be lower than the SLTP. Limit price in this case can be
90.25/- and below.
If any price between 90.25 and 95 is specified the order cannot be placed.
How does the concept of MarginPLUS work?
In case of Fresh Buy:
a) Current market Price rises – Position is making a profit You can choose to modify
the sell cover SLTP order to a market order to immediately book profits at market
In case execution of your profit order is received first, then the SLTP order would
be immediately cancelled by the system and system will then nearly in a minute's
time cancel the remaining profit cover order quantity if full execution is not received
and then place market order for the cancelled quantity.
b) Current market price falls - Position is making a loss: Once the current market
price starts falling and reaches Sell cover SLTP price, the cover SLTP order would
be triggered to a limit order. The cover SLTP order would get executed at the best
prices available up to the SLTP limit price.
In case you have opted for a profit order, then on first execution of the cover
SLTP order the cover Profit order would be immediately cancelled by the system and
balance cover SLTP order will remain open for further execution.
In case of Fresh Sell:
a) Current market price rises- Position is making a loss: Once the current market
price starts rising and reaches buy cover SLTP price, the cover SLTP order would
be triggered to a limit order. The cover SLTP order would get executed at the best
prices available up to the SLTP limit price.
In case you have opted for a profit order then on first execution of the cover SLTP
order the cover Profit order would be immediately cancelled by the system and balance
cover SLTP order will remain open for further execution.
b) Current market price falls- Position is making a profit: You can either modify
your cover Profit order limit price or you can choose to modify the buy cover SLTP
order to a market order to immediately book profits at market price.
In case first execution of your profit order is received first then the SLTP order
would be immediately cancelled by the system and system will then nearly in a minute's
time cancel the remaining profit cover order quantity if full execution is not received
and then place market order for the cancelled quantity.
What happens to cover Stop Loss order if the cover Profit order gets executed first?
On receipt of the first execution of the cover Profit order, the cover SLTP order
will be immediately cancelled by the system and system will then nearly in a minute's
time cancel the remaining cover profit order if full execution is not received and
then will place a fresh order at market price for the cancelled quantity.
Why does the system cancel my cover Profit order on part execution and place a fresh
order at market price for balance quantity?
This is done to ensure that you get the best price execution nearest to your profit
limit price available at the time your cover profit order was partly executed and
don't loose out on the opportunity of booking profit if the exact profit limit price
is not available at exchange end.
What happens to cover Profit order if the cover SLTP order gets executed first?
On receipt of the first execution of the cover SLTP order the cover Profit order
will be immediately cancelled by the system and as the balance quantity subsequently
gets a match the cover SLTP order will keep getting executed. You can also modify
the balance SLTP or convert it to market to square off the position at your price.
As mentioned above, you can choose to cancel the profit order and modify the SLTP
order to market or use the "Market Square Off" link.
What happens to the open position remaining at the end of the day?
In case of MarginPLUS, all the positions created for the day are expected to be
squared off by the customers before the market closes as this is an Intra day product.
In case, if the positions still remains open at the end of day, I-Sec on best effort
basis would initiate the Square off process at market price for all the open positions.
Will there be any Mark to Market process like in Margin trading?
No. Since the feature of MarginPLUS cover order is available which also indicates
the maximum downside involved in a particular position, there is no need of mark
to market process.
Can I do convert to delivery?
No. You do not have the option of convert to delivery in MarginPLUS.
Do I have the option of Add Margin?
No. The option of Add Margin is not available, since it is not relevant due to absence
of Mark to Market process in MarginPLUS product.
Where do I view my open positions?
You can view your Open positions on the MarginPLUS Positions page of your www.icicidirect.com
Can I-Sec disable a scrip from MarginPLUS trading during the day?
Yes, I-Sec can disable a scrip from MarginPLUS trading during the day.
What will happen to the MarginPLUS orders that I have placed in such disabled scrip's?
You will be unable to place new orders in such scrip's. However, you can modify
the orders already placed. To square off such positions you can cancel profit order,
if any and modify cover SLTP order to a market order or use the "Market Square Off"
What would be the brokerage payable on these trades?
The Brokerage would be the normal brokerages that are charged for margin orders.
You can refer the latest brokerage schedule on our website www.icicidirect.com on
the path Customer service page > Important Information > Brokerage.
What is My EOS ?
My EOS is a facility provided to quickly close your open Margin PLUS orders / positions.
For eg.: If your Fresh order is executed and SLTP order is in ordered status and
if you do My EOS confirmation message will be displayed stating that "Are you sure
you want to close this position" and on clicking "Ok" system will modify your SLTP
order to Market order.
In the above example if Fresh order is in ordered status and if you do My EOS confirmation
message will be displayed stating that "Are you sure you want to close this position"
and on clicking "Ok" system will cancel your Fresh and SLTP orders.
Will My EOS link be displayed against all the orders in order book.?
No. My EOS link will be displayed only against Margin PLUS fresh order(s) in order
book irrespective of the status.
Will My EOS link be displayed against all the positions in MarginPLUS position page
Yes. My EOS link will be displayed against each open position on Margin PLUS position
page under the "Square OFF at Market Price" column
Is there any difference if I do My EOS from Order book or Margin PLUS position page?
No. There is no difference if you do My EOS from order book or Margin PLUS position
Will My EOS link be displayed in order book for already closed positions?
Yes My EOS link will be displayed against all fresh orders irrespective of the status.
However there will be no impact if you run My EOS for already closed positions.
Can I use Shares as Margin (SAM) limits for placing MarginPLUS Orders?
Yes. Shares as Margin (SAM) facility is available for MarginPlus. For more details,
you can [click
here] to refer FAQs on Shares as Margin (SAM).
What Limits are allowed for Placing MarginPLUS Order?
Cash and Shares as Margin (SAM) limits are allowed for MarginPLUS Order where SAM
limits will be used first for blocking limits.
Can my MarginPLUS order(s)/position(s) get squared off by I-Sec for any reason?
Yes, your MarginPlus position may get squared off by I-Sec in case there is no other
marginable product order(s)/position(s) and your 'Current Securities Limit' goes
negative after utilizing cash limit and negative Current Securities Limit is above
internal Threshold Limit set by I-Sec.
What happens if my Equity limit goes negative and in which situation does I-Sec square
off my MaginPLUS positions?
In case of Negative 'Current Securities Limit after considering cash limit' and
negative Current Securities Limit is above internal threshold limit set by I-Sec,
I-Sec Will Cancel/Square off your MarginPLUS order(s)/position(s) only when you
do not have other Marginable order(s)/position(s) like Margin intraday or MTF and
the following steps will be followed to cover the limit negativity:
1. In case of Marginable Positions (other than MarginPlus) where SAM limit is used,
Margin Intraday Order(s)/Position(s) will be considered first and then MTF
2. Pending MarginPLUS Order(s) i.e., Fresh and Cover order(s) will get cancelled.
3. Square off MarginPLUS Position(s) randomly one at time. I-Sec Will Square off
Positon(s) till the negative Current Securities Limit comes below internal Threshold
limit set by I-Sec.
For Example:
Internal Threshold Limit set by I-Sec is "-3000" and Negative Current Securities
limit is "-10000" and following are the Orders and Positions created by the customer:
1.Buy Margin Position of 10 Qty of Reliance Industries at 2300 and the Margin Blocked
is 3000.
2.Open MaginPLUS Order (Both Fresh and Cover order are pending for execution) of
10 Qty if TCS at 3550 and Margin Blocked for this order is 3550.
3.Buy MaginPLUS Position of 20 Qty of Deepak Nitrite Ltd at 2300 and Margin Blocked
for this Scrip is 3760
4.Buy MaginPLUS Position of 20 Shares of Pidlite Industries at 2300 and Margin Blocked
is 7000
Here in this Example the Current Securities Limit negativity is above threshold
Limit so I-Sec Will Cancel and or Square off Positions in Following Manner till
the Current Securities Limit is within the Threshold limit:
1. First I-Sec will place Square off Order for Long Margin Position of 10 Qty of
Reliance Industries.
Therefore, 'Current Securities Limit' after square off will be "-7000"
2. Furthermore, still the Current Securities Limit is Negative then I-Sec Will Cancel
one by one MaginPLUS Open Orders. Hence open MarginPlus order of 10 Qty of TCS will
be cancelled and its blocked margin will be released.
Now after cancelling the above order Revised Current Securities Limit will be: "-3450"
3. Since there is no other pending order in this case to cancel hence process moves
to one by one square off on random basis as still the negative limit is more than
threshold limit, now I-Sec will square off MaginPLUS orders one by one randomly
such that 'Current Securities Limit' is within the threshold limit.
Hence I-Sec Will square off 20 Qty of Deepak Nitrite Ltd Position as required to
reduce the Negative 'Current Securities Limit' which will release margin of 3760.
Now after square off the above position Revised Current Securities Limit will be
GTT Equity FAQ
1. What is Good till Trigger (GTT)?
A Good till Triggered (henceforth referred to as 'GTT') is the trigger-based order
placement feature which allows you to place buy or sell orders in stocks of your
choice at your specified price which will remain active until the trigger condition
is met or the GTT request is cancelled / expired. The maximum validity date for
which the GTT trigger will be valid, is 365 days after which it will get expired.
It is particularly useful for traders who can't actively monitor the market throughout
the day.
2. How does GTT feature work?
You can set a trigger price and a limit price for a GTT request. When the last traded
price (LTP) breaches the specified trigger price, limit order will be placed with
the exchange at the specified quantity and price. The GTT requests will be valid
till triggered/cancelled/expired, whichever is earlier. The GTT request placed by
you will be with ICICI Securities Limited (henceforth referred to as 'I-Sec') in
GTT Book and limit order will be sent to exchange only when the trigger condition
is met.
3. Can all customers of I-Sec avail GTT facility?
Yes, all online existing and new customers of I-Sec who are eligible to trade in
Equity Cash product can avail GTT facility.
4. Is GTT feature available for all products?
No. The facility of placing GTT request is available only for Cash Products only
under the Equity segment. Please note you cannot place GTT requests in any other
products under Equity like Margin Broker Mode, Margin Client Mode, Margin Plus etc.
5. Can I place Buy and Sell orders with GTT request validity?
Yes, GTT request are available for both your Buy as well as Sell orders in Cash
product only.
6. Can I place GTT request in any stock and exchange?
GTT request can only be placed in particular Stock Exchange combination if it is
allowed for placing GTT Requests as per I-Sec Risk Management System (henceforth
referred to as 'RMS'). Please visit the Equity "Stock List" page under
Services tab in Stocks Section. On clicking the stock name, GTT Allowed Y/ N field
will be available to view whether the selected Stock Exchange combination is allowed
for GTT facility or not. However, I-Sec RMS can disable any of the stocks for placing
GTT requests at its discretion.
7. Do I need to allocate funds for placing GTT request?
No, you don't need to allocate funds while placing GTT request. However, you will
have to ensure that sufficient limits are available in Equity segment when your
GTT request is triggered, to meet requisite limit required for the order.
8. What will be the validity of GTT request?
GTT request will be valid till it is triggered, cancelled or till expiry of validity,
whichever is earlier. The maximum validity of a GTT is 365 days, after which it
will get expired. Please note in case the triggered order remains open/ unexecuted
for the day then the order expires and the GTT request will no longer be valid.
In such cases you may want to place your GTT request again.
9. What is Trigger price and Limit price in GTT request?
Trigger price is the price at which your request will get triggered for sending
order to exchange & limit price is the price at which your order will get placed
at exchange.
10. What are different types of GTT requests?
There are below types of GTT requests–
- Buy Single
- Sell Single
- Sell OCO (One Cancels Other)
- Cover Sell Single
- Cover Sell OCO (One Cancels Other)
11. What is Single trigger type in GTT?
Single trigger type GTT request is where you can set a single trigger price, which
can be greater than / lower than the LTP, once the LTP crosses your trigger price,
order will be placed with the exchanges at your predetermined limit price.
Example1: Say, LTP of a stock is Rs. 100 and you set the trigger price at Rs. 90
and the limit price at Rs. 89, then once the LTP trades below Rs. 90, your GTT request
will be triggered and an order will be placed with the exchange at Rs. 89.
Example2: Say, LTP of a stock is Rs. 100 and you set the trigger price at Rs. 110
and the limit price at Rs. 111, then once the LTP trades above Rs. 110, your GTT
request will be triggered and an order will be placed with the exchange at Rs. 111.
12. What is OCO request type in GTT?
In Sell OCO or Cover Sell OCO type GTT requests, both 'Stoploss' and 'Target' trigger
price conditions can be set simultaneously. When either of the trigger price condition
is fulfilled, then the other one which is not triggered will get immediately cancelled.
Example: LTP of a stock is Rs. 100 and you place a OCO GTT request with the Stoploss
Trigger price at Rs. 90 and Stoploss Limit price at Rs. 89 and Target Trigger price
at Rs 110 and Target Limit price at Rs. 111. Now if the LTP trades below Rs. 90,
then the stop loss condition is met so, Target price condition will get cancelled
immediately and stoploss order will be sent to the exchange at Rs. 89.
13. What is Cover request type in GTT?
Cover GTT request can be placed along with the fresh order from the existing order
placement page.
Example: Currently, a stock is trading at LTP of Rs. 101 and You are placing buy
order for a stock at a Limit Price of Rs 100. Along with the same order, you place
cover GTT request with Stoploss Trigger price of Rs. 90, Stoploss Limit price of
Rs. 89, Target Trigger price of Rs. 110 and Target Limit price of Rs. 111. Once
Buy order of Rs. 100 is fully executed, cover GTT request will become Active and
until then it will remain Inactive. Now, after GTT request becomes Active, if the
LTP reaches on or below Rs. 90, then the stop loss condition is met so, Target price
condition will get cancelled immediately and stoploss order will be sent to the
exchange for execution at Rs. 89.
14. Where can I place GTT request?
You can place GTT request from the following pages as mentioned below:
"GTT" page in "Place Order" tab: GTT Buy as well as GTT Sell
"Delivery Page" in "Place Order" Tab: Sell GTT Request along
with Normal Fresh Buy order of Day Validity.
- "Demat Holding" page: GTT Sell requests.
- "Get Quotes" page: GTT Buy as well as Sell requests.
You may also please refer the GTT request placement flow and relevant pages by clicking here.
15. Can I modify GTT request?
Yes, you can modify trigger prices (Stop Loss/ Target) or limit price as well as
quantity for your GTT request from the GTT book as long as it is not triggered.
Please note that you will be able to modify the request only when the trigger is
in 'Active status'.
On modifying the fresh buy order in case of GTT Sell request with Fresh Buy, if
you desire to modify Cover GTT request then you will need to do it separately.
16. Can I place only Target or only Stoploss or both Target and Stoploss request
in GTT?
In case of Cover OCO GTT trigger type, you can choose to place only Stoploss or
only Target or simultaneously both.
In case of OCO GTT, simultaneously both Stoploss and Target trigger price will need
to be set.
In case of Single GTT, only Stoploss or only Target can be placed i.e., only one
trigger price can be set which can either be above or below the LTP.
Please note all GTT orders will be sent as limit price orders wherein the limit
price by default will be same as trigger price but you can choose to change limit
price which can be different from trigger price.
17. How do I see my GTT Requests?
To view the GTT requests, you can visit the 'GTT' section of the Order Book page.
It gives you details of GTT request such as Stock for which GTT request was placed,
Date & Time of GTT request placement, Buy/Sell position, LTP, Trigger Price, Limit
Price, Qty, Current Status of GTT request and Action Buy to Modify/Cancel/Reorder
the GTT request.
The Log will be displayed on clicking the GTT order reference hyperlink of your
respective GTT request. The Remarks column in the order log will also display the
GTT request rejection remarks, if any.
18. Where can I view the details of GTT orders which is placed with the exchange
post triggering?
You can view the details of GTT orders placed post triggering of GTT request in
your account under the normal Equity order book. A separate identifier will be displayed
stating that “This is a system placed GTT Order” below the Order Reference No.
19. What are the various statuses in GTT book against GTT request?
The statuses against your GTT request in GTT book are:
Inactive- The status of GTT request is 'Inactive' in case of your Cover GTT request
if your Fresh Buy order is not fully executed yet. Until GTT request is Inactive,
it will not get triggered even if trigger price condition is fulfilled.
Active- The Status of GTT request is 'Active' in case of Single or OCO GTT request
is placed. And for Cover GTT request when your fresh order is fully executed status
of GTT becomes Active from Inactive.
Triggered- The status of GTT request is 'Triggered' in case of:
- Single GTT request when Trigger price condition is fulfilled.
OCO GTT request when either of the Trigger price conditions i.e., Stoploss or Target
is fulfilled.
Triggered status of GTT request reflects the status of only GTT Trigger condition
i.e. GTT trigger condition has been fulfilled so, it may happen that the order which
was supposed to get sent on triggering is rejected due to various valid reasons.
Hence, ensure checking 'Normal Order Book' and 'GTT Order Reference Number logs'
for more details of such order." Also, as trigger is valid only once, same GTT request
won't get triggered again.
Cancelled- The Status is cancelled against your GTT request if the request is cancelled
by the customer or if the request is cancelled by the I-Sec RMS in scenarios such
as corporate action of that stock, etc.¬¬
Expired - The status of GTT request is 'Expired' if the GTT trigger conditions are
not met within the GTT validity period and the GTT request is no longer valid.
20. Why did my GTT request got triggered and no corresponding cash order was placed?
There could be various reasons for your GTT request being 'Triggered' and no corresponding
cash order was placed they are as follows:
- Insufficient funds in Equity segment during triggering of GTT request
Insufficient holdings in Equity Demat account during triggering of GTT sell request
- The limit price is outside the price range for that day.
- Particular stock is not allowed for Trading for that day
Due to Trading Validations as defined by I-Sec RMS, Refer “Trading Validations in
Equity” for detailed validations.
If the no mandate available against the GTT sell order for a e-DIS account.
On trigger if the order does not meet the existing risk management checks applicable
for 'Order placement' like; quantity, price, cumulative value checks etc.
Please note, if your GTT request gets 'Triggered' and no corresponding cash order
was placed due to any reason then it will be not be triggered again for order placement
by I-Sec on your behalf and you may please place another GTT request in such cases.
Triggered status of GTT request reflects the status of only GTT Trigger condition
i.e. GTT trigger condition has been fulfilled so, it may happen that the order which
was supposed to get sent on triggering is rejected due to various valid reasons.
Hence, ensure checking 'Normal Order Book' and 'GTT Order Reference Number logs'
for more details of such order." Also, as trigger is valid only once, same GTT request
won't get triggered again.
21. Why did my GTT request get cancelled?
There could be various reasons for your GTT request being seen as 'Cancelled' and
they are as follows:
- You may have cancelled your GTT request from the GTT book.
In case of Fresh Buy with GTT Sell, if your fresh order is cancelled by you or rejected
by exchange or if position quantity is less than the cover GTT quantity.
In case of any Corporate Action in the underlying where you have GTT request.
In any exceptional adverse scenario due to which I-Sec RMS requires to cancel the
open GTT requests.
Please note, if your GTT request gets 'Cancelled' due to any reason then it will
be not be triggered again for order placement by I-Sec on your behalf and you may
please place another GTT request in such cases.
22. Why is there an error in placing in GTT request?
The GTT request will not be placed if the trigger conditions are not entered correctly
and validation error will be displayed in the following cases while placing GTT
- The GTT trigger should be at least x% or y rupees away from the LTP.
- If the Stoploss Trigger is entered above the LTP.
- If the Target Trigger is entered below the LTP.
If the Stoploss limit price is entered more than z% away from the Stoploss Trigger
If the Target limit price is entered more than z% away from the Target Trigger Price.
In case of Fresh Buy + GTT Sell where Fresh Buy is Limit order, above validations
will get applicable as per Limit Price of Fresh Buy order instead of LTP. % or amount
in rupees mentioned are set as per I-Sec RMS and updated time to time.
23. What will happen in case there is a corporate action happening in the stock in
which I have placed GTT request?
If a corporate action is announced in particular stock then such stock will be disabled
by I-Sec RMS for GTT request placement from Ex date - 1 day till Record date. If
your GTT request in such stock is still Active / Inactive then your GTT request
in such stocks will get cancelled during this period and orders will not be placed
on subsequent days post cancellation. This is to safeguard your interest and avoid
placement of orders at unrealistic prices due to the impact of corporate action.
You are thereby requested to login into your account to see the status of GTT requests
in such stocks and place fresh GTT requests again at appropriate prices in case
you wish to continue with placement GTT request in such stocks after corporate action
has been completed.
24. Can I place GTT request for Sell against an Demat Holding?
Yes, customer can place GTT Sell Single as well as OCO request from Demat Holding
page by clicking on GTT Sell link.
25. What if the trigger conditions are met for GTT request but the holding is sold
or there is existing sell order pending?
If the stock quantity available to sell is insufficient due to any reason such as
another sell order is placed or executed, or insufficient Demat Holding etc., when
the GTT request is triggered then no sell order will be placed. You will be able
to view the updated remarks against such request in GTT book on clicking GTT Order
Reference No.
26. What will happen to pending Sell GTT requests if you have already placed normal
sell order from Demat Holding page and holding is squared off and now you have again
created holding in same stock?
When pending GTT Sell request is triggered, system will check whether the stock
quantity available to sell is sufficient or not and if it is sufficient the GTT
Sell order will be sent to the exchange against the recreated position in the same
27. Is there any additional charge or difference in the brokerage rate for normal
Cash transactions and GTT orders?
