Partner With Us NRI

Brokerage in Currency Options

Currency Options
₹ 20 Per Order

Goods and Services Tax (GST), SEBI turnover charges, Transaction Charges (inclusive of Service tax) and Stamp duty will be charged in addition to brokerage as follows :

  • GST will be charged at 18% on total value of brokerage.
  • SEBI turnover charges at 0.0001% (₹ 10 per crore) on Premium and Notional value for Exercise / Assignment.
  • Transaction Charges will be charged @ 0.035% on Premium. Applicable GST would be charged over & above transaction charges.
  • Stamp Duty at 0.0001% on Premium and Notional value for Exercise / Assignment (On Buy Side).
  • Call and Trade line and system square off charges will be applicable at the rate of Rs. 50 per order
  • In Commodity and Currency segment, interest @0.027 % per day + GST will be applicable on Shares given as collateral and utilised as margin. If you have Shares as Margin (SAM) and cash component allocated in your trading account then system will block SAM limit first and interest will be charged on the utilized SAM limit.