No. There are no additional charges for placing GTT request also there is no change
in the brokerage rates for your normal Cash transactions and GTT orders. The Brokerage
rates and applicable charges are same for your normal Cash transactions and GTT
28. How will GTT orders be settled?
The settlement for your GTT orders would be done in the same manner as normal cash
29. Can I place GTT requests through CallNTrade?
Yes. You can place your GTT requests through CallNTrade.
30. Is there any restriction on the number of GTT requests which can be placed?
You can place multiple GTT request in a day. Also, GTT requests can be placed in
different stocks as well. However anytime Active and Inactive GTT requests should
not exceed 100 requests in one account which may get updated by I-Sec RMS time to
31. Can I place GTT requests at any time during the day?
Yes. You can place GTT request at any time during market hours and even post market
hours when the site is open for placing overnight orders.
However the orders will be only triggered only during market hours
i.e during 09:15 am – 03:30pm.
32. Can I place GTT request being an e-DIS customer?
e-DIS customers can place GTT request but please note that you will need to take
mandate for your Demat holdings against which there are Sell GTT request. Otherwise
Sell GTT request triggered for your holdings will get rejected as you need to authorise
delivery of stocks using M-PIN. This is not applicable in case of POA and DDPI customers.
33. How to ensure fast execution of Cash order placed due to triggering of GTT?
Entering the limit price of the trigger above the trigger price in case of GTT Buy
and below the trigger price in case of GTT Sell may increase the chances of execution.
34. If my Fresh Buy Order does not get executed or only partially executed during
the day, what will happen to the corresponding cover GTT placed along with this
Fresh Buy order?
If your Fresh buy order does not get fully executed then at the End Of the Day,
the inactive cover GTT request will get automatically cancelled since for Cover
Sell GTT to be Active, Fresh Buy order requires full execution. You will have to
place a fresh GTT or reorder the GTT placed earlier.
35. Why is the GTT not triggered even though the trigger conditions are met?
A GTT is triggered when the stock price breaches the trigger price and based on
the ticks captured by the system. Due to high volume of transactions per second
on the exchange, due to any circumstances, if the tick isn't captured, the GTT may
not trigger and can remain pending until the stock price reaches the trigger price
again. So, Trigger or Sending order after successful Trigger or Execution of orders
after the trigger are not guaranteed for GTT.
Trade Analysis
1. What is trade analysis and why is it required?
"Trade Analysis" is a Post Trade Tool available on our website for intraday traders
to analyze their trade's compared to various price points of a stock/contract during
the trading time frame on a particular trade date. Reviewing trades by professional
traders is critical part of post-trade and allows traders to take the screenshot
of the stock/contract chart after the trade is completed, plots Buy and Sell points,
recapping the trade and tweaking the trade rules for the future with the learnings
of every position taken and exited on a trade date.
2. Can I analyze my trades in all products?
With "Trade Analysis" you can now analyze your trades done in MarginPLUS, FuturePLUS
Stop Loss and OptionPLUS products.
3. From where can I use this Trade Analysis feature on the site?
Please visit the Trade Book, under Action column a link named "Trade Analysis" will
be available against the same day's trade only under the action Buy/Sell.
4. Is this available for all trade dates?
This link is available only on the same day against trades done on that date and
is not available for previous trade dates.
5. Can this feature be used any time during the same trading day?
No. This feature being a post trade tool can be used only after market hours and
for the same trade date.
6. How to use the Trade Analysis?
Trade Analysis can be used to analyze the impact on the closed positions Profit/Loss
by choosing a base for comparison i.e. Fresh trade or Cover Trade. In case you choose
Fresh as base to analyze then the chart will freeze the entry price point as per
your trade price and help analyze the impact on your Profit/Loss by changing the
exit price points on the chart just by moving the mouse anywhere during the time
frame and you can view the possibility of making Profits assuming you had exited
at that time and price point available on that trading date. Similarly, you can
choose to keep Cover Trade as base in that case the chart will freeze the exit price
as your Cover trade price and just by moving the mouse you can see the impact had
your entry price point been different as per the available price ticks on the same
trade date.
7. What are the benefits of using Trade Analysis?
The Trade Analysis feature helps traders in easily plotting on the chart and knowing
the possibility of making Profits or curtailing Losses on their closed position
during the day had the trader chosen a different entry or exit price point available
at a different time during the trading session. Also to support their analysis,
key market data like Open, Close, High and Low Prices related to their position
in that stock/contract is all made available on the same screen along with the intraday
price chart.
8. Can customer compare any side of the trade, Fresh or Cover, to see the P/L he
could have made on his position on that day?
Yes. Customer can compare any side of the trade Fresh or Cover to see the Profit/Loss
he could have made on his position on that day by selecting the Fresh or Cover options
available on charts.
9. Can Trade analysis be done for Buy and Sell trades?
Yes. Trade analysis can be done for Buy as well Sell trades.
10. Does the Profit/Loss displayed under Trade analysis consider Brokerage and other
charges ?
No. Profit/Loss displayed under Trade analysis does not consider Brokerage and other
charges. Trade analysis is purely based on your Trade price.
11. What can be viewed for a trade with Trade Analysis - Only Profits, Only Losses
or Both?
Both Profit as well as Loss at different price points can be viewed for the trades
with Trade Analysis
Cloud Order
What is a Cloud Order?
Cloud Order is a feature for placing quick orders in Cash, eATM, Margin and MarginPLUS
products. Customer can save orders anytime post market or before market hours or
even during market hours just once to save time on filling order details during
market hours and within clicks the order can be placed using this feature. Customer
can place order by clicking Buy/Sell link available against each order saved on
Cloud Order page under Equity. This feature will save customer's time and he need
not enter all the order details each and every time he places an order.
In which products can I place Cloud Order?
Presently under Equity segment, you can save and place Cloud Orders in Cash, eATM,
Margin and MarginPLUS products.
How can I add a Cloud Order?
You can click 'Add to My Cloud' button available on Cloud Order page under Equity.
This will open a page Add to My Cloud where you can enter and save the order details
like Exchange Code, Stock Code, Quantity, Order Type and Limit Price(for Cash/eATM/Margin
products) and Cover SLTP Difference(for MarginPLUS)
You can also add Cloud Orders from Place order page, where you can click on 'Get
From My Cloud' or 'Add to My Cloud' buttons if there is no existing order saved
to Cloud for the selected stock. If you have an order already saved to Cloud Orders
in the selected stock then you will be taken to Cloud Order page from where you
can Buy/Sell and place your order during market hours or as an overnight order.
At what time can I add a Cloud Order?
You can add a Cloud Order anytime during market hours as well as before or after
market hours.
What is Cover SLTP Difference?
Cover Stop Loss Trigger Price Difference is the price difference amount between
LTP/Limit Price of Fresh order and SLTP of your cover order in MarginPLUSproduct.
You can choose any difference amount upto two decimals and this difference would
be used to calculate the SLTP of your cover order and existing functionality for
SLTP would continue. This difference value is required for Cloud Order placement
under MarginPLUSproduct.
- 1. Fresh Market Order - In case of Fresh Market
order your cover order's SLTP would be calculated considering the Cover SLTP Difference
defined by you for the saved Cloud Order and it would be calculated as a difference
from LTP i.e. reduced from LTP in case of Fresh Buy order under these products and
added to LTP in case of Fresh Sell order.
- Fresh Market Buy order: Cover SLTP = LTP -
Cover SLTP Difference
- Fresh Market Sell order: Cover SLTP = LTP
+ Cover SLTP Difference
Note: LTP considered in case of Fresh market order would be the latest LTP prevailing
at the time of order placement. SLTP would be calculated based on this LTP.
- 2. Fresh Limit Order - In case of Fresh Limit
order your cover order's SLTP would be calculated considering the Cover SLTP Difference
defined by you for the saved Cloud Order but the difference would be calculated
from Limit Price entered by you instead of the LTP.
- . Fresh Limit Price Buy order:
Cover order's SLTP = Limit Price of Fresh Order - Cover SLTP Difference
- Fresh Limit Price Sell order:
Cover order's SLTP = Limit Price of Fresh Order + Cover SLTP Difference
- For Fresh Market order: You want to save the Cloud
Order in your desired stock with the Cover SLTP difference say of Re. 0.50. In this
case when you choose Buy/Sell links from Cloud Order page, say the LTP of RELIND
is 980.75 then the Cover order's SLTP will be calculated as per your defined Cover
SLTP Difference as follows:
In case of Fresh Buy: 980.75 - 0.5 = 980.25
In case of Fresh Sell: 980.75 + 0.5 = 981.25
- For Fresh Limit Order: In the above example with
cover SLTP Difference say of Re. 0.75 and the Limit Price of fresh order entered
by you is 980.50 then the Cover order's SLTP will be calculated as per your defined
Cover SLTP Difference as follows:
In case of Fresh Buy: 980.50 - 0.75 = 979.75
In case of Fresh Sell: 980.50 + 0.75 = 981.25
How can I place a Cloud Order?
You can click 'Buy/Sell' link against your saved Cloud Order to proceed placing
orders. This will open order placement page with all pre populated order details
saved by you under Cloud Order and you just need to submit the order.
Alternatively, on order placement page there is a button named as 'Get From My Cloud'
which is available besides the Stock Code. If you have an order already saved to
Cloud Orders in the selected stock then you will be taken to Cloud Order page from
where you can Buy/Sell and place your order during market hours. In case you do
not have an order saved to cloud in the selected stock then you will be required
to "Add to Cloud order" where you can save this stock with the required order details
for regular future use for quick order placements where all order details will then
be pre-populated through this one time effort of saving to cloud. You can also have
multiple orders saved in the same stock and place order against the desired order
details saved to cloud.
Which order details are required to be entered at the time of saving a Cloud Order?
You are required to select Exchange, Square off mode in case of Margin (Broker or
Client), enter Stock Code, Quantity, Order Type, and Limit Price in case of Cash,
eATM, Margin and Cover SLTP Difference in case of MarginPLUS.
Can I modify Cloud Order details previously saved? If yes, which order details will
I be able to modify?
Yes, you can modify a saved Cloud Order details like Exchange, Quantity, Order Type
and Limit Price/Cover SLTP Difference anytime irrespective of market open or closed
by clicking "Modify" link available on Cloud Order page against each Cloud Order
saved. Please note you cannot modify Stock Code for a saved Cloud Order. If you
wish to change the same then you will have to add another Cloud Order.
Can I delete a Cloud Order(s)? If yes, can I delete only one Cloud Order or even
multiple Cloud Orders can be deleted?
Yes, you can delete your saved Cloud Order(s), single or multiple. For deleting
Cloud Order(s) you will have to tick the checkbox given under 'Delete' column against
each Cloud Order required to be deleted and then click "Delete Button" available
at the end of Cloud Order page. In this way you will be able to delete Single or
Multiple Cloud Orders at a time.
Can I add multiple Cloud Orders in the same stock?
Yes, you can add multiple Cloud Orders in the same stock. You can save different
order details (like Square-off mode for Margin product, Quantity, Order Type and
Limit Price/Cover SLTP Difference) under the same stock. Please ensure to keep one
of the order details different than the previously saved orders in the same stock.
However, it is advisable to have fewer Cloud Orders in same stock to avoid errors
at the time of order selection and placement due to similar multiple orders.
Can I add a Cloud Order if a stock is disabled for trading?
No, you cannot add a Cloud Order if a stock is disabled.
Can I place a Cloud order i.e. Buy/Sell in a stock which gets disabled after I had
added to Cloud order page?
No, you will not be able to place a Cloud Order in a stock which gets disabled after
you had added it to your Cloud Order page. You will be able to proceed with the
Buy/Sell links through Cloud order page with pre-populated details but on proceeding
you will get an error if stock is disabled. Hence, you are requested to check the
enabled stocks at regular intervals to delete Cloud Orders in stocks which are disabled
for trading in the respective products
Taxation for Resident Indians
Adequate efforts have been taken to ensure that material contained in this website
is error free. The material is not intended to be advice on any particular matter.
Visitors to the site should cross check all the facts, law and contents with the
text of the prevailing statutes or seek appropriate professional advice before acting
on the basis of any information contained herein. ICICI Securities Ltd expressly
disclaims any liability to any person, in respect of anything done or omitted to
be done by any such person by placing reliance upon the contents of this write-up.
The below mentioned FAQs are restricted to the tax implications for the resident
investors only.
What is assessment year?
It is the twelve-month period 1st April to 31st March immediately following the
previous year [the financial year in which the income was earned]. In the Assessment
year a person files his return for the income earned in the previous year. For example
for Financial Year 2009-10 the Assessment Year is 2010-11.
What is previous year?
It is the financial year immediately preceding the assessment year. In other words,
the year for which the income is taxed is called the previous year. Year constitutes
a period starting 1st April of a particular year and ending 31st March the next
year. April 1, 2009 to March 31, 2010 would constitute a previous year. Income earned
during this period will be subject to tax in the assessment year 2010-2011.
What is the nature of income under which transaction in securities will be taxed?
Budget 2018 proposes to levy Tax on Long Term Capital Gain only on Equity Shares
and Units of Equity Oriented Mutual Funds. However, LTCG up to Rs.1 lakh in a financial
year shall be exempt.
In case these securities are held as stock-in-trade i.e. if you are in the business
of buying and selling securities, the profit and loss from purchase and sale of
securities will be taxed under the head "Profits or gains of business or profession".
What is capital gain/loss?
Any profit or gain arising from sale or transfer of a Capital Asset is chargeable
to tax under the head ''Capital Gains''. The income under this head is deemed to
be the income of the year in which the transfer takes place.
Capital gains are chargeable to tax on accrual basis whether the consideration is
received or not, especially in the case of gains from sale of shares and securities.
What is a capital asset?
Capital Asset means all movable or immovable property except trading goods, personal
effects, agricultural land other than within municipal areas or within 8 kilometers
from it wherever notified and gold bonds. Jewelry and ornament are not personal
effects and their sale will attract capital gains.
What is a short term asset / long term capital asset?
Capital assets are classified as Long Term or Short Term with reference to the period
of holding of the assets till it is transferred. The classification is made on the
following basis:-
Nature of Asset
Short Term Capital Asset
Long Term Capital Asset
(i) Shares in a company or any other security listed in a recognized stock exchange
in India or a unit of a Unit Trust of India or a unit of a mutual fund specified
under section 10(23D).
Held for not more than 12 months.
Held for more than 12 months.
(ii) Assets other than assets mentioned in (i) above.
Held for not more than 36 months.
Held for more than 36 months.
To illustrate, if you have purchased and sold shares on the following dates, they
would be treated as short term or long term capital asset as below.
Date of Purchase
Date of Sale
Period of Holding
Type of Asset
April 1, 2001
August 3, 2001
4 months and 2 days
Short term Asset
April 1, 2001
October 31, 2001
7 months
Short term Asset
May 11, 2000
October 31, 2001
17 months
Long term Asset
February 14,1999
June 18, 2002
2years 4 months
Long term Asset
The period of holding for the above purpose could be different from the actual period
of holding in certain situations:
- In case the shares or securities are held in a company in liquidation, the period
subsequent to the date on which the company goes into liquidation shall be excluded.
- In case the shares or securities have been acquired as gift or under will, the period
of holding shall include the period for which the asset was held by the previous
- In case the shares or securities held in an amalgamating company, the period of
holding will include the period for which the shares have been held by the assesse
in the amalgamating company.
- In case of shares subscribed to by the person to whom such a right issue is offered
or who has acquired the right from another person, the period of holding of the
shares for the first person shall be reckoned from the date of allotment of such
- In case a person has renounced his right to subscribe to certain shares in favour
of another person, then the period of holding of such rights for the first person
shall be reckoned from the date of offer of such right by the company or institution.
- In case of shares or securities have been acquired as a bonus issue, then the period
of holding these bonus shares shall be reckoned from the date of allotment of such
In case of physical securities, specific identification of shares sold and their
cost is possible through distinctive numbers of the shares. Hence, capital gains
on sale of such securities can be accurately determined. How is this done in case
of shares in dematerialized form which become fungible after losing their distinctive
numbers and no specific identification is possible?
For such shares, the cost of acquisition and the period of holding shall be determined
on FIFO basis i.e. First in first out basis.
Each Demat account will be considered separately for the purpose of determining
period of holdings.
Example 1:
You bought Shares of ACC on the following dates.
You sold all these shares on 15/04/2003, the shares would be treated as short term
or long term assets as follows.
Date of purchase
Period of holding
More than 12 months
Long term asset
More than 12 months
Long term asset
More than 12 months
Long term asset
Less than 12 months
Short term asset
Less than 12 months
Short term asset
1150 shares would be treated as long term asset and the remaining 790 shares as
short term asset.
Example 2:
You bought Shares of ACC on the following dates.
Date of purchase
Date of purchase
Date of sale
Period of holding
Less than 12 months
Short term asset
More than 12 months
Long term asset
More than 12 months
Long term asset
Less than 12 months
Short term asset
Though shares were purchased on June 15, 2001, they are classified as short term
asset or long term asset depending upon the period for which they were held.
The sale on July 21, 2002 comprises of shares acquired on different dates and is
treated as short term asset or long term asset depending upon the date of purchase.
What is the tax treatment of shares which are bought and sold but do not result in
deliveries (as in case of margin product)?
Since these transactions do not result into delivery, they would be treated as speculative
transaction. Therefore, profits and losses from such transactions would be considered
as Profits and Gains from Speculation Business.
However, where margin transactions are undertaken as a hedge to guard against losses
in holdings, they would not be considered as speculative. Therefore, profits and
losses from such transactions would be considered as non-speculative business income
/ loss.
How to compute short term capital gains?
Short term capital gain is simply calculated as difference between (Sale price -
purchase cost including any expenses incurred for acquiring these shares).
It will be included in the computation of tax along with other heads of income under
the head "Capital gains".
Depending on the slab of the tax rate under which you fall based on your total taxable
income, tax rate will be applied on these gains.
In case there is a short term loss it will not be included in the computation but
rules for set off and carry forward will apply.
You purchased 5000 shares of ACC on 21/05/2003 at an average price of
155/- per share and sold them on 18/11/2003
at a price of
This sale of capital asset will be treated as short term asset and will be subject
to short term capital gains.
Amounts in
Sale consideration
Less Cost of purchase
Short term capital gains
Cost of purchase will include brokerage paid on purchasing the shares.
Deduct the brokerage incurred on sale of shares.
Assuming you have a salary income of
3, 00,000/- for previous year 2009-10, the computation
of tax will be as follows:
Income From Salary
Short Term Capital Gain
Gross Total Income
Can brokerage/any other expenditure paid on purchase and sale of shares be deducted
for calculation of short term capitals loss/gain?
Yes, brokerage/ any other expenditure paid on purchase of short term asset can be
added to the cost of acquisition and brokerage / any other expenditure paid on sale
of short term asset will be deducted from the sale consideration
How to compute long term capital gain (LTCG) on shares?
If you sell Equity Share after a year from the date of purchase, you will be taxed
at 10 per cent, if the gains exceed Rs.1 lakh for that financial year.
What is indexed cost of acquisition of shares?
In case of shares held for a period of more than one year, the cost of acquisition
can be indexed for inflation factor, so that cost of shares purchased can be adjusted
for the rise in prices.
The cost of acquisition above can be indexed for inflation factor as below:
Cost of acquisition * cost inflation index of the year in which shares where sold
Cost of inflation index of the year of acquisition
Year beginning on 01/04/1981, Whichever is later.
However, the indexation benefit is not applicable in case of bonds and debentures.
You bought shares of ACC on 01/05/1997, 1500 quantity at
These shares were sold on 01/08/2000 at
Computation of long term capital loss/gain (without indexation benefit).
Amounts in
Sale consideration
Less Cost of purchase
Short term capital gains
Computation of long term capital loss/gain (with indexation benefit).
Amounts in
Sale consideration
Less Cost of purchase
Short term capital gains
What is a speculative transaction?
Speculative transaction means a transaction in which a contract for the purchase
or sale of any commodity, including stocks and shares, is periodically or ultimately
settled otherwise than by actual delivery of or transfer of commodity or scrips.
However, amongst other situations, a contract in respect of stocks and shares entered
into by a dealer or investor therein to guard against loss in his holdings of stocks
and shares through price fluctuations will not be treated as speculative transaction.
What are the implications if a transaction is treated as speculation transaction?
The profit and loss from such speculation transaction would be treated as income
from speculation business under the head Profits and Gains from Business/Profession.
Profit if any from speculation would be taxed at the normal rate applicable to other
non-speculative business income.
Any loss, computed in respect of a speculation business carried on by the assessee,
shall not be set off except against profits and gains, if any, of another speculation
Do I have to compulsorily take the benefit of indexation?
Incase of shares and securities, for the purposes of computation of long term capital
gains, an option is available to pay tax @10%(plus applicable surcharge and education
cess) without indexation or 20% (plus applicable surcharge and education cess) with
indexation in case of shares. Hence, it is not necessary that you take benefit of
indexation and can opt for any method of computation of long term capital gains,
whichever is beneficial. However, the indexation benefit is not applicable in case
of bonds and debentures.
Are different rates to be applied for short term capital gains and long term capital
Capital Asset
If transaction is covered by securities transaction tax at the time of transfer
If transaction is not covered by securities transaction tax at the time of transfer
Long term
Short term
Long term
Short term
Without Indexation
Without Indexation
Units (equity oriented)
As per normal Tax Slab
Units (Other)
Units Shares(listed)
Units Shares(not listed)
Preference Shares(listed)
Preference Shares(not listed)
Debentures(not listed)
Government Securities
What will the calculation if the total income after excluding long term capital gains
if less than the maximum amount?
In case the total income after excluding long term capital gains is less than the
maximum amount chargeable to tax, presently,
1,60,000/- in case of individuals, HUFs etc
for AY 2010-11. Then the long term capital gain has to be reduced by the amount
by which the total income falls short of the maximum amount
You have long term capital gains of
75,000/-. You have Income from other sources
In this case tax on
1,35, 000/- will be Nil since it is less than
the maximum amount that is non taxable.
Tax on long term capital will be @20% on
(75,000 - 25,000)
i.e. 20% of
Total tax would be
I have received shares in my Demat account as a part of the bonus issue? What will
be the cost of acquisition of these shares?
Cost of acquisition of these shares will be Nil. The net sales proceeds from the
shares will be treated as capital gains. Period of holding of these shares will
be reckoned from the date of the allotment of such issue.
What is Grandfathering clause?
Finance Minister in his budget 2018 proposed grandfathering of Long Term Capital
Gains up to Jan 31, 2018 and following are the details:
- Long Term Holding would not attract any tax if sold on or before March 31, 2018
- Cost of Acquisition of Equity share would be considered to be higher of the actual
cost or the Fair Market Value of it as on January 31, 2018.
- However, to avoid an arbitrary loss situation, if the Actual Sale Consideration
is lower than the Fair Market Value as on January 31, 2018, the Cost of Acquisition
would be either the Actual Sale Price or Actual Cost, whichever is higher.
Fair Market Value (FMV) means the highest price of share on a recognized stock exchange.
If there was no trading in the particular stock on 31 January 2018, FMV will be
the highest price quoted on the date immediately preceding January 31 2018, on which
it was traded.
Documents available for filing tax return
Reports and Statements available to get history of transactions that would help
you in filling Income Tax return?
The following statements and reports are available for ICICI Direct Customers.
A. Equity:
1.Statements: The statements can be downloaded from Customer Service Page
under Link " Statements --- > Transaction statement and Select market Type as
Equity" after due authentication with the user ID and password.
2.Contract Notes: The individual contract notes can be downloaded from Customer
Service Page under Link " Statement --- > Digital Contract Notes and Select market
Type as Equity" after due authentication with the user ID and password.
3.Transactions in Excel Sheet: The Transaction done in a financial year can
be Exported to Excel. Select the period from 01st April to 31st March in the
Trade Book. For ex: If you wish to have all the transactions from April 06 to March
07, Select " Date From" as 01/04/2006 and "Date To" as 31/03/2007 and click on "Export
to Excel". All the trades for the financial year would be transported in an excel
sheet. Thereafter sort these sheet in Ascending order first based on "Stock" then
by "Action" for you to compute the Profit / loss.
4.Intraday Equity Transactions in Excel Sheet: Margin and Margin Plus orders
are called Intraday Transactions. To compute Profit / Loss incurred due to trades
in Margin / Margin Plus, Select the period from 01st April to 31st March in
the Trade Book and select the Product as Margin or Margin Plus. For ex: If you wish
to have all the transactions from April 06 to March 07, Select " Date From" as 01/04/2006
and "Date To" as 31/03/2007, select product as Margin and click on "Export to Excel".
All the trades for the financial year would be transported in an excel sheet. Thereafter
sort these sheet in Ascending order first based on "Stock" then by "Action" for
you to compute the Profit / loss.
5.Demat Holdings: You can request for the Demat statement by writing to dematservices@icicibank.com
or by visiting any of the nearest ICICI Bank Branch. You may register your Demat
account for Internet Banking facility. To more details please contact our Customer Care
6.Demat Holdings as on 31st March: This can be requested as per the process
as mentioned above under Point 5.
B. F&O:
1.Statements: The statements can be downloaded from Customer Service Page
under Link " Statements --- > Transaction statement --- > Select market Type
as Derivatives" after due authentication with the user ID and password.
2.Contract Notes: The individual contract notes can be downloaded from Customer
Service Page under Link " Statement --- > Digital Contract Notes and Select market
Type as Derivative " after due authentication with the user ID and password.
3.Portfolio Details: Under this link select the financial year and the Product
type. This would provide you the Trades done in the selected period and the Realized
Profit / loss. Please note that the Portfolio details would not have the Brokerage
and other charges included in your Realized Profit / loss.
C. Mutual Funds:
1.Statements: The Mutual fund statement can be requested by contacting our
customer care or writing to
2.Transactions in Excel Sheet: Select the period from 01st April
to 31st March in the order book and copy all the trades to an Excel sheet. For ex:
If you wish to have all the transactions from April 06 to March 07, Select " Date
From" as 01/04/2006 and "Date To" as 31/03/2007. Copy all these trades in an Excel
Sheet. Thereafter these trades can be sorted in Ascending order through "Scheme
Name", then by "Transaction Type" for you to compute the total purchase and redemption
order made in that particular scheme. Please note that " P-Purchase, R-Redemption,
SI-Switch In (Purchase), SO-Switch Out (Redemption), DR-Dividend Re-investment,
TI - Transfer In request (Purchase. Original price needs to be computed by you as
per your investment amount)
3.Cash Flow in Excel Sheet: To check the investment made in Mutual Fund
Select the period from 01st April to 31st March in the Cash Flow link and
copy all the Cash flow to an Excel sheet. For ex: If you wish to have all the transactions
from April 06 to March 07, Select " Date From" as 01/04/2006 and "Date To" as 31/03/2007.
Thereafter these trades can be sorted in Ascending order through "Scheme ", then
by "Type" for you to compute the total purchase and redemption order made in that
particular scheme.
Corporate Benefits
What is a Book closure/Record date?
The registered shareholders of the company are entitled to corporate benefits such
as dividend, bonus, rights etc. announced by the company from time to time. Since,
the ownership of shares of companies traded on the stock exchange is freely transferable
and to enable the company to know the persons entitled to the benefits, all transfers
of securities have to be registered with the company (this is required in case of
transfer of shares in physical form). Since transfer of securities is a continuous
process open any time, the company announces cut off dates from time to time and
members on the register of shareholders as of these cut off dates are entitled to
the benefits. Such cut-off dates are record dates. Alternatively, the company might
choose the close the register of shareholders for registration of transfer during
a specified period. All transfer requests received before the commencement of the
book closure or on or before the record date are considered for the purpose of transfer.
A Company cannot close its books for more than 30 days at stretch for a book closure,
and not more 45 days in a year. The period between two Book Closure cannot be less
than 90 days.
What is the difference between book-closure and record-date?
ACC announced a Book Closure (BC) for the period 6th July to 30th July'96. During
this period, the company had closed its register of security holders. This was done
to determine the number of registered members who were eligible for the Bonus 3:5
and a dividend of 40%. The process of transfer of shares was operational till 5th
July'96. The company announced a No Delivery period from 12th June to 9th July'96
before the Book Closure. During this period, trading was permitted in the securities
but the trades were settled only after 9th July. Hence, the buyers of the shares
were not be eligible for the Bonus 3:5 and a 40% dividend. The first day of the
No Delivery period is considered as an Ex - Date since the buyer of the shares is
not eligible for the corporate benefits for this BC.
The same logic holds good for Record date, but the two main differences are that
: In case of a record date, the company does not close its register of security
holders. Record date is a cut off date ( in the above example '5th july96) for determining
the number of registered members who are eligible for the corporate benefits [Interim
dividend (30%) ].
What is a 'No Delivery' period?
Whenever, a book closure or a record date is announced by a company, the exchange
sets up a 'No Delivery' period for that security. During this period, trading is
permitted in the security. However, these trades are settled only after the No-Delivery
period is over. The start of No-Delivery period is the ex-date of the settlement.The
settlement is clubbed with the settlement of the week whose pay-out date falls just
after the end of the no-delivery period. This is done to ensure that investor's
entitlement for the corporate benefits is clearly determined. No-delivery period
generally extends to all weekly cycles touched from 15 days prior to the record
date and 4 days subsequent to the record date (both inclusive).
What is an ex-date?
The first day of the 'No Delivery' period is the ex-date viz., if there is any corporate
benefit such as rights, bonus, dividend etc. announced for which book closure/record
date is fixed, the buyer of the shares on or after the ex-date will not be eligible
for the benefits while the seller would be eligible for the same.
Non Pari Passu(NPP) Shares
What is a Non Pari Passu (NPP) share?
In case a company issues new shares during a financial year, these shares, unless
specified otherwise, are entitled only for pro rata dividend in respect of the financial
year in which these are issued. These shares are known as NPP shares, which like
the ordinary shares are eligible for only a part of the dividend. If you hold more
than one class of shares for a single stock, the holdings appear separately in your
Demat Account as they have different ISIN No. - a number used for identification
of the various stocks.
What happens if I hold (Non Pari Passu) NPP shares ?
The ordinary and NPP shares of the company thus carry disproportionate rights as
to dividend, although their market price remains the same. To compensate, the buyer
to whom these new shares are delivered, for loss of pro rata dividend, the NPP benefit
is passed on to the buyer of these NPP shares. Thus if you sell of NPP shares you
will have to pay, the dividend declared in respect of ordinary shares and this NPP
amount shall be deducted from the sale price. This old-new compensatory value(ONCV)
is referred to as 'new share dividend'. Alternatively if you buy shares and you
get delivery of NPP shares, the ONCV will be received by you.
How does one ascertain that the dividend received/paid on a certain scrip is correct?
The Exchange publishes a list of the scrips that are eligible to receive pro-rata
dividend (non pari-passu) per settlement. The list contains the details pertaining
to the distinctive nos. and the rate of dividend payable.
What is KYC?
KYC is an acronym for "Know your Client", a term commonly used for Client Identification
Process. SEBI has prescribed certain requirements relating to KYC norms for Financial
Institutions and Financial Intermediaries including Mutual Funds to 'know' their
Clients. This would be in the form of verification of identity and address, providing
information of financial status, occupation and such other demographic information.
Applicant must be KYC compliant while investing with any SEBI registered Mutual
What are the KYC requirements for a Mutual Fund Investor?
Individual investors will have to fill-up KRA KYC application and need to produce his Proof
of identity (Photo PAN card copy or PAN card copy and copy of the passport, driving
license etc.) and Proof of Address (any valid documents listed in section B of the
KRA KYC Application Form for Individuals). Non -Individual Investors will have to
produce certain documents pertaining to its constitution/registration to fulfill
the KRA KYC process. A list of Mandatory Certified Documents to be submitted can
be found in section C of the KRA KYC application form for Non-Individual Investors.
Where and how does one get to be KYC Compliant?Does the investor have to repeat the
KYC process with every Mutual Fund?
The Mutual Fund Industry has appointed CDSL Ventures Limited ("CDSL"), a wholly
owned subsidiary of Central Depository Services (India) Limited, to carry out the
KYC compliance procedure. CVL through its Points of Service (POS) will accept KYC
Application Forms, verify documents and provide the KYC Acknowledgement (across
the counter on a best effort basis). The list of PoS will be displayed on the websites
of Mutual Funds, CDSL and AMFI. There is no need to repeat the KYC individually
for each mutual fund.
What is a KYC Application Form?
A MF KYC Application Form has been designed for Individual and Non-Individual Investors
separately. The soft copy of these MF KYC forms will be made available on the website
of all mutual funds, AMFI and CVL (CDSL ventures limited). It is important to read
the instructions printed on the KYC Application Form while filling-up the form.
Should the investor visit PoS personally to obtain KYC Compliance?
No. If the investor is not in a position to visit PoS personally, the KYC Application
Form along with the necessary documents (including originals if the copies are not
attested) can be sent through the distributor or representative, who can arrange
to fulfill the KYC obligation and obtain the KYC Acknowledgement through any of
the PoS.
From what date is it mandatory for an investor to be KYC Compliant?
With effect from 01 February 2008, KYC was mandatory for investment amounts above
50000. However as per AMFI circular dated 16
August 2010 to AMCs, investors irrespective of the investment amount would have
to be KYC compliant with effect from October 01, 2010.
To whom is a KYC applicable? Is there any exemption?
Currently, all investors (Individuals or Non Individuals) who wish to make an investment
in Mutual Funds will be required to be KYC Compliant. This would also apply to new
Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) transactions on or after 01 February 2008. Please
find the list of personnel who are required to be KYC compliant.
Joint Holders: Joint holders (including first, second and third if any, are
required) to be individually KYC compliant before they can invest with any Mutual
Fund. . e.g. in case of three joint holders, all holders need to be KYC compliant
and copies of each holder's KYC Acknowledgement must be attached to the investment
application form with any Mutual Fund.
For transmission (In case of death of the unit holder): If the deceased is
the sole applicant, the claimant should submit his/her KYC Acknowledgement along
with the other relevant documents to effect the transmission in his/her favour.
In case of existing investors when and how will the KYC norms be introduced?
KYC norms are applicable to all investors. It is in the interest of all Investors
to obtain KYC Acknowledgement and submit it to the Mutual Fund to avoid any inconvenience
in future.
What are the consequences of KYC cancellation/rejection?
In the event of any KYC Application Form being found deficient for lack of information
/ insufficiency of mandatory documentation, further investments will not be permitted.
Is there a charge I need to pay to get myself KYC Compliant?
Currently, KYC is being done free of cost.
I am an NRI residing outside India. How do I get myself KYC Compliant?
Individual investors can fill-up KRA KYC application. The soft copy of these KYC
forms will be made available on the website of all Mutual Funds, AMFI and Central
Depository Services (India) Limited (CDSL). The same duly completed along with the
necessary attested documents can be submitted at the PoS or mailed to your representative
or Distributor who can complete the KYC formalities for you.
Are there any special requirements for an NRI?
Yes. In addition to the certified true copy of the passport, certified true copy
of the overseas address and permanent address will also be required. If any of the
documents (including attestations/ certifications) towards proof of identity or
address is in a foreign language, they have to be translated to English for submission.
The documents can be attested by Notary public / Branch Manager of schedule commercial
bank and multinational foreign bank / Officials from Indian Embassy can verify the
documents with originals with their seal and signatures.
Foreign nationals are not allowed to apply, unless they are Non-resident Indians
or Person from Indian origin.
Is there any special requirement for a PIO (Person of Indian Origin)?
The requirements applicable to an NRI will also apply to a PIO. However, additionally,
he will need to submit a certified true copy of the PIO Card.
Whom do I inform about change of Name/Address/Status/Signature etc?
You should intimate your change of Name / Address / Status /Signature etc. to any
convenient PoS. You need to quote / submit a copy of your KYC Acknowledgement, and
proof (in case of new address). You should provide for at least 15 days for the
change of address to take effect with all the Mutual Funds with whom you are invested.Please
note that you should not write to the Mutual Fund or its Registrar for the change
of address (unless as a designated PoS). The specified form can be obtained from
the AMFI/Mutual Fund website. All details of the holders in the Mutual Fund records
will be replaced by the address details available in the CVL record.
If I am already providing my PAN/PAN Proof for my investment in Mutual Fund. Is that
not sufficient for meeting the requirement of KYC?
The requirement of providing your PAN along with proof is sufficient for proof of
identity. However, the current requirement for KYC requires the Mutual Fund to verify
identity, address as well as obtain further information about the investor.
Why do I need to give my Income details? How can I be sure that it will not be misused?
As per the Prevention of Money Laundering Act ( PMLA ), it is mandatory for Mutual
Funds to obtain financial status details from its investors. It is for this reason
that the Income details are sought. Please note that no proof / income documents
are required. The information given you in the KYC Application form will be treated
in a confidential manner and used for regulatory purposes if called for.
Do I need to inform about my change of Income status?
Yes. If you find an increased/decrease in your income, which would effectively,
changed the income bracket that you have declared in the KYC Application form, you
should apply to any convenient PoS in the specified form. No proof is needed.
For signature difference in investor request, Mutual Funds generally ask for a banker
attestation. Since a signature is not available with identity proof, will you still
insist on banker attestation for signature difference?
Signature verification is done by Mutual Funds to protect an investor from losses.
As such, Mutual Funds may follow extra due-diligence if signatures are not matching,
such as getting Bank attestation for such transactions. This could be independent
of the KYC procedure.
FAQ GOI Savings Bonds
. Are these bonds available for online investment? What is the maturity period of
7.75% Savings (Taxable) Bonds, 2018? Top
Yes, tthese bonds are available for online investment at
www.icicidirect.com. The maturity period of 7.75% Savings (Taxable) Bonds,
2018 is 7 years.
. Who issues Savings bonds? Is payment guaranteed on maturity?
Saving Bonds are issued by the Government of India. As these bonds are sovereign
in nature, payment is guaranteed on maturity.
. Who can invest in Saving Bonds through ICICIdirect?
As per the eligibility criteria, the Bonds may be held by – (i) an individual, not
being a Non-Resident Indian- in his or her individual capacity, or in individual
capacity on joint basis, or in individual capacity on any one or survivor basis,
or on behalf of a minor as father/mother/legal guardian. (ii) a Hindu Undivided
However, only Resident Individuals in his/her individual capacity are allowed to
invest online through www.icicidirect.com.
HUFs & for Individual who wishes to invest in Joint holding mode has to invest offline
by filling up the physical application form.
. What is the role of ICICI Bank?
All applications made through ICICIdirect shall be handled by ICICI Bank who would
act as a RBI authorised Receiving Office. ICICI Bank would allot the Bond Ledger
Account (BLA) no. for the investments made through ICICIdirect.
. What is the minimum and maximum permissible investment?
The minimum permissible investment for 7.75% Savings (Taxable) Bonds, 2018 is INR
1000/- and in multiples of INR 1000/- thereof. There is however is no maximum limit
of investment.
There is however is no maximum limit of investment.
. How do I apply for Saving Bonds through ICICIdirect?
For investing in Saving Bonds you will need to first allocate funds for the
purpose of investing. You will need to click on the modify allocation page and allocate
funds for investing in “Mutual Funds, IPO and Others”. Once sufficient
funds have been allocated you can apply for these bonds by clicking on the button
for GoI bonds. Thereafter click on the place order button and apply for Bonds by
filling in the required details.
. When is Interest Payable?
Interest is payable at half-yearly intervals from the date of issue or compounded
with half-yearly rests, payable on maturity alongwith the principal, as the investor
may choose. Interest to the holders opting for non-cumulative Bonds will be paid
from date of issue and upto 31st July/31st January, as the case may be and thereafter
at half-yearly for period ending 31st July/31st January on 1st August and 1st February.
. How would I receive the Interest?
The interest on your Saving Bonds would be directly credited to your ICICI Bank
account linked to ICICIdirect.
. What is the value date? How is the same determined?
Value date is the date from which the bond starts earning interest. In the case
of investments in Saving Bonds through ICICIdirect, all investments made before
2:30 p.m. i.e. the cut-off time, would receive the value date as the transaction
date. All investments made after 2:30 p.m. would receive the next business day’s
value date. Investment made on Saturday or other holidays would receive the next
business day’s value date. Since the processing of applications would be at
Mumbai, bank holidays as applicable in the State of Maharashtra would apply and
next working day shall be considered as Business Day.
For e.g.: Investment made on June 9th before 2:30 p.m. would receive the value date
of June 9th itself. However if the investment were made on June 9th, after 2:30
p.m. the value date would be of June 10th. If June 10th and 11th fall on a Saturday
and Sunday respectively, the value date would be of the next business day i.e. June
12th. If June 9th is a bank holiday in Maharashtra, even for investments made before
2.30 p.m., the value date shall be June 13, Monday.
. Will I receive any confirmation for the transaction?
Yes. an e-mail will be sent to you detailing the transaction.
. When will I receive my Bond Ledger Account number?
As soon as the bonds are credited to your Bond Ledger Account, an e-mail will be
sent to you specifying the Bond ledger Account number and the number of bonds held.
You can also view your Bond Ledger Account number on the Portfolio Page and the
Order Book.
ICICI Bank will also send a certificate of holding detailing your investment. This
should reach you within 15 days of allotment of Bond Ledger Account number.
. Can I view my holdings Online?
In case you wish to view your holdings online, please click on "FD/Bonds" in the
"Portfolio & Statements" section. You will be able to view your holdings in 7.75%
Saving Bonds done online through www.icicidirect.com.
. How can I appoint a nominee for my Bonds in online application/s?
In case if you wish to update nominee, please fill up online nomination form at
the time of applying in these bonds online. Once the order is placed successfully,
please take the printout of the pre-filled nomination form from "FD/Bonds >> Order
Book" and send the signed copy of the same to the address mentioned on the form.
. How can I redeem the bonds?
On maturity, the issuer shall credit the proceeds directly to the registered bank
account of the customer.
. In case I do not encash the bonds on expiry will I continue to earn interest?
No interest would be payable after maturity in case the bonds are not encashed.
. Can I transfer the bonds prior to maturity?
7.75% Savings (Taxable) Bonds, 2018 are non–transferable
. What are the tax benefits available?
Interest on 7.75% Savings (Taxable) Bonds, 2018 will be taxable under the Income-Tax
Act, 1961 as applicable according to the relevant tax status of the bondholder.
However these bonds will be exempt from Wealth-tax under the Wealth-tax Act.
. Tax deductible at source on the interest payment in case of 7.75% Saving Bonds?
Tax will be deducted at source while making payment of interest on the Non-Cumulative
Bonds from time to time and credited to Government Account.
Tax on the interest portion of the maturity value will be deducted at source at
the time of payment of the maturity proceeds on the Cumulative Bonds and credited
to Government Account.
Provided that tax will not be deducted while making payment of interest/ maturity
proceeds, as the case may be, to individual/s who have made a declaration in the
application form that they have obtained exemption from tax under the relevant provisions
of the Income Tax Act, 1961 and have submitted a true copy of the certificate obtained
from Income Tax Authorities.
. Can I use these bonds as collateral for obtaining loans? Also, can these be traded
in the secondary market?
The Bonds shall not be tradable in the secondary market and shall not be eligible
as collateral for availing loans from banks, financial Institutions and Non-Banking
Financial Companies.
Premature encashment in respect of the Bonds shall be allowed for individual investors
in the age group of 60 years and above, subject to submission of document relating
to date of birth of the investor in support of age to the satisfaction of the issuing
bank, after minimum lock in period from the date of issue as indicated below:
Lock in period for investors in the age bracket of 60 to 70 years shall be 6 years
from the date of issue.
Lock in period for investors in the age bracket of 70 to 80 years shall be 5 years
from the date of issue.
Lock in period for investors in the age of 80 years and above shall be 4 years from
the date of issue.
Research And Other Resources
What other resources will the site offer me to help in taking smarter online investment
Our site will offer you a comprehensive set of resources like online quotes, news,
charts, financial databases, company reports, earnings estimates and a host of research
based tools to help you make better decisions. We will also offer a comprehensive
markets page where you can get to the latest update on markets, trends, news and
events affecting the markets.
How do I get my Logon ID and PASSWORD for the first time?
If you have filled up the application forms for E-invest account directly without
registering on the site, We would dispatch your LOGIN-id and password by normal
post / courier in a sealed envelope. You need to activate your account for trading
by visiting the
Activate your account link on the Customer Service page.
How do I Change my password:
You can change your password anytime by accessing our Customer Service Section.
In fact we strongly advise you to periodically change your password for added security.
Your password must have minimum 8 characters and not more than 12 characters. The
password will have to be alphanumeric, and preferably with one special character.
We recommend that you use strong passphrases which cannot be guessed easily. A strong
password is the key to secure your account and protect your transaction details.
If I have forgotten my password or if my account gets locked, then what do I do?
If you have forgotten your password, you could place a request for a new password
or unlock your account by visiting the
Unlock account / Request for new password link on the Customer Service page.
If I am requesting for new password then how will I receive my password?
You will receive your password at your communication address which is updated with
us within 6 working days. You can check the status of the password on Unlock account
/ Request for new password link available on the Customer Service page.
What is Two Factor Authentication?
With reference to SEBI circular CIR/MRD/DP/ 8 /2011 dated June 30, 2011 regarding
internet based trading (IBT), Two-factor authentication for login session is required
to be implemented for all orders emanating using Internet Protocol towards enhancing
security for online trading accounts. In order to comply with the same, hence forth,
customers will have to enter either their Date of Birth or PAN at the time of logging
in to the trading account along with entering the User Id and password.
Note : Date of Birth/Incorporation or PAN for Non-individuals (e.g. Corporates,
Partnership Firms, Trusts, etc.) , LAS and DBC Accounts will not be required.
How secure are my transactions?
ICICIdirect brings you the highest standards of security, which are commercially
available on the net. Millions of customers are dealing in shares on the net. We
bring you the same level of security standards, which are used by leading international
trading sites.
We use two level of securities on our web site : Secure Socket Layers (SSL) and
128 bit encryption technology to provide you the higher commercial available security
standard on our web site. This is a worldwide standard of security adopted by all
international online trading sites. SSL is a method of sending private documents
through the internet by using a private key to secure messages. Data encryption
methods are used to achieve data security.
What should I do if I suspect unauthorised access to my trading account?
You may call on 022-40701841 to place a request for blocking your account to prevent
any unauthorised transaction.
How safe is my Bank Account?
Although your bank account is linked to the brokerage account, only you have access
to it. ICICIdirect has access to it to the extent of the amount that you allocate
exclusively for trading.
How safe are my Logon Id and password?
Your Logon Id and Password are only known to you as these are stored in encrypted
form with us. Infact, even the first time also you get your own Logon Id and Password
that are known only to you.
I am able to login into my account however I am logged out frequently.
If there is no activity in the logged in section of our website for 20
minutes, you will be logged out for security reasons. You will need to login again
to access your ICICIdirect.com account.
If you think that you are getting logged out frequently, though you are active on
the web site, please follow the steps given below.
- Please clear cache memory of your system before logging into your account in the
following manner:
- Click on Tools - Internet Options - Temporary Internet Files - Delete Files.
- Click on Tools - Internet Options - Temporary Internet Files - Settings - Check
for newer versions of stored pages - Set to Every Visit to the Page.
- Please check the browser settings of your Internet Explorer. The optimum settings
are stated below:
- Select Tools - Internet Options - Privacy and set the level to Medium
/ High
- If you are required to set the above settings at the maximum level (i.e. Block All
Cookies) please follows the steps given below.
- Click 'Advanced' tab on Tools - Internet Options - Privacy
- Enable the option of 'Override automatic cookie handling.
- Under First-party Cookies, select the option of 'Block
- Under Third-party Cookies, select the option of 'Block'
- Enable the option of 'Always allow session cookies'
- If you continue to face the issue, there is a possibility that you have a dynamic
IP provided by your service provider. Kindly contact your system administrator and
our Customer Care for resolution.
Accessing Bank Account And Setting Limits
I have money in my bank account but if I place an order to buy it is not accepted?
Please check your Trading Limit. Even if you have money in your Bank account it
has to be allocated by you for trading. The amount of money required before placing
a buy order or a margin sell order would depend on the value of the order and whether
the order is placed in the 'Cash Segment' or the 'Margin Segment'. In case of a
Cash Order, 100% of the order value is required while for a Margin Order, only a
specified % of the order value is required.
What happens when I allocate the amount for online investing?
When you allocate any amount from your Bank account, it gets blocked in your bank
account and you get a TradingLimit. This money continues to earn the normal interest,
which is applicable to the Bank Account. In fact if you have not used this money
while trading, you can always remove the block. When you unblock the money your
trading limit also reduces proportionately.
I have not earmarked any money from my Bank Account but still my Trading Limit is
If you sell some shares in the cash segment, generally you can use the money to
make purchases on the same day. This results in your trading Limit going up.
I have sold some shares but my trading limit has not gone up?
The possible reason could be the share you sold is currently trading in 'No Delivery'(ND)
period and hence the money may be received from the exchange only after 2-3 settlements
. Please check the list of stocks in no delivery. However, you need not worry as
ICICIdirect will keep track of No Delivery trades and ensure that your Trading Limit
gets updated on the appropriate day.
Access To Website
If I don't have access to internet will I be able to use this service?
Yes and No. You must have access to Internet, but it need not be from your residence
or your office. You can walk into one of our ICICI Centers, where we shall be putting
up terminals, and access our site on the Internet. You can also walk into any cyber
café and access our website ICICIdirect.com for online investing. You may also call
on our
Customer Care numbers to trade through the facility called Call N Trade
where our officers would place orders on your behalf after a thorough authentication.
I am finding the site slow
Please give time for the browser cache to build up on your computer. You will find
that the site will respond faster with time. The new technology only reloads the
part of the page that you have requested or refreshed and hence the speed of the
site is better when you refresh a page.
I am not able to view the pages completely and some options like the login/logout
are not visible.
The site is best viewed with Internet Explorer 7.0 and above and with screen resolution
1024 by 768. Please check your browser & screen resolution.
The order ticket doesn't scroll down.
Please check your browser. For some of the features you will need to use Internet
Explorer 7.0 and above.
Can I increase the font size?
The font size can be increased by using the browser zoom feature which is a standard
feature in all contemporary browsers.
I am unable to see sub-menu's of main menu.
Sub-menu will be displayed on moving your mouse over the main menu. You need to
click on sub-menu to visit the target page.
The Virtual key is not very visible while I am logging in.
The Virtual key will become more visible when you click on "use virtual keyboard".
I am not able to access the site from our office.
The ICICidirect.com site is accessible behind proxy. In case you have difficulty
in accessing the site, please contact your IT support team.
Can I access site from my mobile handset?
Yes, if you have a GPRS/CDMA connection you can access our low bandwidth site (ICICIdirect.com
on the move) that has been made for smaller screens.
I am unable to access the new ICICIdirect.com smoothly on mobile.
The new ICICIdirect.com is accessible from all new and contemporary handsets. For
older handsets, we recommend you use LBS(Low Bandwidth Site) on mobile for smooth
transaction However please share your specific feedback on
The site gets stuck, hangs and gives error as "Page cannot be displayed" on certain
links on IE 6.0 browser.
Our site is best viewed on IE7 & above, For IE 6 users, please clear cookies, temporary
internet files and follow the instruction prompted to make the required setting
changes to access the new ICICIdirect.com properly.
The New site does not allow me to open multiple links on different windows. I am
unable to keep multiple pages open for trading.
You can use File-New Window (Ctrl + 'n' - Keyboard Keys) option to keep two separate
window open for tracking & trading.
I am unable to open modify allocation in separate window or tab using right click
on the link.
Modify allocation link is provided on all transaction (buy or sell) pages, you can
click the link & make the necessary allocation without loosing the page/filled content.
Or, You can also use ICICIdirect.com Order Ticket to do modify allocation.
Or, You can use File-New Window (Ctrl + 'n' - Keyboard Keys) option to open new
window & modify allocation.
Transaction Statements
Equity & Derivatives Segment:
Details of transactions executed in your ICICIdirect account are made available
to you on your e-mail id vide digitally signed contract notes. They are also posted
on our official website www.icicidirect.com.
Clients can view/take printouts of the same by logging on to
www.icicidirect.com and selecting the option of Digital Contract Notes on
the Customer Service page
Further, details of the orders placed on a trade date is provided to clients vide
emails giving information of the orders/trades placed in their account on a daily
In addition to the above, Equity statements are available On line. To access the
statements, please login to your account and visit the 'Transaction Statement' link
under the Customer Service page of www.icicidirect.com.
Mutual Fund Segment:
As an intermediary for distribution of mutual funds, I-Sec enters into arrangements
with various Asset Management Companies (AMC) for facilitating buying of mutual
funds primarily through the website www.icicidirect.com.
Pursuant to the arrangement, in compliance with SEBI Regulations, I-Sec posts electronic
statements on www.icicidirect.com at the end of every month for mutual fund transactions
entered by the clients in the immediately preceding month. To access the statements,
please login to your account and visit the 'Mutual Funds Statements' link under
the Customer Service page of www.icicidirect.com.
Kindly note that the afore-mentioned details are as per the current company policies
and are subject to change to comply with any future regulatory / company requirements.
To place a request for statements, you could visit the Request for duplicate statement
link on Customer Service page
Trade effortlessly over the phone with the ICICIdirect.com CallNtrade® facility.
You can place orders in Equity, F&O, IPO, Mutual Funds etc. at your own convenience
by calling at any of our below mentioned Customer Care numbers, and our well trained
executives will take your orders and place them on your behalf after due verification.
This facility is especially useful for those of our customers who are on the move
or prefer to trade over phone.
Ahmedabad: 3355 1122
Andhra Pradesh: 809955 1122
Assam: 950855 1122
Banglore: 3355 1122
Bhopal: 3355 112
Bhubaneswar: 3355 112
Bihar: 983555 1122
Chandigarh: 3355 112
Chattisgarh & MP: 977055 1122
Chennai: 3355 1122
Dehradun: 3355 112
Delhi: 3355 1122
Ernakulam: 3355 112
Goa: 865755 1122
Gujrat: 890555 1122
Gurgaon: 3355 112
Haryana: 787655 1122
Himachal Pradesh: 981755 1122
Hyderabad: 3355 1122
Jaipur: 3355 1122
Karnataka: 767655 1122
Jammu and Kashmir: 901855 1122
Kerala: 859055 1122
Kolkata: 3355 1122
Maharashtra: 865755 1122
Mumbai: 3355 1122
North East: 950855 1122
Orissa: 826055 1122
Panaji: 3355 1122
Patna: 3355 112
Punjab: 859155 1122
Raipur: 3355 1122
Ranchi: 3355 112
Shimla: 3355 1122
Tamilnadu: 730555 1122
UP(E)-Lucknow: 3355 112
Uttranchal: 750555 1122
Uttar Pradesh: 750555 1122
West Bengal: 983255 1122
What do I need to do to trade through the CallNTrade® facility?
In order to be able to avail the facility, you need to ensure that:
1. You have a Trading account with ICICIdirect.com
2. You have accepted the online terms and conditions displayed on the site
3. a. You have the access code for your account
b. You have your contact numbers updated in your trading
What if I don't have my access code?
In case you do not have an "Access code", please call us from your registered contact
number. Our Customer Care executive will ask you a few questions to establish your
identity. On satisfactory verification, our executive will place orders on your
What if my contact details are not registered?
You may avail the CallNTrade facility by providing your access code along with your
Trading Account Number / User Id. In case you do not have an access code, you may
generate one online.
Alternatively, you may get your contact details updated in your trading account.
This would make using the CallNTrade facility simpler when you call the next time.
Are there any specific timings during which I can avail of the facility ?
You may avail of the facility anytime between 9AM to 7 PM - Monday to Saturday (except
trading holidays).
Can I place orders when the markets are not open?
Yes. You may request for placing orders, during the time mentioned above, even when
the markets are closed. However, only Limit orders will be allowed to be placed
during the non-trading hours. Such orders will be sent to the exchange only after
the market opens.
What are the charges for CallNTrade facility?
The charges are as follows:
First 20 Calls per month
>20 Calls
25 per call Plus applicable taxes included.
"Please note for trades in Currency and Commodity segments through Call N'Trade
would be Rs 50 per order. For customers with active ICICIdirect Neo plan the Call
N'Trade charges of Rs 50 per order would levied in Equity and F&O segments also."
Online Password Re-Generation
What is Online Password Re-Generation?
Online Password Re-Generation facility provides you with an option to re-generate
your password online and have access to trading through
www.icicidirect.com, in case you forget your password. In order to avail
this facility, you would be required to register yourself through
Who can avail Online Password Re-Generation facility?
All online customers can avail Online Password Re-Generation facility through www.icicidirect.com.
Can I avail the Online Password Re-Generation facility without being registered for
this facility?
No. To avail this facility you will have to register with ICICIdirect.com. The registration
process is a one time activity.
How can I register for Online Password Re-Generation facility?
You can login to your ICICIdirect.com account with your existing user id and password
and visit Customer Service Page > "PASSWORD RE-GENERATION" link, then fill in your
Email address and Mobile number and click on "Register" button. You will be successfully
registered if your Date of Birth and valid PAN number are available in the system.
On successful registration, the Grid will be sent to your Email address registered
with us.
What is a Grid? Why is a grid required?
A Grid is a system generated encrypted pdf file containing series of alphabets with
corresponding numeric values arranged in a tabular form. The Grid will be required
for your authentication and online re-generation of password.
How can I generate a Grid? How will I receive the Grid for generation of online password?
On successful registration, the Grid will be automatically sent to you at your registered
email address.
What happens if wrong email address and or wrong mobile number is entered at the
time of generating Grid?
System will not allow you to generate the Grid if the email address and/or mobile
number entered by you is incorrect or does not match with our records.
Where can I view my registered mobile number and email address? Can the mobile number
and email address be changed online?
Yes. You can login into your account and visit the Customer Service Page > General
Profile to view or change your mobile number (valid country code is a must) and
email address.
When does the online change of email address and mobile number get updated at ICICIdirect?
The online change in email address and/or mobile number gets updated immediately
in the ICICIdirect systems.
What is the validity of the Grid received by email?
The Grid i.e. the pdf file will expire in 180 days and a new set of grid values
would be sent to your registered email address after 175 days of generation of the
earlier Grid. You are required to use the new set of grid values for online password
generation after 180 days.
Where can I view the validity period of the Grid?
The validity period of the Grid is mentioned on the pdf for your ready reference
as the "from and to date" for which the Grid would remain valid.
Can I use the Grid more than once for online password generation?
Yes. You can use the Grid more than once for online password generation by entering
the required values from the grid whenever requested for the same.
Can I generate the Grid more than once?
Yes. You can re-generate the Grid again in case you do not have the earlier Grid
available with you.. But the grid cannot be generated more than once on the same
How do I re-generate the Grid?
Once you are registered you can at any point of time re-generate the Grid by visiting
the Customer Service Page > "PASSWORD RE-GENERATION" link > Re-generate Grid.
Can the grid be used after the validity period?
No. The Grid values should not be used after the validity period since the same
expires for authentication. The new grid values should be used.
Post expiry of Grid, I have not received the auto generated Grid, What should I do?
You can call our
Customer Care Numbers to get the last Grid send details. In case
you recollect your password you can re-generate the Grid by visiting the Customer
Service Page > "PASSWORD RE-GENERATION" link > Re-generate Grid. In case you have
forgotten the password & have not received the grid you can reset your password
through the physical mode.
What happens if the wrong or expired Grid values are entered?
Your authentication would fail if wrong or expired Grid values are entered. In case
incorrect values are entered 3 consecutive times, you will be automatically disabled
from availing the online password re-generation facility after the third attempt.
How do I generate my password online after receipt of the Grid?
Once you have received the Grid you can generate your password online at any time
by following the below steps:
- Visit the Login Page > select "Forgot Login ID / Password" option
- Select Option 2 under Online Password section
- On step 2, fill in the below details:
- User Id or Form No.
- Date of Birth and
- 4 values from Grid
- Click 'Get URN'
- URN will be sent to the mobile number as well as e-mail address registered with
- On receipt of URN, click on step 3
- Enter the below fields:
- User ID or Form No.
- Date of Birth
- Captcha Code
- New Password
- Confirm Password
- Click on 'Create Password' and your new password will be generated.
What is URN?
URN is a "Unique Reference Number" required to generate your password online. It
is a 8 digit number which would be asked by the system while you re-generate your
password online.
Why is URN required?
URN is required for authentication purpose for your online password re-generation.
How is URN received?
URN will be sent to your registered mobile number. Kindly note that your mobile
number registered with us should have a valid country code.
What is the validity of the URN?
The URN is valid for 24 hours from the time of placing the request on site. To re-generate
your password after 24 hours you need to re-generate a fresh URN.
How to re-generate URN?
You can re-generate URN by following the below steps:
- Visit the Login Page > select "Trouble Logging In" option
- Fill in the below details:
- User Id or Form No.
- Bank Account No.
- Date of Birth and
- Select "Online Password" link
- On selecting the above link you will be required to enter 4 values from the Grid
- Click on 'Re-generate URN' option
What happens if incorrect or expired URN is entered at the time of online password
The system authentication would fail if the wrong or expired URN values are entered
by you. In case incorrect values are entered 3 consecutive times, you will be automatically
disabled from availing the online password re-generation facility after the third
How can I get enabled for the online password re-generation facility if I have been
In case you get disabled from the Online Password Re-Generation facility, you may
follow below steps:
- You can request for issue of new password through the normal process . You can either:
- Call up the Call Centre and request for new password
- Visit the Customer Service Page > Unlock trading account or Issue new password.
- The PIN mailer containing your new password will be sent to your registered address.
- On successfully changing your password with the above PIN mailer, you would be be
automatically activated again for the Online Password Re-generation facility.
Can I De-Register from the Online Password Re-Generation facility?
No. You can not De-register from the Online Password Re-Generation facility.
How can I get a password if I have not registered for Online Password Re-Generation
If you have not registered for Online Password Re-Generation facility and you forget
your password, you will have to go through the normal process of requesting issue
of new password. You can either call up the Call Centre or visit the Customer Service
Page > Unlock trading account or Issue new password. The PIN mailer containing your
new password will be sent to your registered address.
Can I Register or generate the Online Password through Call Centre or Call N Trade?
No. Registration for Online Password Re-Generation facility can be availed only
by you through www.icicidirect.com.To register
click here.
IPO through ASBA
What does ASBA stand for?
ASBA means "Applications Supported by Blocked Amount". ASBA is an application containing
an authorization to block the application money in the bank account, for subscribing
to an issue. This facility is being offered by ICICIDirect in affiliation with ICICI
Bank Limited.
What is the difference between the Non-ASBA IPO process and the ASBA process?
In the Non-ASBA IPO process, the bid amount(application money) is debited from the
bank account once the bid application is successfully placed with ICICIDirect. Under
the ASBA process, the amount is not debited from your bank account until successful
allotment. Until such allotment, the amount will remain blocked in your bank account.
Can I withdraw the amount blocked for ASBA bid application?
No. The blocked amount cannot be withdrawn. Such amount will remain blocked in your
linked bank account till the allotment is completed.
Do I need to execute any additional documentation for availing this Facility?
No. You do not need to execute any further physical documentation to avail this
Is this facility available for all IPOs ?
No. Application under this facility can be placed only for Book Built Public Issues.
How can I bid under the ASBA facility?
For placing a bid under the ASBA route, you will have to :
Login to your icicidirect.com account =>
Click on the "Trading Page" =>
Click on the "IPO Link" => a new checkbox "ASBA" has been provided on this page.
Presently, ASBA and Retail are ticked by default. Retail Customers would only be
required to enter the "Quantity" and "Price" and accept the "Terms & Conditions"
before submitting the bids.
For bidding under the Non-ASBA process you would be required to untick the "ASBA"
option and proceed as usual.
Can I bid in an IPO under ASBA as well as under NON ASBA route?
No. If an applicant applies through both ASBA as well as non ASBA then both the
applications having the same PAN, will be treated as multiple application and hence
Will I get priority in allotment for bidding under this facility?
No. ASBA forms will be treated similar to the non-ASBA forms while finalizing the
basis of allotment..
Do I need to manually update the portfolio for shares allotted in IPO?
No. The allotted shares would get automatically updated into your equity portfolio
for shares applied through ASBA. However, if you have applied through the non ASBA
mode, you will have to manually add the allotment of shares in your portfolio.
Till what time can I bid under this facility?
Bidding time will be same for ASBA and Non ASBA applications.
Can I bid at multiple rates under ASBA?
Yes, you can place three bids under ASBA.
Can I revise the bid?
Yes, you can revise your bid under the ASBA facility. In case of upward revision
of bid, additional lien will be marked to the extent of incremental amount. However,
in case of downward revision, differential money blocked earlier will not be released.
Such amount, if any, will be released after allotment.
Can I withdraw my bid placed under ASBA during the bidding period?
Yes, you can place a withdrawal request anytime during the bidding period. After
successful processing of your withdrawal request, the money will be unblocked in
your bank account.
What happens when the issue fails/is withdrawn?
In case the issue fails/withdrawn ICICIDirect shall unblock the application money
from the bank accounts upon receiving instructions from the Registrar.
Process for Change of Address
To change the address in ICICI Direct Account, you need to first get the address
changed in your demat account.
Procedure to change address in Demat
- Fill in the change in address form (individual / non-individual) (www.icicibank.com > Demat Services >
Service Request Form > Form for change in correspondence address).
- Need to provide physical documents
- PAN Card Copy ( mandatory )
- Address proof (list available on the form)
- Form needs to be signed by all Holders.
- Documents needs to be self attested and to be attested by ICICI Bank Official. So
please walk to any demat desk at ICICI Bank Branch.
- All the documents can be submitted at any of the ICICI Bank Branches having
Demat Centers (www.icicibank.com > Demat Services > Service Request Form
> Demat Branches).
Once the address is changed in your Demat Account, it would automatically get updated
in your ICICI Direct ( 3 in 1 Account ).
Procedure to change address in Mutual Fund at AMC
You need to provide a separate copy of Request for Change of Address for each of the Fund ( AMC
) held by you in ICICIdirect.com Account.
Please send the documents at the below address :
Mutual Fund Operations Team
ICICI Securities Limited
Shree Sawan Knowledge Park,
Ground Floor, Plot No. D-507, T.T.C Ind Area,
M.I.D.C, Turbhe, Opp Juinagar Railway Station,
Navi Mumbai - 400705.
Note :
You can check the folio number in Unit Holdings under Mutual Fund Section once you
login with your ICICI Direct user ID and password.
Resident Trading account number starts with 85*****
NRI Trading Account number starts with 65***** / 75*****
Systematic Equity Plan (SEP)
What is "Systematic Equity Plan" (SEP)?
SEP is a new facility offered through ICICIdirect.com using which you can place
buy orders for a prespecified amount or for a prespecified quantity in scrips of
your choice at regular intervals over a period of time as selected by you. For instance,
you can select a SEP for a period of say 6 months to invest
2000 per month/ other permitted frequency in
shares of BHEL or alternatively you can choose to buy 10 shares of BHEL every month/
other permitted frequency through SEP.
After you have provided the necessary details i.e the scrip, amount/ quantity to
be invested, frequency of investment, total time period and authorized ICICI Securities
(I-Sec) vide your SEP request, I-Sec will place your SEP buy orders at market price.
Can all clients of ICICI Securities Limited avail SEP facility?
Yes. All online existing and new clients of ICICI Securities Limited can avail the
SEP facility.
Why should I invest through SEP when I can invest in cash segment ?
SEP allows you to systematically invest a prespecified sum/ buy a prespecified quantity
of shares over any defined period of time in a disciplined manner. You can therefore
invest at predefined intervals without the need to worry about the right time to
invest in the Equity market.
Unlike in the cash segment, where you have to time the market to make gains, SEP
helps you to bring down your average cost of acquisition of shares due to the averaging
SEP eliminates the need for you to actively track the market and helps in distributing
your investment over a period of time.
What is a SEP Request?
A SEP Request is an online instruction placed by you on www.icicidirect.com authorising I-Sec to place buy orders
in your account as per the details specified by you.
Can I place SEP Request for Sell transactions?
No. You can place SEP Requests for "buy" orders only under the Equity segment.
What is the difference between SEP request and SEP order?
SEP request is an authorization given by you to I-Sec for placing buy orders as
per your instructions mentioned in the request.
The orders placed by I-Sec as per your authorization vide the SEP request are called
SEP orders.
Do I need to allocate funds for placing a SEP Request?
No. SEP Request is merely an authorisation given to I-Sec to place order in your
account as per your instructions vide the SEP Request. Hence, funds are not required
or used when you place SEP Requests.
Your funds would however be required and used at the time of placing the SEP orders.
What is meant by "Frequency"? Please explain how does it work?
Frequency means the time interval, after the start date, with which you wish SEP
orders to be placed in your account. Depending on the frequency selected by you,
I-Sec will place SEP orders at the defined intervals after the start date for the
total period specified by you. The First order will be placed on the start date
specified by you and thereafter orders would be placed at the frequency for the
total period as per your request.
For example:, If you have placed a SEP request for buying 100 shares of Reliance
at a 'Monthly' frequency for a total period of 2 months with start date 12-07-2010,
I-Sec will place 2 orders for this SEP i.e. the first order being on the Start date
and the other order in the next month after the start date on a monthly frequency.
In this case the first SEP order for 100 shares in Reliance is placed by I-Sec on
12-07-2010 , the next SEP order will be placed in the next month on 12-08-2010 which
will be the end date. If you have placed a SEP request for 100 shares in Reliance
with 'Weekly' frequency for the period of 2 months with start date 12-07-2010, then
the first SEP order for 100 shares in Reliance will be placed by I-Sec on 12-07-2010
and the subsequent SEP dates will be 19-07-2010, 26-07-2010 and so on upto 12-09-2010
i.e. two months from the Start date.
Do I need to log in on every SEP date to place the SEP orders?
No. Once you have placed your SEP requests, I-Sec will place the SEP buy orders
on your behalf. You need not login to your account to purchase the shares.
What is meant by Minimum and Maximum Period?
'Minimum Period' is the period below which a SEP request cannot be placed ie. you
need to place a SEP request for a period equal to or greater than the minimum period.
'Maximum' Period is the period beyond which a SEP request cannot be placed ie you
need to place a SEP request for a period equal to or lesser than the maximum period.
The Order placement page displays the Minimum period and the Maximum period would
be available under the drop down for the Total period to be selected by you at the
time of placing the SEP request.
I-Sec may change the Minimum period or the Maximum period from time to time without
giving any prior notice.
What are the types of SEP request I can choose on ICICIdirect.com and how do I indicate
my choice?
You may select either Amount based SEP request or Quantity based SEP request. You
can indicate your choice by selecting the desired option under the field "SEP Type"
at the time of placing the SEP request.
What is "Amount" based SEP?
Amount based SEP is a SEP type wherein a fixed amount (or approximately the same)
is invested in your desired scrip at each frequency.
In case of Amount based SEP, you need to specify the amount to be invested in the
scrip at your desired frequency. The amount specified by you should be equal to
or above the minimum amount defined by I-Sec.
At the time of placement of your SEP order, since quantity of shares has to be specified,
the same will be calculated by dividing the SEP amount specified by you with the
market price of the scrip at the time of order placement as per the SEP request.
The formula would be Quantity = SEP Amount / Market price. Any fractional quantity
will be ignored and order will be placed for the balance quantity. The actual order
value would be based on the market price for the quantity so calculated above.
What is "Quantity" based SEP?
Quantity based SEP is a SEP type wherein a fixed quantity of shares of your desired
scrip is purchased at each frequency.
In case of Quantity based SEP, the quantity would be as specified by you and would
be fixed while placement of orders as per your desired frequency. The order value
would be calculated based on the market price of the scrip prevailing in the market
at the time of order placement.
How can I invest through SEP?
To start investing through SEP, you will have to follow 3 easy steps as mentioned
Step 1: Login to your ICICIdirect.com account
Step 2: Check the scrips in which SEP orders can be placed on the following path:
Trading page > Equity section > Systematic Equity Plan > SEP Stock list page
Step 3: Place a SEP request, by visiting either the Systematic Equity Plan page
or the SEP Stock list page and click on "Place SEP Request" link.
You will see that certain fields would be auto populated and you will have to key
in details for the remaining fields.
What is "SEP Request Book"? What are the details available on the SEP Request book?
The "SEP Request Book" on the site is a page which displays the details of the SEP
requests placed by you under the SEP product. You can view the SEP Request book
by visiting SEP Request Book link under the Systematic Equity Plan page on the Equity
segment. This book will provide you the details like the SEP reference no., stock
name, quantity or amount, frequency, total period, start date, next SEP date, end
date etc.
What is "Existing SEPs" link ? What are the details available on the 'Existing SEPs'
The "Existing SEPs" link on the Systematic Equity Plan page under Equity segment
is a link which displays all your ongoing SEP requests . This link will provide
you with details like the date,SEP reference no.,stock name,SEP type, quantity or
amount, status, SEP start date, SEP end date,next SEP date etc.
Can I place SEP request in any scrip?
SEP requests can be placed only in select scrips as mentioned in the SEP Stock list
appearing on www.icicidirect.com.
I-Sec may include or exclude any scrips from the SEP Stock list at any time without
any prior intimation.
Where can I view the SEP Stock list?
You can view the 'SEP Stock List' page on the following path: Trading page
> Equity section > Systematic Equity Plan > SEP Stock List
In which exchanges can I place SEP Requests?
You can place SEP Requests for placing SEP orders in both NSE as well as BSE. Kindly
note that SEP is an additional facility offered by ICICIdirect.com to its customers
and is not a product provided by Exchanges.
Can I place SEP Request at any time during the day?
Yes. You may place SEP Request at any time during the day and even post market hours.
Can I place SEP Request through CallNTrade?
You can place your SEP Request through CallNTrade only after you have accepted the
Terms and Conditions applicable for the SEP facility by logging in to your account
on ICICIdirect.com.
How many SEP Requests can I place in a day? Is there a restriction on the number
of scrips in which SEP can be placed by a client?
You can place multiple SEP Requests in a day for different scrips or for the same
scrip irrespective of whether the SEP requests are Amount based or Quantity based.
There is no restriction on the number of scrips that you choose for SEP request
provided the scrips are enabled under the SEP stock list. However, please note that
all the SEP requests cannot be placed together and you have to place separate SEP
requests for each scrip.
Can I place "Quantity" and "Amount" based SEP Request in the same scrip simultaneously?
You can choose both, Quantity as well as Amount based, SEP request simultaneously
for different scrips or the same scrip. However, you will have to place two different
SEP requests for each SEP type in each Scrip.
When would I-Sec place my SEP orders ?
While placing a SEP request, you are required to select a "start date" from when
SEP order placement will commence. I-Sec will place the order from the start date
selected by you as per your request. The start date should be atleast T+2 from the
date of placing the SEP request.
Thereafter, the orders would be placed on the basis of the frequency and the total
period chosen by you in your SEP Request.
The orders would be placed on these dates provided they are trading days. In case
the frequency dates fall on Trading holidays, then the orders would be placed by
I-Sec on the subsequent trading day. In case of SEP with daily frequency, orders
would be placed by I-Sec only on trading days. During a SEP order placement date,
the time of order placement would be generally after 11.00 a.m. but there may be
a delay or timing may change in case of uncertain market conditions, or for any
other reason beyond the control of I-Sec.
Is there a possibility that my entire SEP order may not be executed at the exchange?
Yes. I-Sec is merely your agent for placing orders as per the instructions given
by you under the facility. I-Sec does not have any role to play in the execution
of trades after the orders have been placed. Trade execution takes place at the
exchange platform as per the order matching rules of the exchange. Thus there is
a possibility that orders may be executed only partially or may not be executed
at all; as is the case with normal cash transactions also.
At what price will my SEP orders be placed and where can I see details of the same?
Your orders will be placed at market price i.e. the price prevailing in the market
at the time of order placement in your account. You can view the details of all
successfully placed SEP orders in your account in the normal Equity online order
Where can I view the details of the SEP orders placed against my SEP Requests?
You can view the details of all successfully placed SEP orders in your account in
the normal Equity online order book.
To view details of all orders including failed/rejected orders, if any, you may
visit the SEP Order placement log on the SEP Request Book by clicking on the hyperlink
of your respective SEP Reference no.
How do I differentiate between SEP orders and cash orders in the order book?
SEP orders would be marked as "SEP" under the column "Channel" in the online order
I have forgotten to allocate enough funds for my SEP order. Is my order liable to
be rejected?
No. It is advisable that you allocate funds under the Equity segment in your trading
account towards your SEP orders from your linked bank account. In case you have
not allocated the required amount, ICICI Securities will place the order only after
checking that sufficient clear funds are available in your linked bank account.
In case the clear funds in your linked bank account are also insufficient to place
your SEP order, the entire SEP order would fail. Please note that SEP order
will not be placed for partial amount/quantity. In case sufficient balance is not
available in your account, your entire order will fail.
Where can I view the next SEP order placement date for my SEP requests?
You can view your next order placement date in the SEP Request book under the column
'Next SEP Date'.
Can I cancel a SEP request?
Yes. You can cancel an On-going SEP request at any time before I-Sec has initiated
order placement on the order placement date .
You can cancel your SEP request by visiting the SEP request book under the Systematic
Equity Plan page of your online trading account.
Once you cancel a SEP Request, all future orders to be placed against such SEP Request
no. would stand cancelled.
Is the brokerage rate different for Cash and SEP transactions under the Equity segment?
No, there is no change in the brokerage rates for SEP transactions. Brokerage rates
and charges applicable for SEP transactions would be the same as your cash transactions.
How will my SEP transactions be settled ?
Settlement of SEP transactions would be done in the same manner as cash transactions.
Please click here to know more about settlement related FAQs.
Can I sell shares which I have bought through SEP ?
Yes. Shares bought in your demat account through SEP are at par with the ones bought
by you in the cash segment. You can therefore sell/ otherwise deal in such shares
at anytime as per your requirement.
Will I get any intimation on the SEP orders being placed in my account?
Yes. There will be two mailers sent to you as mentioned below:
- A pre mailer will be sent to you in advance intimating the orders to be placed in
your account
- A post mailer will be sent to you at the end of day giving the details of the orders
placed on that day in your account on your behalf
I-Sec shall send the mailer to its customers on best effort basis and I-Sec shall
not be held responsible for non delivery or delay in sending mailer. Customers are
requested to check the status of their SEP orders in their online trading account
based on the frequency selected by customers.
Why am I not able to place certain orders and conduct certain actions in this product?
As per Regulatory requirements regarding securities settlement, netting off of customer's
trades has become mandatory. In order to comply with these regulatory norms, we
have restricted certain orders and actions for the customers. In order to view the
full list of restrictions please click here..
Call Auction in Pre-open Session
What is "Call Auction in Pre-open Session" ?
In a Call Auction market, orders are pooled in the order book but remain unexecuted
till the end of the order entry period, when the orders will get matched and get
executed at the single call auction price that is so determined. At the call, all
buy orders are aggregated into a downward sloping demand function and all sell orders
are aggregated in an upward sloping supply function. The market opening price and
quantity traded are derived based on aggregated supply and demand for the underlying.
The orders that trade and the price and quantity at which they trade, are set by
multilateral matching, rather than by the sequence of bilateral matching used to
determine trades in a continuous normal market.
What are the advantages of call auction market?
The advantages of call auction market are as follows:
- Reduced price volatility due to multiple matching of orders at a single price
- Greater liquidity due to deeper demand supply schedule
- Better Price discovery
- Reduced market impact
I have been placing pre-market orders on ICICIdirect.com, how does this change impact
me ?
You can continue to place pre-market orders which are also known as overnight orders
in all scrips. Previously all your pre-market orders would go to exchange from 9.00
a.m. onwards i.e. in the normal trading session. With this change of introduction
of pre-open session, in case of scrips which are part of pre-open session, you can
place overnight orders or pre-market orders upto 9.00 a.m. and in case of other
scrips which do not form part of pre-open session you can place overnight orders
upto 9.15 a.m. Your overnight orders in pre-open enabled scrips would be sent to
exchange in the pre-open session at 9.00 a.m. and your overnight orders in other
scrips not forming part of pre-open session would be sent to exchange in the normal
trading session starting from 9.15 a.m. For more details on overnight orders please
refer FAQs given below.
I have been placing orders early at the time of opening of markets, how does this
change impact me?
You can place orders in the normal trading session which would now start from 9.15
a.m onwards. However, you can place orders in pre-open enabled scrips from 9.00
a.m. onwards in the pre-open session which would be between 9.00 a.m. upto 9.08
a.m. where orders would directly go to exchange and get accumulated in the pre-open
session. These accumulated orders of the pre-open session would get traded between
9.08 to 9.12 a.m. at the discovery price, if they get a match. In other scrips if
you want your orders to be placed directly in the exchange then you would need to
place orders in the normal trading session which would start form 9.15 a.m. onwards.
Can I place orders in pre-open session at any time during the day?
You can place orders in pre-open enabled scrips during the order placement time
for pre-open session i.e. 9.00 a.m. to 9.08 a.m. and your orders would be sent to
the exchange instantly in the pre-open session. However, you can also place overnight
orders for pre-open enabled scrips upto 9.00 a.m. which will be sent to the exchange
in the Pre-open session during the pre-open order placement timings (i.e. between
9.00a.m. to 9.08 a.m.).
What are the timings for Pre-open session and what will happen at exchange during
these timings in the pre-open session ?
The pre-open session shall be for a duration of 15 minutes i.e. from 9.00 a.m. to
9.15 a.m., out of which first 8 minutes shall be for order entry, order modification
and order cancellation, next 4 minutes for order matching and trade confirmation
and remaining 3 minutes shall be for transition of unexecuted orders from pre-open
session to normal trading session. The timings and details are as follows:
9:00 a.m. to 9.08 a.m.
You can a) place, b) modify and c) cancel orders in this Pre-open session
9:08 a.m. to 9.12 a.m.
Exchange does - a) Price Discovery, b) trade confirmations and c) converts unexecuted
market orders to limit orders at discovery price (limit orders remain at your specified
price) in this pre-open session
9:12 a.m. to 9.15 a.m.
Transition time from pre-open to normal session. All unexecuted orders (limit &
market) will be carried forward to normal trading session by exchange during this
pre-open session.
9:15 a.m. to 3.30 a.m.
Normal trading session i.e. continuous trading as per existing practice
How is trading in "Pre-open session" different from trading in "Normal Session" ?
In the Pre-open session orders are accumulated in the first eight minutes of the
Pre-open session and then the equilibrium price is discovered at the exchange. The
orders are then matched at the discovery price and trades take place at this price.
Whereas in Normal trading session orders match instantly following price time priority.
What is an equilibrium/discovery price ?
An equilibrium/discovery price is the price which will be discovered in the pre-open
session and all matching orders during pre-open session will be executed at this
price. Further, the normal market will open at this discovered price.
How is the equilibrium/discovery price arrived at ?
The equilibrium price shall be the price at which the maximum volume is executable.
In case more than one price meets the said criteria, the equilibrium price shall
be the price at which there is minimum order unmatched quantity. The absolute value
of the minimum order unmatched quantity shall be taken into consideration. Further,
in case more than one price has same minimum order unmatched quantity, the equilibrium
price shall be the price closest to the previous day's closing price. In case the
previous day's closing price is the mid-value of a price or prices which are closest
to it, then the previous day's closing price itself shall be taken as the equilibrium
price. In case of corporate action, previous day's closing price shall be adjustable
closing price or the base price.
Example: An example of more than one price having minimum unmatched quantity is
as follows:
Buy (Qty)
Cummulative Buy (Qty)
Sell (Qty)
Cummulative Sell (Qty)
Unmatched Qty
Volume Tradable
In the above example 103 and 96 are the prices wherein, the volume tradable and
unmatched quantity is the same. To derive the equilibrium price, the said prices
i.e.103 and 96 which is closest to the previous day's closing price shall be considered.
In case the previous day's closing price is 95, then 96 may be considered as the
equilibrium price. In case the previous day's closing price is 105, then, 103 may
be considered as the equilibrium price. In case the previous day's closing price
99.5 which is the mid-value of 103 and 96, then the equilibrium price shall be the
previous day's closing price i.e. 99.5.
What would happen to my pending unexecuted orders in pre-open session?
In case of pending unexecuted orders in pre-open session, they shall be shifted
to the order book of the normal market session. All the unmatched market orders
would be converted to limit orders at the discovery price as discovered in the pre-open
session and carried forward to the normal trading session. All unmatched limit orders
of pre-open session would remain at the limit price specified by you and would be
carried forward to normal trading session.
What happens if price is not discovered in pre-open session?
In case the equilibrium price is not discovered in the pre-open session, wherein
there are only market orders, the market orders shall be matched at previous day's
close price. All unmatched market orders shall be shifted to the order book of the
normal market at previous day's close price following time priority. Previous day's
close price shall be the opening price.
In case of equilibrium price is not discovered in the pre-open session and there
are no market orders to be matched, all unmatched market orders (at previous day's
close price) and limit orders shall be shifted to the order book of the normal market
following price time priority.
Who arrives at the Equilibrium/discovery price ?
The exchanges decide the discovery price based on the above mentioned price discovery
mechanism prescribed by SEBI.
In which exchanges can I place orders in Pre-open session ?
You can place orders in Pre-open session on NSE and BSE exchanges.
Where can I see the discovery price for a scrip ?
You can login to your account and view the discovery price under the 'Day Open'
field on the Get quote page for the required scrip.
Can I participate in pre-open session ?
Yes, all customers of ICICI Securities holding 3-in-1 account and who are eligible
for trading in Equity can participate in pre-open session by placing orders in pre-open
enabled scrips.
In which products can I place orders for pre-open session ?
At present, you can place orders for pre-open session only in Cash product under
Equity segment. All other segments and products like Derivatives (Futures & Options),
Margin, MarginPLUS etc. would have only the normal trading session starting from
9.15 a.m. onwards.
Can I place orders in all scrips in the pre-open session ?
At present, only select scrips have been enabled for trading in the Pre-open session
by the exchanges. To begin with all NIFTY and SENSEX scrips at NSE and BSE respectively
will be enabled for pre-open session by the exchanges. Scrips which will get excluded
or included in the NIFTY or SENSEX indices will still be a part of the pre-open
How can I know the stocks for which the facility to place orders in Pre-open session
is available?
To know the list of stocks for which order placement in the Pre-open session is
enabled , please refer 'Stock List' page on the following path:
Trading page > Equity section > Stock list page
Can I place Market orders during the order placement in pre-open session ?
Only in NSE Market orders will be accepted for pre-open enabled scrips during the
order placement timings in the pre-open session. You can also place overnight market
orders in pre-open enabled scrips on NSE. In BSE only limit orders will be allowed
for pre-open enabled scrips during pre-open session and overnight orders, market
orders cannot be placed.
How would my limits be blocked for market orders for Pre-open enabled scrips ?
As per existing process, limits would be blocked only in case of Buy orders. Similarly,
in case of pre-open enabled scrips if Buy market orders are placed during overnight
or pre-open timings then the closing price would be considered for computation of
limits to be blocked and the amount to be blocked would be considered at 120% of
the closing price i.e. Additional 20% of closing price would be blocked for market
orders in pre-open session as per the Price Band specified by exchange for pre-open
scrips. The additional limits blocked, if any, would be released at the end of pre-open
session based on execution price or discovery price used for converting market order
to limit if your mrket order remains unexecuted in the pre-open session. The blocking
of 120% of closing price is applicable only upto pre-open session i.e. till 9.08
a.m. Thereafter, the existing process of blocking 100% of Last Traded price for
market orders during normal trading (i.e. From 9.15 a.m. onwards) would continue
Example: ACC is enabled for pre-open session, Closing price =
100, Pre-open Price Band = 20%
ACC Buy Market order to be placed for 300 quantity then the limits to be blocked
would be:
= (Closing price + (Closing Price * 20%))* Quantity
= (100 + (100*20%)) * 300
= (100 +20) *300
36, 000
What are overnight orders ?
Overnight orders are orders which can be placed by you after normal market hours
and before the next day's trading session.
In which scrips can I place overnight orders and upto what time ?
Overnight orders can be placed in all scrips i.e. Pre-open enabled scrips as well
as other scrips enabled for equity trading. In case of,
- Pre-open scrips - You can place overnight orders (market or limit price) in preopen
enabled scrips till the beginning of pre-open session i.e. Upto 9.00 a.m. thereafter
all orders would directly go in the pre-open or normal market session depending
on the order placement time.
- Other scrips - You can place overnight orders (only limit price) in other scrips
till the beginning of normal market session i.e. 9.15 a.m. Thereafter, all orders
would be normal market session orders upto end of normal trading hours.
When are the overnight orders sent to exchanges ?
Overnight orders in pre-open enabled scrips shall be sent to the exchange during
the pre-open order entry period (i.e. 9.00 a.m. to 9.08 a.m.). In case of overnight
orders in other scrips all such orders would be sent to exchange during the normal
trading session (i.e. from 9 .15 a.m.).
Are there any restrictions in the order placement in pre-open session ?
Yes, you can place orders with only day validity, order type as market or limit
and within pre-open price band % for orders in pre-open enabled scrips during overnight
and pre-open order placement timings. SLTP, Disclosed quantity and IOC order placement
is allowed by exchanges only for normal trading session and not for pre-open session.
From where can I place orders for pre-open session ?
The normal order placement page can be used for order placement in pre-open session
as well.
Can I place orders in pre-open session through CallNTrade?
Yes, you can avail the facility of placing your orders in pre-open session through
Where can I see my order and trades for the pre-open session ?
You can see all your pre-open as well as normal order and trades in the normal online
Equity order and trade books.
Can I cancel the order placed in the pre-open session and from where ?
Yes, you can cancel the orders placed in the pre-open session during the order cancellation
timings specified in the above table. You can visit the normal Equity order book
and click the cancel link to cancel your pre-open orders provided you do this within
the exchange prescribed timings.
Can I modify orders placed in the pre-open session and from where?
Yes, you can modify the orders placed in the pre-open session during the order modification
timings specified in the above table. You can visit the normal Equity order book
and click the modify link to modify your pre-open orders provided you do this within
the exchange prescribed timings. The details of modifications allowed by exchanges
during pre-open session are as follows:
- You can modify quantity
- You can modify Limit Price (within the price band specified by exchange)
- You can modify from Limit to Market
- You can modify from Market to Limit
- You can modify quantity
- You can modify Limit Price
Note: Limit to Market and Market to Limit modification is not allowed by BSE.
Do I need to allocate limits for trading in pre-open session ?
Yes similar to normal trading you are required to keep sufficient limits for order
placement in pre-open session as well.
Is the brokerage rate different for Cash in Pre-open and normal trading sessions
No, the same brokerage rates would apply for your transactions in pre-open as well
as normal trading sessions.
How will the settlement of Pre-open transactions happen ?
There is no change in the settlement process and pre-open transactions are settled
in the same manner as current cash trades. For more details please
click here to refer Settlement related FAQs.
Periodic Call Auction Session for Illiquid Scrips
What is Periodic Call Auction?
SEBI has introduced the concept of "Call Auction" system to curtail market manipulation
in illiquid scrips. Call auction is a mechanism in which:
- Orders are accumulated for a specified period of time
- Trades are executed at single price (Equilibrium Price)
- Price & Quantity information is shared
- Provisions to discourage manipulation are introduced
How is Equilibrium Price determined under Call Auction Session?
Equilibrium price is the price at which maximum volume is executable. For detailed
calculation, please refer SEBI Circular CIR/MRD/DP/6/2013 dated July 15, 2010.
Which stocks will be traded in Periodic Call Auction Session?
All equity stocks which are classified as illiquid by Exchange will be part of Periodic
Call Auction Session for illiquid scrips.
You can please visit the Stock list page for viewing the list of stocks enabled
for Multiple Periodic Call Auction Sessions. Scrips allowed to be traded under Multiple
Periodic Call Auction Sessions are marked under as "MS" under the category Pre-Open
Session -> Enabled tab of the Stock list page.
What are the criteria for classifying the stock as illiquid by Exchange?
Stocks shall be classified as illiquid, whether trading in normal market or in trade
for trade settlement, if all the following conditions are met:
- The average daily trading volume of a scrip in a quarter is less than 10000;
- The average daily number of trades is less than 50 in a quarter;
- The scrip is classified as illiquid at all exchanges where it is traded.
Can such illiquid scrip trade under Period Call Auction & Normal market simultaneously?
No. Trading in Illiquid Scrips in the equity market shall be conducted only through
periodic call auction sessions. There will be no continuous trading session for
the illiquid stocks.
Will the Scrip move from Period Call Auction to Normal?
Exchange shall move out the scrip from periodic call auction mechanism to normal
trading session only when the scrip meets criteria such as liquidity from time to
Is there any Penalty for trading in illiquid scrips?
In the event where maximum of buy price entered by a client (on PAN basis) is equal
to or higher than the minimum sell price entered by that client and if the same
results into trades at exchanges end, a penalty shall be imposed on such trades
by Exchange.
Please note that ICICI Securities would recover penalty charged for such inappropriate
client dealing in illiquid scrip from client.
Can I place order in any scrip under Periodic Call Auction on NSE and BSE both Exchange?
What will be the session timings for Periodic Call Auction Session?
Currently, we have enabled such illiquid scrips for trading under Periodic Call
Auction only on BSE Exchange.
Periodic call auction sessions are of one hour each and conducted daily throughout
the trading hours with the first session starting at 9:30 am and the last session
ending at 3.30 pm as per the details given below:
Order Entry /
Modification /
Cancellation Start Time
Order Matching & Trade
Confirmation Start Time
End of Session Time
Session 1
9:30:00 AM
10:14:00 AM - 10:15:00 AM
10:30:00 AM
Session 2
10:30:00 AM
11:14:00 AM - 11:15:00 AM
11:30:00 AM
Session 3
11:30:00 AM
12:14:00 PM - 12:15:00 PM
12:30:00 PM
Session 4
12:30:00 PM
01:14:00 PM - 01:15:00 PM
1:30:00 PM
Session 5
1:30:00 PM
02:14:00 PM - 02:15:00 PM
2:30:00 PM
Session 6
2:30:00 PM
03:14:00 PM - 03:15:00 AM
3:30:00 PM
In One hour duration of Call Auction session:
45 minutes shall be allowed for order entry, order modification & cancellation
8 minutes shall be for order matching & trade confirmation
7 min as buffer period for closing current session & transition to next session
Session shall close randomly during last one minute of order entry between the 44th
& 45th minute.
Further, order modification/ cancellation would not be allowed during order matching
& buffer period of every Periodic Call Auction Session.
What order types are allowed for illiquid stocks in Periodic Call Auction Session?
Only limit orders are allowed for illiquid stocks in Periodic Call Auction Session.
Stop loss, disclosed quantity and Market orders will not be allowed during Periodic
Call Auction Sessions for illiquid scrips.
What will happen to unmatched/pending orders in each Periodic Call Auction Session?
All unmatched/pending orders at the end of the every Periodic Call Auction Session
shall be cancelled by Exchange.
How are Open/High/Low/Close price determined for illiquid stocks in Periodic Call
Auction Session?
Open price shall be the equilibrium price discovered in the first Periodic
Call Auction Session. In case equilibrium price is not discovered in the first session,
then open price shall be the first equilibrium price discovered across all Periodic
Call Auction Sessions during the day.
High price shall be the highest value among all the equilibrium prices discovered
across all Periodic Call Auction Sessions during the day.
Low price shall be the lowest value among all the equilibrium prices discovered
across all Periodic Call Auction Sessions during the day.
Close price shall be the equilibrium price discovered in the last Periodic
Call Auction Session. In case equilibrium price is not discovered in the last session
then close price shall be the last equilibrium price discovered across all Periodic
Call Auction Sessions during the day. If no equilibrium price has been discovered
during the entire day, then close price shall be the previous day's close price.
What will be the price band applicable for Illiquid stocks?
Price band of 20% will be applicable for illiquid stocks or as prescribed by exchanges.
What happens if market halt is triggered during Periodic Call Auction Session?
Following action shall be initiated in case of market halt is triggered during Periodic
Call Auction Session :
- If triggered during order entry period of any periodic call auction session, that
session shall be cancelled and all orders shall be purged.
- If triggered during order matching period of any periodic call auction session,
the matching process shall be completed for scrips whose equilibrium price has been
discovered or is in process of getting computed. For rest of the scrips, matching
process shall be halted.
- Periodic call auction session shall be resumed at the next nearest call auction
after the normal market resumes.
Valid Till Cancel (VTC)
What is "VTC"?
Valid Till Cancel VTC is a new facility offered through ICICIdirect.com using which
you can place buy and sell Limit orders in scrips of your choice specifying the
period for which you want the order instruction to be valid. The period selected
by you should be within the maximum validity date defined by ICICI Securities Ltd.
How does VTC order feature work?
When you place a VTC order, you give an order instruction to I-Sec stating that
if the order is not executed for the entire quantity, I-Sec is authorised to place
fresh orders for the unexecuted quantity in your account on the subsequent trading
days till the entire quantity is executed or till the validity expires, whichever
is earlier. The feature allows you to specify the number of days during which you
wish to place the orders.
Your VTC order will remain valid but will be expired at the end of every trade date
if the order remains unexecuted and if not cancelled or rejected. At the end of
day, after market hours, I-Sec will place overnight orders on your behalf at the
same limit price and for the unexecuted quantity for the next trade date provided
your validity date is less than or equal to the next trade date.
For example, On trade date 14-03-2011, you can place an order with VTC order validity
to buy 100 shares of BHEL at a Limit price of
1800 with order validity date 16-03-2011. Hence
your VTC order will be valid till 16-03-2011 if not fully executed.
Can all clients of ICICI Securities Limited avail VTC facility?
Yes. All online existing and new clients of ICICI Securities Limited who are eligible
to trade in Equity Cash product can avail VTC facility for order placement.
Is VTC order placement feature available for all products?
No. The facility of placing VTC orders is available only for Cash and Margin Client
mode Products under the Equity segment. Please note you cannot place VTC orders
in any other products under Equity like Margin Broker Square off Mode, Spot, Margin
PLUS, BTST etc. For more details on VTC order facility under F&O segment please
click here
Can I place Buy and Sell orders with VTC order validity?
Yes VTC order validity is available for both your Buy as well as Sell orders in
Cash product and Margin Client Square off mode only.
Can I place Cash orders with VTC validity by specifying a disclosed quantity?
No. You cannot specify disclosed quantity while placing your Cash orders with VTC
order validity. You can only specify the quantity to be bought or sold and the limit
price at which the order needs to be placed with VTC order validity.
Can I place SLTP Cash orders with VTC validity ?
No. You cannot place SLTP Cash orders with VTC order validity. As mentioned above,
you can only specify the quantity to be bought or sold and the limit price at which
the order needs to be placed.
Can I place market Cash orders with VTC order validity?
No. Cash order with VTC order validity are allowed only with a Limit price and you
cannot place a market order with VTC order validity.
Can I place Cash orders with VTC order validity during the pre-open session?
You can place Cash orders with VTC order validity in all scrips during the pre-open
session but only orders in scrips that are pre-open enabled will be sent to exchange
during the pre-open session. Orders in all other scrips not enabled for pre-open
session would be treated as overnight orders and sent to exchange during normal
trading session.
Why should I place buy/sell orders with VTC validity?
VTC facility allows you to place buy/sell orders for the unexecuted quantity of
your shares as per your limit price till your specified order validity date or till
the entire quantity is executed, whichever is earlier. With this facility if your
order remains unexecuted on a specific trade date you are not required to login
again and place the same orders again. I-Sec provides you the flexibility of using
this facility and providing the validity date, pursuant to which,I-Sec will place
the orders in your account on your behalf during the VTC order validity date.
Do I need to allocate funds for placing orders with VTC order validity?
Yes. Your buy orders with VTC order validity are similar to your Cash Buy orders.
Prior to placing the orders, you will have to allocate necessary funds in your account.
You will have to ensure that necessary funds are available in your allocation for
I-Sec to place VTC orders in your account for the unexecuted quantity of the order.
What is meant by Order Validity Date ? Please explain how does it work?
Order Validity Date means the date chosen by you while placing Cash orders with
VTC order validity. This date has to be equal to or less than the maximum validity
date defined by I-Sec which would appear as the default date against the date field
besides VTC order validity. For example, if the maximum days defined by I-Sec are upto 15 calendar days then the order validity date can be less than or equal to the default date appearing against the date field besides VTC order validity. If the trade date is Oct 01, 2023, then Oct 15, 2023 would appear as the default date besides VTC order validity. In this case you can choose the VTC order validity date as less than or equal to Oct 15, 2023.
How can I specify the validity date?
You can specify the order validity date by selecting from the calendar available
placed on the order placement page near the VTC order validity field. Alternatively,
if the date is not selected, the default date, which is the maximum allowed validity
date for such orders, will be considered by I-Sec as your validity date for the
order placed by you.
What happens if VTC order validity date falls on a non trading day?
If your VTC order validity date falls on a non trading day, the order is expired
by I-Sec on the last trading day which falls prior to such order valid date which
is a non trading day. Post the expiry, the status of VTC order is updated as Expired
For example:
You have placed a VTC request first on 17-03-2011 for buying 100 shares of Reliance
at a Limit price of 900 with order validity date of 19-03-2011. In this case:
Start Date = 17-03-2011 Thursday
Validity Date = 19-03-2011 Saturday i.e. Trading Holiday
Thereby, if on 17-03-2011 your Cash order with VTC order validity date of 19-03-2011
remains unexecuted or partly executed, then I-Sec will place the same order for
the unexecuted quantity as overnight order at end of day of 17-03-2011 for the next
trade date i.e. 18-03-2011. If on 18-03-2011 the order still remains unexecuted
then I-Sec will try placing the order for the next trade date i.e. 21-03-2011 but
since the valid date is less than the next trade date this order would be Expired
& Closed.
Do I need to log in on every trade date to place the unexecuted Cash order having
a future VTC validity date?
Once you have placed your VTC order, I-Sec will place orders for the unexecuted
quantity of your VTC order for all the days during the validity period or till the
quantity is fully executed or canceled or rejected due to any reason. You need to
login to your account only to see the status of such orders.
Can I place VTC orders in any scrip?
VTC orders can be placed in all scrips that are enabled for placing cash orders.
Please visit the Find Stock code link on Equity Stock list page on www.icicidirect.com to view the scrips that are allowed
for Cash facility.
In which exchanges can I place VTC orders ?
You can place VTC orders on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and National Stock Exchange(NSE).
Kindly note that VTC is an additional facility in the nature of a new order type
offered by ICICIdirect.com to its customers and is not a product provided by Exchanges.
Can I place VTC orders at any time during the day?
Yes. You can place VTC orders at any time during market hours and even post market
hours when the site is open for placing overnight orders.
Can I place VTC orders through CallNTrade?
Yes. You can place your VTC orders through CallNTrade.
How many VTC orders can I place in a day? Is there any restriction on the number
of scrips in which VTC orders can be placed?
No, there are no such restrictions. You can place multiple VTC orders in a day.
Also, orders can be placed in different scrips as well as with different valid dates
in the same scrip.
What will happen in case there is a corporate action happening in the scrip in which
I have placed VTC order and order is still valid?
If a corporate action is announced in a scrip then such scrips are disabled by I-Sec
for VTC overnight order placement on your behalf from Ex date - 1 day till Record
date. If your VTC order in such scrip is still valid then your orders in such scrips
will get rejected during this period and orders will not be placed on subsequent
days post rejection. This is to safeguard your interest and avoid placement of orders
at unrealistic prices due to the impact of corporate action. You are thereby requested
to login into your account to see the status of orders in such scrips and place
fresh orders again at appropriate prices in case you wish to continue with VTC orders
in such scrips after corporate action has been completed.
When would orders for the unexecuted quantity of VTC orders be placed by I-Sec ?
If your VTC order remains unexecuted and is not cancelled, nor rejected due to any
reason then daily orders for the unexecuted quantity will be placed as overnight
orders by I-Sec during the validity period, i.e. until the order validity date is
less than or equal to the next trade date.
The orders would be placed on these dates provided they are trading days.
Where can I view the details of VTC orders?
You can view the details of VTC orders in your account under the normal Equity online
order book.
To view further details of orders placed by I-Sec for the unexecuted quantity during
the validity period, you can visit the Order placement log on the Order Book. The
Log is displayed on clicking the order reference hyperlink of your respective order.
The Remarks column under the order log display the "VTC Order" rejection remarks,
if any.
How would I know that orders for the unexecuted quantity of VTC orders will no longer
be placed by I-Sec?
You can view the status of your VTC orders by visiting the order book of your Equity
trading page.
On clicking the order valid date against the respective order, if the Status column
displays Rejected (Closed) or Expired (Closed) then the order would not be further
placed by I-Sec as the same has been closed either due to rejection or expiry of
the validity period.
If the status remains Expired under the valid date hyperlink then the order is still
valid as the valid date is more than the current trade date and such expired orders
would be placed by I-Sec.
How can I differentiate between VTC order validity and other cash orders?
VTC orders have a validity date displayed under the Order Ref./Channel/Order Valid
Date column in the order book.
Can I modify VTC orders?
Yes. You can login to your account and visit the Equity order book to modify the
quantity or limit price of your VTC orders. Please note that you will be able to
modify the order only when the order is in 'Ordered status' (during market hours)
or 'Requested status' (after market hours).
Can I cancel VTC orders?
Yes. You can login to your account and visit the Equity order book to cancel your
VTC orders any time when the order is in 'Ordered status' (during market hours)
or 'Requested status' (after market hours).
Once you have cancelled your VTC order, your order would stand cancelled and thereafter
no orders would be placed by I-Sec for the same.
Is the brokerage rate different for normal Cash transactions and VTC orders?
No. There is no change in the brokerage rates for your normal Cash transactions
and VTC orders. The Brokerage rates and applicable charges are same for your normal
Cash transactions and VTC orders.
How will VTC orders be settled ?
The settlement for your VTC orders would be done in the same manner as normal cash
transactions. Please click here to know more about
settlement related FAQs
Would my rejected VTC orders be re-triggered /placed by I-sec for placing orders
on my behalf?
If your order is rejected due to the below two reasons then only it will be re-triggered
/ placed by I-sec on next trading day.
- Price range reason
- Limit insufficient
Please note your VTC orders rejected due to any other rejection reason will be not
be re-triggered / placed by I-sec.
For e.g. If Customer placed VTC order on 17 May 2017 for NSE exchange and if it
is unexecuted for the day. Then system will place VTC order for next trade date
i.e. 18th May 2017 and if it is rejected due to Price range or insufficient limit
on that day i.e. 18th May 2017, then only system will place VTC Order for 19th May
2017. For any other rejection reason this rejected VTC order will not be placed
for the next trade date i.e. 19th May 2017 onwards.
What is eLocker?
This is a facility to store scanned copies of documents like PAN, Agreements, Form
16 or any other documents under your ICICI direct account. This service would enable
you to securely store documents and images in the cloud and download them anytime,
How to locate eLocker on icicidirect.com?
eLocker is located at the following path on icicidirect.com www.icicidirect.com
> Customer Service > Services > eLocker
How to use eLocker?
There is a Demo tab that is available post activating eLocker that gives complete
details on the various functions of eLocker.
Are there any charges for eLocker?
No. eLocker is free of charge.
What type of documents can be stored in eLocker?
PDF and JPG documents can be stored in eLocker.
What is the total storage capacity of eLocker?
The maximum limit of eLocker is 1 GB with no limit on the number of documents to
be uploaded. However, each document cannot exceed size of 10 MB.
Is there any eligibility criterion to use eLocker?
Yes. Customers having an ICICIdirect.com account only can use eLocker.
Offer for Sale
What is Offer for Sale?
Offer for Sale is a facility allowed by Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)
in order to facilitate promoters to dilute/offload their holding in listed companies
in a transparent manner with wider participation in the market through a separate
window provided by the Stock Exchange(s).
What is bidding in Offer for Sale at ICICIDirect.com?
As a customer of ICICIdirect now, you can bid in Offer for sale of specific eligible
stocks which the exchange(s) may allow from time to time.
On which exchanges will I be able to bid under Offer for Sale?
ICICIdirect will offer its customers execution capability on the National Stock
Exchange of India Ltd. (NSE) and Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE). But depending on the
eligibility of the exchanges to allow offer for sale of a particular stock, ICICIdirect
will make available this facility to customers on NSE or BSE or both exchanges.
Currently, this facility will be provided only on BSE.
How is bidding in Offer for Sale different from Cash trading?
While buy and sell transactions in Cash segment can be placed for a listed scrip
on all trading days, under offer for sale only Buy transaction can be carried out
minimum one hour and maximum only on one trading day during the bidding period in
a specific eligible stock offered for sale through exchange(s).
Which stocks are eligible for Offer for Sale?
Offer for Sale can be made by promoter(s) or promoter group entities of such companies
that satisfy the criteria as set by SEBI or Exchanges from time to time for selling
shares through Offer for Sale scheme. Thereby, only if such promoter or promoter
group entity announces offer for sale of shares only then such stock(s) shall be
available under this facility.
What will be the bidding timing for Offer for Sale?
The duration of offer for sale shall be for maximum of one trading day i.e. 9.15
a.m. to 3.30 p.m. subject to minimum period of one hour and placing of orders will
be allowed during this bidding period as specified by the Seller(s) / Exchanges
for a particular stock. However, ICICIdirect will specify a cut off time upto which
the bids will be accepted and this will be before the end of bidding period. You
will not be able to place or modify bids after the specified cut off time.
Can I also trade under normal Equity segment in stocks which are eligible for Offer
for Sale?
Yes, you can continue trading under normal Equity segment for stocks available under
Offer for sale. Moreover, you can also buy these shares through Offer for sale facility
on the day such bidding is allowed.
How can I place order(s) under Offer for Sale (OFS) facility?
There is a separate link named "OFS" available under Equity section through which
you can place Buy order(s) under this facility.
Where can I see the stock(s) that are available under this facility?
There would be a scroller on the site giving the details of the stock(s) offered
for sale under the Equity section or an e-mail will be sent to your email account
registered with ICICIdirect intimating you about the stock(s) being offered for
sale. However, there will be no obligation on ICICIdirect to intimate clients about
the stocks being offered for sale through this facility.
Can I Buy and Sell shares through offer for sale facility ?
Only BUY bids of eligible stock(s) are allowed under Offer for Sale facility .
Can an enabled stock under this facility be disabled later during the offer period
Yes, it is possible that there is market closure due to breach of "market wide index
based filter" due to which such offer for sale shall be halted and stock may be
disabled for bidding by exchange(s) during the offer period.
Can I place Market and Limit orders under this facility of Offer for Sale?
You can place only Limit order(s) under Offer for Sale facility as market order(s)
are disallowed.
Can I place multiple buy orders for a particular stock available under Offer for
Yes, you can place multiple buy orders for a single stock available under the Offer
for Sale facility.
Is there any minimum price at which the buy orders are to be placed under Offer for
Seller(s) may declare a floor price in the announcement of Offer for Sale or choose
not to publicly disclose the floor price. Floor price is the minimum price at which
the seller intends to sell the share. In case floor price is disclosed to the market,
orders below the floor price shall not be accepted. If floor price is not disclosed
to the market, there shall be no price band applicable for the orders/bids but no
allocation will be made for orders/bids below the floor price.
How much limit would be required to place the order? Can shares as Margin limit be
used for placing the order?
Your buy order under Offer for sale would require 100% Cash limit i.e. Shares as
margin limit is not allowed to place offer for sale orders. Similarly, limit would
be required on modification of orders placed under offer for sale. The limit required
can be calculated as follows:
Limit required = Quantity * Price
Can I modify or cancel orders one placed under Offer for Sale?
Yes, you can modify or cancel orders placed under offer for sale but the modification
or cancellation would not be allowed during the last 15 minutes of the duration
of offer or of the cut off time specified by ICICIdirect whichever is earlier.
Where can I see my bids placed?
You can see the bids placed on the Equity order book with channel as OFS under the
Order reference/Channel/Order valid date column of the Equity order book.
How would I know that my bid has been sent to exchange?
You can click on the order reference number link of the bid placed from the order
book and refer the Exchange reference number column of the order log. If there is
a reference number specified this would mean that the bid has been sent to exchange.
How would the shares be allocated to Buyers?
The allocation of shares shall be done by the designated stock exchange. The method
of allocation would be a single price or multiple prices based on the specification
from the seller in this regard.
What is a "Single Clearing Price"?
"Single Clearing Price" is the price at which the shares are allocated to the successful
bidders in a proportionate basis methodology.
What is a "Multiple Clearing Price"?
"Multiple Clearing Prices" are the prices at which the shares are allocated to the
successful bidders in a price priority methodology. For eg. ONGC Offer for Sale
allocation is at multiple clearing price methodology. Say if the highest bid received
by designated stock exchange is at
350 next is at
320 ,
300 and so on. Then the persons who has placed highest bid at
350 will first get allotment of ONGC shares at
350 then the next person who has bid at
320 would be alloted at
320 and so on as per price priority methodology, depending on the availability of
shares. The allotment at
350 will happen even if the stock is available in the secondary market at a lesser
Current Market Price (CMP) say of
When would the shares get credited to my demat account?
In case of allotment, the shares would be credited to your demat account by T+1
trading day (where T is the date of closure of offer) directly by the Stock Exchanges
or within such settlement timelines as may be prescribed by Stock Exchanges from
time to time.
If the shares are not allotted then what happens to my limits that were blocked on
order placement?
The limits will be released by T+1 trading day if the shares are not allotted to
Is the brokerage rate different for normal cash transactions and Offer for sale orders?
No. There is no change in brokerage rates of your normal Cash transactions and offer
for sale transactions. The brokerage rates and applicable charges are same for Cash
and Offer for sale transactions.
What is meant my OFS "On Margin"?
OFS "On Margin" is a facility which provides the flexibility to bid in OFS by allocating
only a percentage of the total bid value. Thus, you are required to bring in only
the Initial Margin instead of 100% funds.
Would OFS "On Margin" Facility available for all categories?
OFS "On Margin" would be available for bids placed in Retail or General Category.
Would OFS "On Margin" Facility available for all OFS issues?
No, the facility will be available for limited issues and ICICI Securities Limited
(I-Sec) reserves the right to offer this facility for selected issues only. I-Sec
reserves the right to select stock for OFS "On Margin" and may, at its sole discretion,
include or exclude any OFS share from the margin list without any prior intimation
How is margin blocked under OFS "On Margin"? If floor price is not declared then
how margins will be blocked?
Margins would be calculated based on whether the bidding is done at cutoff price
or at limit price. Margin (IM) is blocked at the applicable margin percentage of
the order value.
For calculating margins under cut off bid the following formula will be used
Margining for bids placed at Cut off Price
The formula for calculating margins is (Floor Price * IM%) + [Limit Blocking Price
- (Floor Price)]
For eg:
Suppose the Floor price of XYZOFS is fixed at Rs 100, Limit blocking Price is at
105 and Initial Margin % is 10%
In case of bids placed for 1 share of XYZOFS at cut off price
(Floor Price * IM%) + [Limit Blocking Price - (Floor Price)]
= (100*10%) + [105-(100)]
= (10)+(5)
= Rs 15
Please note
Limit Blocking Price will be a mark up above the floor price in case of bids placed
at cut-off. Limit Blocking Price shall be decided by I-Sec and will be subject to
Margining for bids placed at Limit Price when the floor price is declared by the
The formula for calculating margins is (Floor Price * IM%) + [Order Price - (Floor
Price )]
For eg:
Suppose the Floor price of XYZOFS is fixed at Rs 100
Limit blocking Price is at 105 and Initial Margin % is 10%
In case of bids placed for 1 share of XYZOFS at limit price of Rs 103
(Floor Price * IM%) + [Order Price - (Floor Price )]
= (100*10%)+[103-(100)]
= (10)+(3)
= Rs 13
Margining for bids placed at Limit Price when the floor price is not declared by
the seller
If Floor Price is not declared by the seller in any OFS, then I-Sec shall compute
margin based on a notional Floor Price derived at the discretion of I-Sec. The formula
for calculation will be (Notional Floor Price * IM%) + [Order Price - (Notional
Floor Price )]
For eg
In case of bids placed for 1 share of XYZOFS at limit price of Rs 103 where seller
has not declared the Floor Price, and say the Notional Floor Price kept by I-Sec
is Rs 101
(Notional Floor Price * IM%) + [Order Price - (Notional Floor Price )]
= (101*10%)+[103-(101)]
= (10.1)+(2)
= Rs 12.1
Will the Initial Margins be different for different stocks in OFS under OFS "On Margin"?
Yes, margins will be different for different stocks and I-Sec will reserve the right
to decide on the Initial Margin % to be charged in OFS On Margin
Can I apply in both cash and "On Margin" through multiple bids
Yes, you may apply multiple bids in cash & "On Margin". However please note that
in case of retail category the total of all bids should not exceed Rs 2 lakhs including
all bids placed in cash & "On Margin".
Where can I see the shares allotted in OFS
The allotted shares against the bids placed in OFS "On Margin" shall be visible
in pending for delivery link on Equity page.
The allotted shares against bids placed in Cash under OFS shall be visible under
security projection link and will be credited to the linked demat account by T+2
day eod.
From where can I sell allotted shares?
The allotted shares against the bids placed in OFS "On Margin" can be squared off
or converted to delivery from pending for delivery page. For more information refer
"What is mean by 'Pending for Delivery' (PFD) page?"
The allotted shares against the bids placed in OFS "On Margin" can be squared off
or converted to delivery from pending for delivery page. For more information refer
"What is mean by 'Pending for Delivery' (PFD) page?" The allotted shares against
bides placed in Cash under OFS shall be visible under security projection link with
an option to sell through BTST link
Can I convert the shares to delivery of shares allotted under OFS "On Margin"?
Yes, you can convert all shares to delivery or can take partial delivery of allotted
shares. Conversion to delivery can be done by bringing the outstanding balance of
funds(Cash) within 1 year in both NSE and BSE or as per stipulated time as decided
by I-Sec from time to time.
What will happen to shares allotted under OFS "On Margin", if not converted to delivery
by the stipulated time?
In case of open positions, the onus lies on you to square off such positions. I-Sec
will not square off positions till the stipulated day until which such positions
are permitted to be maintained. However, if the requisite amount is not brought
in till the stipulated time then the positions will be squared off by I-Sec.
Can my position be squared off prior to the stipulated time?
Yes, in case of margin shortfall the position will get squared off partially or
completely based on loss incurred. Please note positions under the OFS On Margin
may be squared off by I-Sec, in case of price band OFS scrips where price of the
scrip moves by a predefined % as determined by I-Sec.
If margins are available in Equity modify allocation, then would my position be squared
No, the free limit upto the required margin will get added to the position. However
please note that if limits in Equity modify allocation are insufficient to cover
loss and revised margin requirements, then your position may be square off.
Can I use Shares as Margin (SAM) limits for placing bids in OFS
For placing a bid in OFS, cash limits will be required. With SAM limits you will
not be allowed to place OFS bids.
SAM functionality can be availed once shares are allotted under OFS "On Margin"
bid. The client can allocate SAM to the extent of cash margin blocked. I-Sec will
release cash limit blocked against allotment and block SAM limit to that extent.
Is there any interest fees on Outstanding Obligation?
Yes, please refer following question in FAQ for more information on Interest on
Outstanding obligation. Is there any interest on positions which are marked for 'Pending
for Delivery'? Where can I see the interest amount on Outstanding obligation ?
Trading Nominee
How Many person/s can I nominate as my Trading Nominee:
You can only appoint one person as your Trading Nominee.
Whether I can appoint same person as my Trading Nominee who is also the Nominee in
my Bank and/or Demat account:
Yes. You can nominate the same person as the Trading nominee who is the nominee
of your bank and/or demat account.
Can I appoint Minor as the Trading Nominee:
Yes. You can appoint minor person as the Trading Nominee provided you also need
to give the necessary details of the minor and the Guardian in the said registration
form which needs to be signed by you and the Guardian in front of 2 witnesses (who
shall be major and is not the Guardian).
Can I change the Trading Nominee:
Yes. You can do the same by following the same process again.
What is the process to be followed by the Trading Nominee to transmit the in-hold
collaterals or in-transit funds/securities payout:
The Trading Nominee will have to intimate ICICI Securities Limited about the death
of the account holder and enclosed the notarized photo copy of the death certificate
along with the Photo ID proof (preferably PAN card) and the address proof (which
should be latest and should not be more than 3 months old).
Corporate action of Buyback, Open Offer, Delisting
Can I sell stocks in BTST which are purchased before any corporate action like Buyback,
Open Offer, Delisting
No, stocks will be disabled for BTST products 1 day before Ex-date of such corporate
What should I do in order to participate in corporate action like delisting, buyback,
open offer on shares purchased in Flexi Cash or Margin Client Mode
You are requested to do CTD of your open positions in Margin Client Mode atleast
1 day before Ex-date of corporate action, so that they will be entitled to participate
in such corporate action as per their individual holding.
In case I have not done CTD of the open position (shares purchased) in Flexi Cash
or Margin Client Mode, can I participate in corporate action like delisting, buyback,
open offer on such shares
In case you have not done CTD of your open positions and on the RD date the shares
are lying in I-Sec demat account then;
- You will be entitled to participate for such corporate action through I-Sec as per
'Retail' or 'Non Retail' category based on overall holding of I-Sec demat account.
- You need to call I-Sec call center to participate in corporate action 5 days prior
to closure of such corporate action.
- Your positions should remain open at the time of placing request to participate
in corporate action.
- You need to pay outstanding obligation if any against such open position before
placing request to participate in corporate action.
- I-Sec will place consolidated bid on behalf of all eligible customers who have requested
I-Sec to participate on their behalf. The benefit arising out of such transaction
will be distributed to all eligible customers on proportionate basis.
Statement of Account
What is Statement of Account for Funds ?
Statement of Account for Funds is a extract of ledger of your account with ICICI
Securities Limited. Statement of Funds is issued to client through email. Clients
can also access Statement of Account after login into your account and visiting
Customer Service > My Account > Statements > Statement of Funds / Securities
What is Statement of Account for Securities ?
Statement of Account for Funds is a extract of Register of Securities which reflect
movement of securities to and from your trading account. Statement of Account for
Securities is issued to client through email. Clients can also access Statement
of Account for Securities after login into your account and visiting Customer Service
> My Account > Statements > Statement of Funds / Securities
What is the periodicity of issuance of Statement of Account for Funds and Securities
ICICI Securities Limited issues Statement of Account for Funds and Securities within
1 month from the end of the quarter. Please note that transactions are posted in
Statement of Account of Securities on settlement basis i.e. currently T+2 for Equity.
Hence transactions done on the last 2 days of the quarter will be reflected in next
Quarterly Statement of Account for Securities since pay in payout of such securities
will be effected in next quarter.
Mobile Notification
What all notifications will I receive ?
You will receive below mentioned notifications :
- Trade Notification under Equity and F & O
- Research Notification
- Networth Notifications
- Important Notifications like Product launch or other event info
Please note you are required to subscribe some of the above notifications while
few of them will be received by default. For Subscription and un subscription of
notification please refer Subscribe and Un subscribe Notification FAQ.
What is Mapped and Unmapped Device ?
Mapped device is the one on which any customer is mapped to receive notification
and an un mapped device is the one on which no customer is mapped to receive notification.
What is Mapped and Unmapped account ?
Mapped account is one which is mapped to a mobile device for receiving notifications
and un mapped account is the one which is not mapped to any mobile device for receiving
How do I map and un-map my account from mobile device ?
You can visit Subscribe Notification page under Trade & Invest menu to map and un-
map your account from the mobile device. Your account will be mapped to the mobile
device as below :
- If there is an Unmapped device and Unmapped Account then your account will be automatically
mapped to the device on first time Login.
- If there is a Mapped device and Unmapped account then you can visit Subscribe Notification
page and select "Map me to this Device" to map your account to the present device.
Please note you will be automatically un mapped from any other device on which you
are currently mapped.
- If there is Unmapped device and Mapped account then prompt "Do you wish to map your
account to this device for receiving notification? Please note if you proceed you
shall be mapped to this device and demapped from any other device on which you are
currently mapped" will be displayed on Login with "Yes " and "No" buttons.
In case you select "Yes" then your account will be automatically mapped to the present
device and un mapped from any other device on which you were previously mapped.
In case you select "No" then no further action will be taken and your account will
be not be mapped to the present device
- If there is a Mapped device and Mapped account then you can visit Subscribe Notification
page and select "Map me to this Device" to map your account to the present device.
Please note you will be automatically un mapped from any other device on which you
are currently mapped.
Please note if you wish to un map your account from the mobile device then you can
do so by selecting "Un map me from this device" button available on Subscribe Notification
How do I Subscribe and Un subscribe Notifications ?
You can visit Subscribe Notification page under Trade & Invest menu to Subscribe
and Un subscribe notifications. If you wish to subscribe or un subscribe notifications
for a particular category then you can do so by changing the subscription setting
from OFF to ON and vice versa as displayed in the below screenshot.

Where can I view the notifications received for my Account ?
You can visit My Notification under Trade & Invest menu to get a consolidated view
of all the notifications received for your account.

Will I be able to receive all the notifications once I am mapped to a device ?
No. You will receive only default Notifications once you are mapped to a mobile
device. Please note if you wish to receive other notifications then you are required
to subscribe them.
Will my Subscribe notification setting change if I un map my account from one device
and map it to some other device ?
Yes, your notification setting will become OFF for all the notifications subscribed
if you un map your account from one device and map it to some other device.
Will my Subscribe notification setting change if I map my account to any mobile device
other than the device on which I am currently mapped ?
No, your notification setting will not change if you map your account to any mobile
device other than the device on which you are currently mapped. Please note you
will be automatically un mapped from any other device on which you are currently
eATM Orders
What is an 'eATM Order'?
'eATM' which stands for 'Equity-ATM' is a facility offered by ICICIdirect wherein
the customer would receive funds payout during the day on the transaction date itself
for his/her cash sell transaction as payout of funds will be given at frequent intervals
for sell transactions done before the payout. The customer would not have to wait
until the payout day to receive the funds thus increasing the liquidity for the
customer. Please note, intervals at which payout of funds will be given is at the
discretion of I-Sec.
How do I place an eATM Order?
You can place eATM order from "eATM" page under equity "Place Order" . Also, eATM
orders can be placed from "Cash Sell" page, where you need to select "eATM" as a
product. The rest of the details that need to be filled would be the same as in
a normal sale transaction. In order to receive the payout of funds during the day
on transaction date itself the order has to be an eATM order and the order once
placed as Cash sell cannot be changed to eATM order.
What would be the brokerage applicable?
The Brokerage rate applicable for eATM trades would be same as normal cash sell
product which will be as per customer's mapped Brokerage scheme. I-Sec reserves
the right to change the eATM brokerage for all clients or at client specific level
depending on the brokerage plans available from time to time and as chosen by customer.
Please note that GST, STT, Transaction charges and Stamp Duty will be payable at
applicable rates in addition to the brokerage.
How many scrips are available for eATM trades?
ICICI direct.com is offering facility of 'eATM' on both NSE and BSE. To view the
list of scrips available for eATM please visit: ICICIdirect.com> Login> Equity>
Stock list and select the respective exchangeand in order to view list of ETF's
enabled for eATM please visit ICICIdirect.com> Login> Equity> ETF list.ICICIdirect
can add or delete scrip to these lists for which 'eATM' would be permitted.
Will I always receive funds payout during the day for my eATM sale transaction?
I-Sec is providing eATM facility on as and when basis and has the full discretion
to modify, delay or stop payout of funds.
What is 'eATM Withheld amount' in eATM transaction and will this amount be released?
A certain amount of Trade Value is retained against your eATM sell transactions
and kept as eATM withheld amount. This amount is retained towards recovery of brokerage
and other statutory levies. The amount retained will be released in Limits after
adjustment of recoveries, once the brokerage process is carried out for that trade
date and this amount can be utilized by you. The payout of this amount will be credited
in your account, once the same is processed as per existing normal equity payout
process which normally happens on T+1 basis.
For e.g. If you place eATM Sell order of Trade Value Rs. 1000 at 10:00AM and eATM
withheld amount percentage is 20%. In this case, eATM withheld amount is Rs 200
(20% * 1000 = 200). Now, if your order is executed at 10:00 AM then you would receive
payout of Rs. 800 (1000-200 = 800) within certain duration say 10:05 AM. If the
amount of Brokerage and Taxes for this transaction is Rs 5, then remaining Rs 195
(200-5 =195) would be released in Limits after adjustment of recoveries, once the
brokerage process is carried out for that trade date and payout for the same will
be given as per existing normal equity payout process.
Where can I see the 'eATM Withheld amount' blocked?
You can see 'eATM Withheld amount' blocked for your sale transaction in Trade Book
under details. Also, 'eATM Withheld Amount' can be seen on Order Verification page
at the time of eATM order placement.
In case my order is part executed, will I receive payout of funds for eATM sell during
the day?
In case your eATM sell order is partly executed you will not receive payout of funds
for your eATM sell order. You would receive payout of funds after the order is either
fully executed or the unexecuted quantity is cancelled or expired.
What happens if there are other non eATM trades in the same settlement?
If there are other non eATM trades in the same settlement, the payment or receipt
of funds for non eATM trades will be credited/ debited separately on the normal
payout or payin day respectively.
For Eg:
Case 1:
eATM Sell: Rs. 3,000
Cash Sell: Rs. 2,000
Suppose eATM withheld amount is 600 then Rs. 2400 (3000-600 =2400) will be credited
in the customer's account during the day on transaction date itself as payout will
be given at frequent intervals and the balance Rs. 2,000 will be credited on normal
payout day.
Case 2:
eATM sell: Rs. 3,000
Cash Buy Rs. 4,000
Suppose eATM withheld amount is 600 then Rs. 2400 (3000-600 =2400)will be credited
in the customer's account during the day on transaction date itself as payout will
be given at frequent intervals and Rs. 4,000 will be debited from the customer's
account on the T day.
Is there any maximum limit for the amount of eATM trades I can enter into on a daily
basis ?
The maximum limit of eATM trades that you can enter into on a daily basis would
be restricted to Rs. 50,000 per customer. ICICIdirect can however change this limit
at its discretion. This limit is inclusive of eATM trades placed on both NSE and
BSE. Please note, if this limit is breached, then you will not be able to transact
in eATM product on that day.
Is there any reason that I will not be able to place eATM order?
Yes, you may not be able to place eATM order in case if
- The Total Current Limit in equity
segment is negative. Please note, you can place eATM orders after allocating sufficient
funds to Equities such that your Equity Total Current Limit becomes positive.
- The daily eATM limit is breached.
Please note, you will be able to place eATM orders on the next trading day with
fresh limits.
- In case you have done a MTF
buy in the same stock on the same day across exchange and across demat
- In case you have done a Margin
buy then switched to MTF using the change mode
- In case you have multiple demat
accounts and have done a cash buy in one demat and are trying to place eATM Sell
in same scrip from a different demat
- In case your demat account is
in "Freeze" or "Suspended" status
- Any other reasons at discretion
of I-Sec
If I buyback the same scrip after selling it in eATM in the same settlement, would
that be treated as a square-off trade?
If after selling the scrip in eATM you buyback the same scrip on same day, that
transaction would not be treated as a square-off trade and the applicable brokerage
would be charged on both the trades.
Will eATM product be available all the time?
eATM product may not be available all the time and the availability of eATM product
will be at the discretion of ICICIdirect.
Trading in SME
How can I place orders in Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) Stocks?
It is similar to order placement in Equity segment. You can place order using 'Place
order' link under Equity. You can select Cash Buy or Cash Sell based on the requirement
to place an order.
Can I place order for any quantity?
No, your order quantity needs to be in the lot size or multiple there of.
Where can I check the Lot size of a given SME Stock?
click here to check Lot size of a given stock.
Can there be any Odd lot quantity created in SME stocks?
Yes, there may be rare instances like change in lot size or Corporate Action etc.
where Odd Lot quantity may get created in your holdings of SME stocks. Ideally exchanges
ensure that the revision etc. happens in the multiple of lot size to avoid such
How can I sell my SME stocks if I hold Odd lot quantity?
In such cases, you may contact the Call Center team and place your request only
for Selling the odd lot quantity in your SME stocks which will then be sold by I-Sec
on your behalf using the exchange provided odd lot window mechanism. Kindly note
I-Sec cannot ensure execution as this is subject to liquidity available at exchange
Can I place orders in NSE and BSE?
Yes, you can place orders in NSE and BSE (depending on the stock).
What all products will be available for trading in SME?
Cash Buy and Cash Sell will be available for SME, however Margin Buy, Margin Sell,
SPOT and Margin Plus will not be available for trading in SME. Please note BTST
will be allowed by I-Sec at its discretion.
Can I place VTC and IOC orders in SME?
Yes, you can place VTC and IOC orders in SME.
Can I place Advance Orders in SME Stocks?
Yes, You can place advance orders in SME. Advance orders will be enabled for a given
stock on the basis of risk criteria decided by I-sec at its own discretion.
Can I place cloud orders in SME?
Yes, you can place cloud orders in SME.
What are the timings of SME?
Market timings for continuous market are from 9:15 AM to 3.30 PM.
How do I allocate funds for SME segment?
You can allocate funds in Secondary Market Equity, ETF under 'Allocate funds' for
Do I get online confirmation of orders and trades?
Yes, you get online confirmation of orders and trades - the status of any order
is updated on real-time basis in the Order Book. As soon as you place your order
they are validated by the system and sent to the exchange for execution. The entire
process is fully automatic and there are no manual interventions. You will also
receive an e-mail confirming the orders placed by you at the end of the trading
day. Digitally signed contract notes will also be sent via e-mail for the orders
executed during the trading day. The digitally signed contract notes are also available
on the Customer Service page on the site.
Can I enter orders after the trading hours? What happens to such orders?
Yes, you can enter limit orders after trading hours. Orders placed after trading
hours are queued in the system and are send to the exchange whenever the exchange
next opens for trading. In the Order Book, the status of such orders is shown as
How will I be informed of my trade execution?
The trade executions are confirmed online and the trading history is updated immediately.
In the Order Book, the status of each order is updated on a real-time basis. On
execution, the status changes to 'Executed' or 'Part Executed'. You can view details
of the trade executed by clicking on the link. In the Trade Book you will be able
to see all the trades that have taken place. On clicking the link of Order Ref.
No. you will be able to see details of the trade execution. In addition, you will
receive e-mail confirmations for all trades at the end of the day. The contract
note will be send to you by mail at the end of the day.
Will I receive the contract Note for trade(s) done on a particular day?
Yes, you will receive the contract note. Please note that the contract note for
Equity and SME will be combined i.e. you will get the details of SME trades in Equity
contract note for particular day.
How will settlement of Trades happen in SME?
There is no change in Trade settlement for SME stocks and existing settlement process
to continue. Please refer Settlement of Trades
Peak Margin impact on Fresh Cash Sell limits
Why is a part of my sell trade value for Cash product transactions being withheld
for the day?
As per regulatory requirement, the sell value of securities (where there would be
early pay in) as reduced by the value of 20% upfront margin required shall be made
available for taking other positions. Accordingly, to comply with this requirement
20% sell value of your Cash Sell transaction will be withheld and remaining will
be given as limits during the day for taking further exposure. This 20% withheld
value will be released in limits for the next trade date post market hours. In case
any Cash sell trade is executed subsequent to a buy trade in the same stock for
the same or higher quantity in the same exchange then, such Cash Sell transaction
becomes intraday and there is no margin required for such transaction hence full
sell value will be released in limits (excluding BTST and CTD sell transactions
which will always have 20% Sell value withheld). In the above scenario, if Sell
trade was done first then the buy trade then, 20% Sell value will be withheld as
the Sell trade will be treated as delivery transaction and will call for 20% margin.
You may please visit the online Trade Book under Equity section or "Converted to
Delivery" link under Margin page to view the withheld amount for the respective
e-DIS (Electronic Delivery Instruction Slip)
How do I place Cash Sell/Spot Sell orders if my account is an e-DIS account?
In order to place sell orders all e-DIS customers need to take mandate for their
Demat allocation and only then you will be able to place Sell orders in Equity segment.
How do I know if I am an e-DIS customer?
If you have not given Power of Attorney (POA) / Demat Debit and Pledge Instruction
(DDPI) to ICICI Securities Limited during account opening and thereafter, then you
are an e-DIS customer.
How do I take mandate for my shares in Demat Allocation?
In order to take mandate, you need to follow the below steps:
- Visit the 'Demat Allocation'
- Either click on 'Add Mandate'
link besides each stock or click on 'Mandate All' link for all stocks
- On clicking either of the above
links you will be redirected to NSDL e-DIS mandate page to complete a 2 factor authentication
by entering:
- MPIN and click on 'Submit'
- OTP (OTP will be received on the mobile number/email id registered with NSDL. You
have to enter OTP and then click on 'Hold and Place order' option on NSDL site).
What is the validity of the e-DIS mandate given?
The validity of the e-DIS mandate is T day i.e. your mandate will expire by EOD
of the day on which you have given mandate and you will have to give the mandate
again on next day to carry out Sell transactions under the equity segment.
Can I place VTC orders being an e-DIS customer?
e-DIS customers can place VTC buy orders but please note that VTC sell orders will
not be allowed for e-DIS customers.
Can I do BTST transactions?
Yes, you can do BTST transactions in case you have given sufficient mandate for
the BTST quantity in that particular stock. In case there is insufficient mandate
or no mandate given earlier for the Stock in which you are placing BTST order then
you will get a e-DIS mandate pop up which you need to submit for full stock quantity
available in your demat account under BTST.
Can I do Convert to Delivery (CTD) Sell against my Margin positions?
Yes, you can do CTD sell transactions against your Margin positions in case you
have given sufficient mandate in that particular stock. In case there is insufficient
mandate or no mandate given earlier for the Stock in which you are placing CTD sell
transaction against margin sell order then you will get a e-DIS mandate pop up which
you need to submit for full stock quantity available in your demat account.
Can I do transactions in intraday products without requiring e-DIS mandate?
Yes, you can do transactions in intraday products without requiring e-DIS mandate
How do I register my MPIN if I am a new e-DIS customer?
If you are a new e-DIS customer, then on being redirected to NSDL e-DIS mandate
page you will first be asked to set up your MPIN and will then be redirected for
the NSDL authentication. Please remember your MPIN for giving further mandate of
your shares.
How do I reset my MPIN if I have forgotten it?
If you have forgotten your MPIN, then you can reset it after being redirected on
NSDL e-DIS mandate page by clicking on 'Forgot MPIN' option which is available below
the box where you enter your MPIN. You just have to enter your new MPIN twice and
enter the OTP received on your mobile number registered with NSDL and then your
MPIN will be reset.
Why am I not able to place certain orders and conduct certain actions in this product?
As per Regulatory requirements regarding securities settlement, netting off of customer's
trades has become mandatory. In order to comply with these regulatory norms, we
have restricted certain orders and actions for the customers. In order to view the
full list of restrictions please click here.
How do I place MTF Sell orders if my account is an e-DIS account?
In order to place sell orders all e-DIS customers need to take mandate for their
open positions and only then you will be able to place Sell orders in Equity Segment.
Trading Validations in Equity
Why am I not able to place certain orders and conduct certain actions under Equity
Brokers deliver the securities received from the client to Exchange based on the
net settlement obligation of the client in that particular scrip resulting in the
netting off trades on the same day in same stock across all exchanges. Further SEBI
& Exchanges have asked members to collect upfront margin for every transaction in
Cash market segment which is 20% of the traded value. Accordingly, securities sold
are transferred from the client's demat account in case of sell of securities to
meet the margin requirement of SEBI & Exchanges. While placing certain orders (which
results in netting of trades in same scrip), I-Sec is unable to debit the client's
demat account in absence of net settlement obligation for further delivery to the
Exchange resulting in non-collection of upfront margin. In order to avoid such situation
and comply with these regulatory norms of upfront margin, we have restricted below
orders/actions for the customers in the same scrip for opposite flow (buy/sell)
orders and vice-versa. Change Mode option will not be available now onwards. The
restrictions will be applicable irrespective of Order status in Order Book (any
status even cancelled).
RI customers:
Sr. No.
Buy Leg
Sell Leg
Same Demat Account
Different Demat Account
Same Exchange
Different Exchange
Same Exchange
Different Exchange
Cash Sell,
eATM Sell,
Cash BTST,
SPOT Sell,
Margin Sell CTD
Cash Buy,
Margin Buy CTD
MTF Sell,
eATM Sell,
Cash Buy,
Margin Buy CTD
Cash Sell,
Margin Sell CTD
Not Restricted
Not Restricted
Effective from February 25, 2025, the securities payout shall be credited directly to the respective client’s active demat account by the Depositories (NSDL/CDSL), If shares bought could not be credited to your demat account by the depository due to any reason like inactive/non-operational/freeze/suspended demat due to regulatory orders, securities will be transferred to the ICICIdirect Broker Pool account and same will be squared off on T+2 day since we will also be unable to credit the securities to your demat account due to aforesaid reasons. In case of a settlement holiday on T+2, the shares will be squared off on the next trading day.
MTF Sell Validation message "Please place square off orders first for the earlier
trade date positions open quantity in this stock post which you can place square
off order for this position.":
If you have a multiple MTF positions purchased in a single stock on different dates,
then such positions shall be squared off on first buy first sell (FIFO) basis. You
will need to place square off orders first for the earlier trade date positions
open quantity in this stock post which you can place square off order in the later
positions. Same is applicable for MTF sell being done by using 'Square Off and Quick
Buy' functionality.
NRI Customers:
As an NRI customer, you will be allowed to either place only Buy or Sell order(s)
under the Equity segment in a particular scrip on a day across all NRE and NRO accounts.
Interoperability Limit & Peak Margin Changes
Why limits are not getting displayed separately exchange & segment wise on 'Limits'
page ?
With the implementation of interoperability in Equity segment, the limits displayed
on 'Limits' page have been combined across exchanges (NSE and BSE) & segments i.e.,
Rolling and Trade for Trade (TFT). Now under Equity segment, only single cash and
securities limit are displayed for each trade date across all equity products.
Why cash projections are not getting displayed exchange wise on 'Cash Projection'
With the implementation of interoperability in Equity segment, the cash projections
displayed on 'Cash Projection' page have been combined across exchanges (NSE and
BSE). Now under Equity segment, a combined amount across exchanges (NSE and BSE)
is displayed for each trade date across all equity products.
Why I-Sec Margin amounts are not getting displayed exchange wise in 'I-Sec Margin
History' on 'I-Sec Margin Details' page?
With the implementation of interoperability in Equity segment, the I-Sec Margin
amounts have been combined across exchanges (NSE and BSE). Now for I-Sec Margin,
a combined amount across exchanges (NSE and BSE), is displayed for each trade date
if I-Sec Margin is applicable and the same is displayed against NSE exchange as
I-Sec has chosen NCL as Clearing Corporation towards settlement of trades executed
at NSE and BSE
Why interest on SAM is not getting displayed separately for each exchange under the
'Interest on Outstanding Settlement Obligation' on 'MTF Open Positions' page?
With the implementation of interoperability in Equity segment, the 'Interest on
SAM' have been combined across exchanges (NSE and BSE). Now, Interest on SAM is
displayed as a combined amount at each trade date level calculated across exchanges
(NSE and BSE) and the same is displayed against NSE exchange as I-Sec has chosen
NCL as Clearing Corporation towards settlement of trades executed at NSE and BSE.
Why Contract Note for BSE Exchange is not getting displayed? Why are BSE trades getting
displayed in NSE Contract Note?
With the implementation of interoperability in Equity segment, combined contract
note will be generated i.e. NSE Rolling (including BSE Rolling) and NSE TT (including
Why is the Statement of Funds/Ledger displaying NSE and BSE entries combined ?
Weekly/quarterly single fund statement / ledger as NSE Capital markets will include
BSE as well and no separate part for BSE Capital markets.
Why am I not able to de-allocate from Equity cash allocation and I am getting an
error pop up as 'Debit Peak Margin Now'?
As per the regulatory requirement, Peak Margin amount during the market hours is
required to be collected from all the clients. Resident Individual with Bill to
Bill Settlement model customers having at least one executed trade under Equity
segment on a particular trade date, peak margin amount will be blocked from customer's
bank account in equity cash allocation. In cases where peak margin amount is blocked
from your bank account in equity cash allocation, the same cannot be de-allocated
until the peak margin amount is debited. Once the peak margin amount is debited
only then surplus funds, if any, can be de-allocated by you. In order to avoid the
error of de-allocation, you can also debit peak margin amount and release the surplus
funds, if any, by using Debit Peak Margin Now'button on 'Peak Margin Details'page
under Equity section or can get redirected to that page by clicking 'Debit Peak
Margin Now'button in the pop up if displayed while deallocating funds. In case you
have not debited the peak margin amount then the same will be debited at the End
of Day (EOD) process by I-Sec on best effort basis and surplus amount, if any, blocked
under equity allocation will be released. Also, in case you have squared off your
position(s) intraday where peak margin is not required the peak margin amount debited
will be released in the EOD process by I-Sec.
Why is my Peak Margin amount higher than value of Executed Order(s)/Open Position(s)?
Customer's maximum limit utilized for the Trade Date is considered as Peak Margin
amount. Peak Margin Amount once calculated doesn't get reduced for the Trade Date
(including cases of Limits released by order status change). e.g. Once customer
places the order the limit gets utilized and considered in calculation of Peak Margin.
Then even if this order gets cancelled/rejected/position is squared off and limits
are released but Peak Margin Amount won't get reduced for that Trade Date.
Why are there 2 additional entries in my statement/Ledger/Bank Account?
As per Peak Margin requirements, Peak Margin will be debited either by customers
during the market hours or by I-Sec at End of Day Processes. Once the peak margin
is debited it will be instantly credited back to customer's account. However, original
single Pay-in / Pay-Out entries will continue to appear. Hence, for Peak Margin
Debit and Peak Margin Credit, 2 additional entries will appear, if applicable even
if you have done only Cash Buy or any other transactions across products in Equity.
FAQ on FNO Peak Margin Debits
Why am I not able to de-allocate from F&O cash allocation and I am getting an error
pop up as 'Debit Peak Margin Now'?
As per the regulatory requirement, Peak Margin amount during the market hours is
required to be collected from all the clients. All Bill to Bill Settlement model
customers having any margin event under F&O segment on a particular trade date will
have the peak margin amount blocked in their F&O cash allocation. In cases where
peak margin amount is blocked from your F&O cash allocation, the same cannot be
de-allocated until the peak margin amount is debited for the day. Once the peak
margin amount is debited only then surplus free limits/funds available as allocation,
if any, can be de-allocated by you. In order to avoid the error of de-allocation,
you can also debit peak margin amount by visiting 'Debit Peak Margin Now' option
on 'I-Sec & Peak Margin Details' page under 'F&O' section or you can get redirected
to this page by clicking 'Debit Peak Margin Now ' option in the pop up message if
displayed while deallocating funds. In case you have not debited the peak margin
amount then the same will be debited at the End of Day (EOD) process by I-Sec on
best effort basis and available free limits in allocation, if any, can be deallocated.
Also, in case you have squared off your position(s) intraday where peak margin is
not required to be carried forward the peak margin amount debited will be credited
in the EOD process by I-Sec after the adjustment required for EOD margins i.e. 'I-Sec
Margin' required to be debited or credited for that trade date.
Why is my Peak Margin amount higher than value of Executed Order(s)/Open Position(s)?
Customer's maximum limit utilized for the Trade Date is considered as Peak Margin
amount. Peak Margin Amount once calculated doesn't get reduced for the Trade Date
(including cases of Limits released by order status change). e.g. Once customer
places the order the limit gets utilized and considered in calculation of Peak Margin.
Then even if this order gets cancelled/rejected/position is squared off and limits
are released but Peak Margin Amount won't get reduced for that Trade Date.
Why are there additional entries in my statement/Ledger/Bank Account?
In Case Peak Margin is debited by customers during market hours.
In case of Customer debiting the peak margin by using "Debit Peak Margin Now" option
in "I-Sec & Peak Margin Details" tab in F&O section , the peak margin amount will
be instantly debited and credited.
In case Peak Margin is debited by I-Sec at End of Day Processes.
Irrespective whether you have debited Peak Margin during market hours the same will
be debited by the I-Sec at EOD. Peak Margin amount will be debited in I-Sec Peak
Margin Debit process and the subsequent process will credit/debit back the extra
margin amount, if any, in comparison to actual peak margin to be debited for you.
Depending upon the nature of transactions carried out there will be corresponding
entries of peak margin debit and credit. However, original single Pay-in / Pay-Out
entries will continue to appear as per existing practices for obligation settlement.
Why is my Peak Margin amount showing positive value instead of zero even though there
are zero trades placed during the day ?
In case you have carried forward open marginable position from previous trade date
then the peak margin column will display the total margin amount utilized to maintain
those positions even though there are no trades placed on trade date. However, the
actual peak margin for that trade date will be displayed in "Peak Margin to be debited"
column which will be updated only when any fresh trade occurs for the day.